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Posts posted by Umi_Niwa

  1. I always thought 'the GazettE' was a weird name, I mean, newspaper? Really?

    Just the single letter 'D' and Alice Nine are kind of strange to me, too. Then I read what they say the 'D' stands for, and I think they're crazy. Love them to bits, but crazy.



    What does D stand for? 

  2. Stumbled on Morgan Freeman 2006 movie called 10 Items or Less two days ago. Not gonna bother writing a review like some of you but I'll just say it was really cute and I enjoyed it because it's actually believable and not some action-packed blockbuster you gonna forget in 5 minutes. The actors were really good too. 


    I generally prefer small movies unless it really caught my interest.

  3. Also got some funny song titles


    lynch - I'm Sick, b'cuz luv u.

    girugamesh - Real my place

    I think "I'm Sick b'cuz I luv u" kinda makes sense, although it still sounds funny :) Real My Place though always makes me want to change the order of the words being the grammar nerd that I am, lol.


    Some more strange titles:

    D – Torikago Goten ~L'Oiseau Bleu~ 

    Plastic Tree- Mizuiro Girlfriend

    GPKISM - Strages

    Golden Bomber – The V Kei Ppoi Kyoku

    Golden Bomber – Sick Lady…tabun   (the name Golden Bomber always gives me an association with male strippers which isn't far from the truth, lol) 

  4. Some newer stuff I already posted on my tumblr (not paintings but pen drawings this time):


    Bandage...dude? (didn't rly give it a title xD)

    Zombie bros

    Sirens (this one's only a quick doodle/sketch)

    So you did make a background. Looks good ^_^  I love the zombie one too, lol. I like the themes in your drawings. We should do a collab sometime :D

    Btw you should check Zacula's art  (I met him on another art site).He's also got an imagination for monster-ish stuff, which I think it pretty cool.

  5. I don't consider music to be art in the same sense I consider plastic arts, though it certainly is  a creative process. But it's a very different one than in plastic art (i.e. drawing, sculpture, design, etc). I'm not saying it can't be an art though

    (every case is individual). 

  6. Double post!


    How about I fish for compliments by spamming this thread full of my everyday-makeup photos until everyone says I'm fucking adorable? Sounds like a deal? Good! Because shit's going down, baby!










    I think I look a lot softer in these pics. And not only because I'm smiling and/or showing tongue. Also, the color of my eyes is pretty awesome. Even if I say so myself.


    Okay thank you everybody! Yuugi's out~ (until tomorrow)

    Narcissism much? lol. 

  7. Single forever. I've never really liked anyone I went on a "date" with or anyone I was in a relationship really. My relationships last from a day to a week and usually don't get very far. Normally because I realize personality flaws and little games they like to play emotionally. Most gay guys act like frickin' bitches 100% of the time and get whiney if you don't fawn over them in whatever way they need. Then since I don't really understand that in people and don't play into any kind of power/emotional trips people set up they call me distant or frigid even though I'm always giggly and giddy about EVERYTHING IN THE DAMN YUNIBASU~! Ijustcan'tstoplaughingomg~. Anyway~. I'm happy being single. When I'm in a relationship that person usually wants to spend ALL THE TIME doing boyfriend shit and it gives me no time to absorb myself in other people's artistic efforts like music, books, and comics and shit! Texts are ridiculous. I'd be fucking sitting there trying to read and get all these texts and then have to stop and answer them or else get bitched at for "ignoring" him. WHY DO PEOPLE TREAT TEXT MESSAGES AS SUCH IMMEDIATE THINGS. Just cause it's sent and you don't get a reply doesn't mean it was read yet JesusFuckingChrist. Cell phones ruin relationships. Let's make that a mantra for this century. Also Facebook. Fuck dat shit. "OMG u dont got a FB? How will ppl kno im rlly datin u and not makin it up?" ASJNHAFJNHALFKJDNGHLAKNALKNGAKNGKLANGLKANFGJLNAFLJGNALNGA. WHY COULDN'T I JUST BE BORN IN THE SEVENTIES. 

    Haha I feel exactly the same way :P

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