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  1. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to peffy in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I just got my copy of Ryu ga gotoku 6 (aka Yakuza 6)yesterday and played for about 2 hours before I reeeeally had to go to sleep. I also had a migraine while playing.
    After about 45 minutes of non-stop intro cutscenes (seriously...) I finally got to walk around some of Kamurochou.
    Holy hell, the changes & improvements in the graphics and menus are immediately stunning. Especially after being stuck with the same engine and similar-looking menus for the SIX previous games in the series I've played. (3, 4, 5, Ishin, 0, Kiwami).
    - They FINALLY added auto-saving. It's quick and seamless. No more running to phone booths (which, by the way, no longer exist), no more watching that save progress bar fill up TWICE every time you save.
    - There is literally zero load time going into battles. When you run into random thugs, the screen gets tinted blue for a half-second (to tell you you're entering a battle), and the punches start flying immediately. There is also zero load time when walking into restaurants and stores, it is all completely seamless.
    - They have re-arranged some places on the map, which is a shock since 3, 4, and 5 basically had the exact same Kamurochou map.
    - The main menu/pause menu is literally a Sony Xperia phone (looks exactly like my phone). If you get a text message (used for tutorial tips so far), you can read it and continue walking around at the same time. (Kiryu will look at his phone while walking)
    - You can now purchase drinks from pretty much every vending machine (these drinks will give temporary stat boosts). Kiryu will walk around holding the can, and if you hold down Circle he will drink it. You can also partially drink it and continue walking around with it because why not.
    - Apparently everything is voiced now. No more reading text boxes, or weird transitions between text-only and voiced dialogue.
    - Some idiot wanted to fight me. I lured him INTO a nearby convenience store and proceeded to beat his ass INSIDE THE CONVENIENCE STORE. I knocked over some shelves (oops) and bashed his face into the checkout counter. Then I bought cup noodles from the poor employee who'll have to clean up that mess.
    - Kiryu will BREAK SHIT that's sitting on the streets, just by walking/running into them. Including bicycles, motorbikes, signs, trash cans... pretty amazing for a series that never let you touch anything if you weren't in combat. I spent a few minutes totally wrecking a side street just for the hell of it.
    -  I walked into a cafe and discovered that Kiryu will also BREAK SHIT indoors, including tables and chairs. I destroyed this cafe and terrified the customers. Oops. I passed by this cafe a bit later only to find it "closed for repairs". Lol. I came back later to find it open for business as usual. Then I wrecked it again. Lol.
    - It seems like it's more common for thugs to attack you with weapons. It also seems easier to make them drop the weapons. Some fool came at me with a sledgehammer. I got him to drop it, then I picked it up and used it to destroy his buddies.
    - Strangely, the default walking speed is just walking. Hold down X to dash, but stamina is limited. There's no default "jogging" speed.
    - I walked into one cabaret club, and was impressed that they gave me FIVE girls to choose from. However they weren't all that attractive.. in fact I would call a couple of them straight-up ugly. But that was just a still image, maybe they look better in motion?
    - I couldn't find the UFO catcher mini-game in the Sega arcades ?!?!?! Maybe it's somewhere else.
    - I haven't been able to knock over pedestrians yet. It's VERY IMPORTANT TO ME to knock over pedestrians. I hope it's still in the game.
    - Once again, Sega has blocked me from taking screenshots/videos. Sega pls.
    - This is "Kiryu's final chapter", but I really hope they keep making these games with another protagonist. Or more samurai-era games. I need this new engine to be used in more games. NEED.
    tl;dr I want to take vacation from work just to play more of this. English-only Yakuza fans will likely be in for a treat when this comes out in English next year.
  2. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from yuugure in Yo!   
    Jpop fan, nice.
    Welcome to the forum.
  3. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Aferni in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I became a member here about three years ago, I was referred to mh by someone who isn't even a member here. While I haven't really contributed anything substantial to the community as a whole, I love it here, some of the people here are really cool, plus I got interested in bands I never thought I'd listen to and grew attached to this forum as a whole. I come here just about every single day. Shouts out to @CAT5, @Zeus,  @nostalgia , @YuyoDrift and @Elazmus though. They've been cool and helpful throughout my tenure here.
  4. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Lestat in Blacklist YOHIO and/or Western VK   
    Oh, I'm sure they do.
    I would think the actual problem would be more obvious, but eh. 
    They'll figure it out.
  5. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to platy in The Virginity Topic   
    I lost mine when I was super young (16), I did out of my own curiosity,  without any peer pressure, etc. and the only reason I regret it is because my partner was older and in a different mindset than me. The sex was good but after a while i felt weird because it was the only thing that happened in the relationship, while going through other things in my life and having to deal with that I feel like it really impacted me in a bad way. It was a three year relationship but I still don't feel like there was a lot of trust and openness with that person,  I went through a lot of stress because of that.  If I had waited one more year to grow up a little more and find out that we weren't really compatible then my teen life would've been easier. 
    I don't believe in saving yourself for 'the one'.  Having experience is good, but I believe in building a solid and trusting relationship with the person you're gonna do it with. Sex is messy,  it can be awkward and embarrassing(you can be sure of this).  It's all that much easier if you're with someone you care for and can communicate well with ,  heck, it even becomes fun then. 
    Like someone said,  it's good but eventually you'll do it less and less and you'll stay for the companionship. This couldn't be more true! There's nothing better than being a relationship where you are also best friends. 
    I can never imagine going on dates to fuck a random person,  although I see the appeal of it,  I just imagine finding out that person has bad hygiene, weird sex habits or something and since you don't know each other it's just fucking awkward. If it's someone you're close to at least you can laugh it off or negotiate something lol. 
  6. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to violetchain in Blacklist YOHIO and/or Western VK   
    Literally all people not interested in Western VK need to do is not respond and the threads will die on their own.
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from wesjrocker in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  8. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Nier:Automata is just ........ holy hell man, I haven't played a game so ........ so god damn good in a long time.
    I can't even tell you how I feel playing this game, because I have forgotten you could even feel  like this in a game.
    Not even FFXV could pull me in like this.
    I think this may be one of the best games I have ever played.
    EVERYTHING in this game feels so .... human (Ironically we play as androids and the world is full of robots).
    Taro-Kun's storytelling is so captivating.
  9. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Aferni in ProTip Thread   
    A ProTip is a piece of advice, from a pro, to help someone become a pro themselves (I'm no pro btw, I'm just using the word)
    I'd like to dedicate this thread to those of us, who have seen our fair share of dates, or relationships, and may have some wisdom to share for those who are new to dating/relationships, or would like to read our tips in order to help them improve/gain some insight from others experiences.
    I hope that with this thread, we can answer some people's concerns, or prove/debunk myths when it comes to dating/relationships.
    I hope I can learn a thing myself.
    I created the thread, so I guess I'll add the first one.
    Pro Tip:
    Don't EVER, under any circumstance, make assumptions about the person you are dating/seeing.
    It's up to you to ask questions (point of a date) and shed some light on things (you want to get to know them, right?), so you don't go assuming and acting on what may have been, taken out of context.
    Some examples of phrases I've heard/said myself before on dates, confirming that assumptions can be/were made:
    "Oh. You're one of those...." "Well, that explains things"/"Ah, makes sense now"/"Hmm. Well, no wonder."/"OK then." "You're not like the others..." "You're all the same" "You must/must not get that a lot"  
    IF, by chance, you have those thoughts, DON'T SAY IT TO THEM.
    They are your thoughts, not facts.
    What can happen is, you will be DROPPED/LET GO, because your assumptions caused them to make assumptions.
    The irony.
    No one wants to be grouped into something that they may not even be a part of.
    This is why asking questions and getting answers are the best alternative.
  10. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Lestat in random thoughts thread   
    People who unfriend you over your voting choice on a political election. Oh, the ease of Facebook's anonymity and the safety behind a computer screen. 
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Nagisa in Last movie you saw.   
    Finally saw John Wick 2 this weekend. Very good sequel.
    Glad to see the man can still perform his own stunts. Hard to do in your 50's.
    My thought were as follows.
  12. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from emmny in ProTip Thread   
    A ProTip is a piece of advice, from a pro, to help someone become a pro themselves (I'm no pro btw, I'm just using the word)
    I'd like to dedicate this thread to those of us, who have seen our fair share of dates, or relationships, and may have some wisdom to share for those who are new to dating/relationships, or would like to read our tips in order to help them improve/gain some insight from others experiences.
    I hope that with this thread, we can answer some people's concerns, or prove/debunk myths when it comes to dating/relationships.
    I hope I can learn a thing myself.
    I created the thread, so I guess I'll add the first one.
    Pro Tip:
    Don't EVER, under any circumstance, make assumptions about the person you are dating/seeing.
    It's up to you to ask questions (point of a date) and shed some light on things (you want to get to know them, right?), so you don't go assuming and acting on what may have been, taken out of context.
    Some examples of phrases I've heard/said myself before on dates, confirming that assumptions can be/were made:
    "Oh. You're one of those...." "Well, that explains things"/"Ah, makes sense now"/"Hmm. Well, no wonder."/"OK then." "You're not like the others..." "You're all the same" "You must/must not get that a lot"  
    IF, by chance, you have those thoughts, DON'T SAY IT TO THEM.
    They are your thoughts, not facts.
    What can happen is, you will be DROPPED/LET GO, because your assumptions caused them to make assumptions.
    The irony.
    No one wants to be grouped into something that they may not even be a part of.
    This is why asking questions and getting answers are the best alternative.
  13. Thanks
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Axius in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  14. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from zaa_zaa in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  15. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Aferni in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  16. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  17. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from peffy in Last movie you saw.   
    Let's just say that that is what keeps me attached to the films he stars in.
    I feel he portrays John Wick perfectly.
    I killing machine with no consciousness or empathy, until he experiences that ray of happiness, and performs an impossible task in order to preserve it.
    When it is all taken away from him in a cruel twist of fate, he is left back to being an empty husk, being consumed once again by the underground world and demons he thought he could escape.
    I love the Wick Series Peffs lol.
  18. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from peffy in Last movie you saw.   
    Finally saw John Wick 2 this weekend. Very good sequel.
    Glad to see the man can still perform his own stunts. Hard to do in your 50's.
    My thought were as follows.
  19. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Aeolus in the GazettE   
    As soon as I get my paycheck I will be sharing traces 2 hi-res.
    If you want to be tagged when I share like this post so I know to tag you
  20. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in random thoughts thread   
    "Let me touch it" were not the first words I was expecting coming into the office this morning lol.
  21. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from yuki_avk in Hey everyone!   
    Welcome to the site!
    Plenty of people on MH who enjoy those same bands, so don't hesitate to participate on the forum.
    I myself, am a fan of the more older style of VK, such as luna sea. I'm sure we will get along great.
    We do have a section for musicians, so feel free to start your own thread and show off some of your work and talents.
    Hope to see you on the forums soon.
  22. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Finally had some spare time to play my copy of Nier: Automata last night.
    Well, "play" is not the word I'd use, since I spent my first 1/2 hour learning the combos, adjusting settings, and admiring 2B's figure (While earning a trophy for doing "things" lol).
    As for the gameplay, I'm impressed.
    Who knew I missed bullet hell/shoot 'em ups that much.
    Combining FFXV's hack-n-slash style of move-set, with a touch more in controls, this definitely sets the bar in terms of precision.
  23. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Delkmiroph in Earphones/Headphones   
    My friend has both this pair, and the old QuietComfort 20s
    Bose is well known for their BT connections, being able to pair 2 devices at the same time (yet only hear audio through 1 device at a time).
    Apparently the battery life is not as good as the QC20s, and they are a bit uncomfortable in comparison.
    They do sound better than the QC20s he said, but not worth the $300 price tag.
    Gonna hang out with him this weekend, and I'll give you better details.
  24. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from K-x-H in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Haha no no. You read into it too much.
    When someone says "makes you wanna...", what they mean is that they themselves are being spoken about, in a sort of 2nd person point of view, while also saying that others may feel the same way.
    I didn't mean you specifically. What I should have said was "makes me feel like....", making more clear that I was talking about myself.
    English sure is weird.
  25. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from K-x-H in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    I've been watching it periodically.
    Right now it's a point where it can go straight to being a shit anime, due to a plot twist that kinda makes you want to drop the anime entirely.
    Hopefully the manga may shed some light as to wtf is going on.
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