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  1. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from doombox in random thoughts thread   
    My dog really likes popcorn

  2. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Seimeisen in random thoughts thread   
    Yeah he's a little bastard.
  3. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to The Bread Wolf in random thoughts thread   
    The thing is, that my other corg is already like a cat. She doesn't really care about people other than the intermediate family and she definitely knows her worth, not letting other animals step all over her without being bitten. She's a bit grumpy as well, not tolerating much bullshit. Except from me and my mate. We can twist her into pretzels and she'll just smile and lick our faces.
    I've only ever once had a dog run off from me, and it was after a hare. You think a dog with such stubby legs as corgi wouldn't be able to keep up with a full sized, adult hare, but there he was, running after it like a sight hound. Until he lost it in a forest and then came straight back to me. My little lady wouldn't even think about leaving my side for more than two minutes, so I've got absolute trust in her. And my boy will come back... eventually... when he's done with whatever.
    I'm still not certain. I might want a shibe at some point of my life, but to be honest, nothing quite steals my heart like a fluffy corgi.

    (Fluffy on the left, normal on the right)
    So I've been planning on getting a third corgi, a fluffy, and naming her Noodle.
  4. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    Yeah he's a little bastard.
  5. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in random thoughts thread   
    does the japanese woman come with the snorlax?
  6. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to beni in Handheld vs Console   
    ^ Shush. I meant Game Boy. X'D
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to enyx in downy   
    I made an introductory mix for them in this thread, if you're interested. It has songs from across their entire discography so it should give you a good idea of their overall sound.
  8. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from tokiko in Hello, it's me.   
    Here I thought I would be the only member to like Kanon Wakeshima.
    Welcome to the greatest website ever.
    Come join us in any thread!
  9. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    When Ellen typed out her tweet, I bet the thought of this being a tad on the racist side, came across her mind. I'm sure she must've thought "Oh, they'll know what i mean.....", and posted it anyways.
    Guess they didn't.
    I wanna defend Ellen, I really do. Yet, with the number of current events  involving (in the eyes of some) some form of racism, she should have known better.
    With that being said, it's a damn shame that she and everyone else, will now be afraid to share anything. We all know she was just trying to be funny.
    I'd agree that everyone now becomes "triggered" by anything that 20 years ago, was used as a comical stunt or baseline for entertainment. Too many keyboard warriors now.
    Way to make things not funny anymore.
  10. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Hakari in Aimer new album "daydream" release   
    Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while!
    I wonder if - OH MOTHERF- FUCK YOU SONYYYYYY!!!!!!!
    Gonna have to source another way to view this, but I'm excited nonetheless!
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Aferni in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    Have you heard of mejibray?
  12. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Way to join my fireteam invite bro haha
    Join us next time for some pew pew and also hear me rage lol
  13. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from nxbitakinema in Show Your Desktop   
    Bored asf at work.
    Here's my desk.

    and my wallpaper currently on it.

  14. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to beni in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    Bumping this again in the hope more'll come in because I don't want this thread to die! More fab kyary which is more relevant to the thread and the time of year compared to my last post haha. Puns are just too good.

  15. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Hakari in random thoughts thread   
    When Ellen typed out her tweet, I bet the thought of this being a tad on the racist side, came across her mind. I'm sure she must've thought "Oh, they'll know what i mean.....", and posted it anyways.
    Guess they didn't.
    I wanna defend Ellen, I really do. Yet, with the number of current events  involving (in the eyes of some) some form of racism, she should have known better.
    With that being said, it's a damn shame that she and everyone else, will now be afraid to share anything. We all know she was just trying to be funny.
    I'd agree that everyone now becomes "triggered" by anything that 20 years ago, was used as a comical stunt or baseline for entertainment. Too many keyboard warriors now.
    Way to make things not funny anymore.
  16. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I must not watch!
    Ok I bookmarked it, but I'm not gonna watch it!
  17. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Hakari in random thoughts thread   
    Poor Ellen.
    The last person you'd expect to get blown up on social media, makes front news for a tweet.
    Really shows how irrational some people will go to take things out of context.
    Thinking that society today would find find your humor innocent Ellen was mistake #1.
  18. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from MaikoMizu in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    I preordered the steelbook with the soundtrack.
    loooong time fan. I thought 13 was impressive. 14, well..... if the gameplay is consistent, then it will make up for the weird 3D look of the characters. Kyo looks like a white dude lol.
  19. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from peffy in random thoughts thread   
    Yes, well the Xperia X Performance looks too good to be true. Quad-Core ACTUALLY being used to it's full potential, with Video/Camera capabilities being on point. 3GB of RAM with this CPU is solid memory for the battery life is touting. Current LTE standards are impressive as well.
    (DO NOT believe the reviewers at Engadget or anywhere right now)
    It's basically a solid Japanese" iPhone" running android (WHICH I HATE WITH A PASSION). My last phone was an Ericcson W350i. Thing was more of an MP3 player than a phone lol but it was solid.
    Sony tends to cater to music aficionados. Which is why their current phones support such large Micro SD card sizes.
    Only thing is the price, but that's only because I don't want a contract.
  20. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from vanivani in random thoughts thread   
    Contemplating ditching iTunes, possibly even using an iPhone, and jumping on the SONY train once again.
  21. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to peffy in Official Music Hate Thread   
    man, schools got weird
    when i went to school, music was only played in music class..
  22. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from nullmoon in Age difference   
    I'd agree with you if we were dealing with adults BOTH above the age of 21, where by at that point, a majority of the experiences that the average person would have, have already happened (ex: Graduating HS, going to college, being able to drink/smoke legally.) 
    Dating someone up to 50 (pull an Anna Nicole) years older after you're 21 is accepted (although criticism is still headed your way if it's a 10+ age difference) in today's society. You are both like-minded individuals, pursuing the same thing. Someone else that can make you happy and share your life goals with for example.
    Sounds like @ArtFart's case with her current BF. Glad to know you're doing well.
    What I don't agree with, is dating someone who has not yet experienced any of that (i.e. teenage years.) Most likely, they don't even know what they want in a relationship.
    Actually makes me sick to my stomach to think that there are people who only date underage (yes, this is a thing).
    For example, I know someone who I used to call a friend who is 26, dating a 16 year old. Does that seem right to you? if it does, then you have more gall than most people.
    I know my ex-friend's situation, where he's at the age where he needs to start thinking about something permanent to start the next stage of his life, according to his family.
    But what about the person they're dating? For god's sake, they aren't even out of high school, let alone be able to be out at night legally lol.
    Does my ex-friend really believe that their love interest has their life even planned out yet?
    Will they even want to stay with my ex-friend after high school (assuming it lasts that long)? Or is it just a phase for them?
    I'm pretty sure she's going to leave him.
    In his mind, he is playing for keeps. I'm sure of it. So I'm sure it's gonna end badly.
    I wanna believe that people in these types of relationships are in it for keeps, I really do. Any other reason (just sex, or as a trophy), and you're worse than most of the scum in prison imo. You're wasting their time, their youth, and yours as well. They don't know any better. They're dumb, horny kids. (or if they're psychotic, it will be their excuse) You on the other hand, should. 
    My question for those who are in this type of relationship:
    Why struggle keeping something, that in the back of your mind, you know is not gonna work? Or do you really believe it CAN work?
    I mean:
    That teenager can't go out past curfew.
    That teenager can't drink/smoke, let alone be allowed in a bar after 10pm (here in states).
    That teenager can't even be seen with you by their friends (they may think you are a sex offender lol), let alone anyone they know (unless YOU look young).
    Will their parents even be OK with someone as old as you dating their kid?
    You realize they have the say in the relationship right? right?
    More shit that I don't even want to think about, so I'll get to the point.
    Why a teenager? Really, why?
    I can't wait to see the justification for this. I'm sure they're aware they can spend time in jail if they're caught, and be labeled as a child molester. 
    Seriously, do tell.
  23. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from suji in Trombe has disbanded   
    I think that was the problem, ironically.
    No one here is going to deny that Trombe was a very well known, and informative member on this website for VK news.
    Yet, everyone needs to realize that he was just that. A member. No different from any one of us. To my knowledge, he was not being paid to do this.
    It seems that no one besides the Admins/Moderators, are aware of the situation. No one should be jumping to conclusions. As being a moderator on various websites over the years myself, I understand what a group decision among other mods is like. No right to disrespect, if you don't understand.
    If you feel that the news section was the ONLY thing making up MH, then perhaps reconsider and take a close look at the rest of the content that our admins have worked hard to provide for us to view and participate in. I find it ironic that some members I have never seen, have posted on this thread, but no other part of the forum.
    If you really don't care about anything/anyone else on this site, then why are you even a member? It's an honest question. There are plenty of blogs elsewhere to read for news.
    Those of you mentioning that only Trombe made up the forums news section, are placing him on a high pedestal, when you should not. Please find it in your best interests to help populate the news section from now on if you feel you could, as we already have plenty of other members already doing so, and the more the merrier.
    I love some of the excuses on here to justify their lack of support for the news section.
    You don't know where to start looking? Well no one's holding a gun to your head lol just post anything that you come across that has not been posted yet, if ever. It's that simple
    No time to post you say? Well, if you can read the content on one website, I'm pretty sure you can copy/paste that same news on here as well.
    Don't feel like it? Well, then you have no say on this matter, now do you?
    Due to the negligence of most of us here at MH, to not provide a piece of content when we probably could have, have allowed one member to dominate a section of the forum to the point where we eventually felt there was no longer a need for other contributors, and newer members saw this member as the ONLY means for new VK news. In a way, it's our fault Trombe became so vital to the community.
    Edit: I had heard about Trombe and his PMs of hate on other potential news posters, but I didn't think it was real until now. Nice to see these individuals come forward. Perhaps this will shed some light as to why it seemed that there was no one else BUT Trombe who posted news.
    Why do I sound like a moderator? lol
    Excuse my asshole rant.
    Thank you for the contributions to this forum Trombe. Good luck on your new blog or website, if you should choose to do so.
    No hard feelings.
  24. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    Have you heard of mejibray?
  25. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from NICKT in Cracked officially roasts Visual Kei   
    Have you heard of mejibray?
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