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  1. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to indigo in 浅井健一 (Kenichi Asai) & THE INTERCHANGE KILLS new single, album & DVD release   
    oh god nakao kentaro is a bass god
  2. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    First, we are blessed with Bayonetta.
    Now, you're telling me that we may get Vanquish let loose for PC.
    Platinum games, you are fucking owning 2017. Stahp.
  3. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from lichtlune in Single People Thread   
    So after receiving news that one of my friends contracted herpes from a tinder hook up, I'm going to just forget that free online dating apps exist.
    Shit like that, makes my dick shrivel up haha.
    For the love of god people, please be careful.
  4. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in Single People Thread   
    So after receiving news that one of my friends contracted herpes from a tinder hook up, I'm going to just forget that free online dating apps exist.
    Shit like that, makes my dick shrivel up haha.
    For the love of god people, please be careful.
  5. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Hakari in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This year is almost half-way through, and there still is no release close enough to meet my standards.
    I really can't believe that those crazy fools who hailed Matina's era of VK to be the best, are gonna have the last laugh.
    To have to purposely look for older VK, and even explore other genres of Japanese Music, was not something I believed to be doing this year.
    It's even harder to believe that I'd be doing this all the way up to May.
    I'm terrified of what I have to listen to for the remaining half of the year.....
    I may even have to give Mejibray another listen, I'm so bored.
  6. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to WhirlingBlack in Single People Thread   
    You'd almost have thought it was a performance art installation, walking through the Budapest art museum while the guy next to you is consistently and completely unashamedly tinder-swiping instead of watching the paintings. Really putting in a lot of work there!
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to jaymee in Witch House   
    Loving this thread! So much to check out!
    You don't know how stoked I was that Purity Ring played Tokyo this year. Megan was so nice to come out and hang with fans afterward, too.
  8. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    I 'm ending this beautiful lie, having done more harm to myself than I should have.
    I understand that. If it never lets go, then I have no choice but to give in.
    They say too much of a "good" thing, is bad for you.
    But can it kill a man with no heart?
  9. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to evenor in Witch House   
    I miss oOoOO
  10. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from efuru in Your First Favorite VK Band   
    Hahaha my favorite was Alice Nine (A9) as well.
    Akatsuki was my shit, that I had recorded it on a blank Cassette so I could play it in my shitty car stereo.
    Good times.
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Mihenno in Witch House   
    No prob.
    Let me go ahead and add in some more for you guys.
    Most can be found on that YouTuber's channel, and others have been growing in popularity on SoundCloud.
    (((O))) aka Holy Grin
    Mana Void
    Baka Brigade
    ΔᏕĦΞɴ ₣○ƦΞᏕᛏᏕ
    VΛLS☰ †RISГ☰
    Damn Whøre
    RATS -R∇†Σ
    D E P R E S S E D 0 4 0 is an interesting one to look out for. They have tagged most of their releases as "Suicidal"
    I kind of stopped listening for a bit, due to the increased exposure of Witch House to mainstream media.
    It's imo, causing a rift, with newer artists blending in more uplifting sounds like retrowave, thrashwave, hyperwave, and progressive house, which is not favoring so well with the purists, myself included. So while the WH genre died for a bit, and made a slight revival recently, it's pretty sure to say that it's gonna be slowly murdered for good this time.
  12. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to platy in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I can fangirl with you about the music. It's a masterpiece. Like the previous Nier, the best parts were the story and the music. The multiple endings were super confusing, I got all of them except the one where you have to delete your save and start all over again 
    It makes me really happy that a series that was super unknown has now gone mainstream, thank you Platinum Games  I can't even begin to describe how amateur the combat was before they stepped in.
    I want to play drakengard so bad, I saw my friend playing it a few years ago... talk about badass female protagonists.
    I watched a 30 minute video summarising the lore of that world so far, needles to say, you could spend months trying to fully make sense of this stuff... Yokotaro, how does your brain work?
  13. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Nier:Automata is just ........ holy hell man, I haven't played a game so ........ so god damn good in a long time.
    I can't even tell you how I feel playing this game, because I have forgotten you could even feel  like this in a game.
    Not even FFXV could pull me in like this.
    I think this may be one of the best games I have ever played.
    EVERYTHING in this game feels so .... human (Ironically we play as androids and the world is full of robots).
    Taro-Kun's storytelling is so captivating.
  14. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Himeaimichu in Genres you love, but can't stand most of the bands of   
  15. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from wesjrocker in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  16. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Furik in My Bias can out kawaii your bias (bias appreciation)   
    lol this thread
    I'm a guy, can i even participate in this?
  17. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to warumonokurenai in Hello everyone!   
    Hello there! So, I have been stalking this forum for a few years now but I never actually created an account, I guess it's not too late to do so lol so here I am! please feel free to check my "About me" section to... obviously know about me lol ('cause I already typed a lot there and I don't wanna type the same here or even copypaste it lol sorry). I hope I can meet some nice people here! Yoroshiku onegaishimaaaaaasu /weeaboo
    My favorite bands are Dir en grey, Girugamesh, D'espairRay, Mejibray, Dadaroma, Vidoll, exist+trace, lynch, Byakura, OZ, Malice Mizer, sukekiyo, Sadie, Diaura, Juliadoll... Just to name a few, 'cause the list of bands I like/regularly listen to is literally endless.
    I came to find out about Visual Kei because of 2 things; one, Dance Dance Revolution and two, anime (I swear it makes sense once I explain how that lead me to it). So back in 2001 I used to hang out in the mall at the arcades and spend a lot of time playing DDR; I eventually made friends with a few kids that went every weekend to play as well, some were  just a bit older than me, like 12 or 13, and they watched anime on cable TV all the time, it was like, "the cool version" of cartoons. I did get to watch anime sometimes but only whenever the local channels aired anything and that wasn't too often. But anyways, I loved Sailor Moon and so I kinda knew what anime was (didn't know it was called anime or anything about it but whatever, you get the point) and I wanted to watch more so I started hanging out with some of the kids at their places. So after a while I knew what anime was and I became more interested in Japanese stuff aside from Sailor Moon, like Hello Kitty or Pokemon cards or Street Fighter games.
     So far I haven't explained shit but the point in that was that the DDR made me meet anime fans who sort of exposed me to Japanese pop culture or whatever, so that built a foundation. At that time I had bought a Limp Bizkit CD because the guy I liked listened to Limp Bizkit's Chocolate Starfish all the time and laughed at me in his birthday 'cause I didn't know who Limp Bizkit were. I actually liked their music but didn't know how to find a CD! Anyways, I managed to buy a pirate CD that summer and that took me to trying to find more "heavy music" CDs. I asked the guy that sold the pirated CDs for something "heavy and loud" and that's how I started listening to Marilyn Manson and Metallica (yeah, WTF right? Amazing combination). I loved Manson's look and of course my parents couldn't believe the kind of music I was digging. They didn't oppose too much though, so I kept buying CDs that summer, some I liked, some I didn't (I hate ACDC but I got them, HATE Bon Jovi too but got one of his too... I did enjoy Korn and Aerosmith sometimes, both recommended by the pirated CDs people in Chuy). So there I got the liking for weird clothing, I'd see Manson and think "guys wearing make up? well that is ok and looks cool actually", I liked "dark" styles and loud music. 
    And then, it finally happened. In 2003, I made a friend named Pablo (who I am eternally grateful for showing me the way) who was hardcore into Japanese stuff. Including music. I had never heard of a Japanese rock/metal band. Only anime openings and DDR songs in Japanese were "Japanese music" for me. He was one of the few lucky people to actually have internet access at home that you could use to download shit. He had found Japanese bands in a sharing program named ARES, maybe some of you remember or even used that thing... it was amazing! So anyways, at the time I was hardcore into Lacrimosa and Rammstein, so he shared the video for "Beast of Blood" with me and I was like "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?! ARE THEY REAL???? LIKE, OMG THEIR LOOKS AND THE MUSIC IS THE SHIT". And then a few days later he comes and gives me a burned CD with the tag "jrock and visual kei" and that had some songs by X and Larc en ciel (Endless Rain and Stay Away), another Malice Mizer song (Bel Air), a song from another band I can't remember and 2 songs from THE BAND THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING lol; Macabre (the song, not even the album, JUST THE ONE SONG and the actual PV for Cage in THE MOST extreme shit quality ever seen by my eyes. I would play these songs on repeat ALL FUCKING DAY, no kidding. My dad even confiscated my DISCMAN (oh shit) more than once because I would be plugged into it ALL DAY LONG. Pablo, being the best person ever, actually found and downloaded Gauze and Macabre for me and then I begged my parents so much for internet that they actually got us internet and I searched for more music constantly in Ares and the then using torrent sites. 
    Fast forward to 2005 on, I became addicted to anything Visual Kei I could find. By 2007 I had cut my hair Vk style, would do my make up Vk style, would worship bandomen and receive criticism from my boyfriend's goth friends 'cause "my idols were just copying goth bands and it was lame" and basically facing the issues of a South American Visual Kei fan; you have no access to nothing, nobody likes or even knows about Vk, you parents don't understand why the people on your screen look like ladies but are all men and you keep saying they're not trans they're just "VISUAL KEI" and nobody gets what the fuck that is anyways. on 2008 I had managed to either meet a few other people that liked Vk or meet people that still didn't and after showing them they were like "yeah I dig this", and so the forum jmusicuruguay.tk was created. 2009 I attended my first concert and that was Dir en grey in Santiago, Chile, probably one of the happiest days in my life (like, it's hand on hand with their 2011 concert in Buenos Aires). I have a huge poster on my wall and I don't get tired of staring at it and reading over and over again "All Visible Things Tour". Fast forward to today, I'm close to being 30 fucking years old and I enjoy Vk more than ever I think? 
    I like other styles, I am a big fan of Lacrimosa, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, The Strokes, The Black Keys, Deftones, Silversun Pickups... But there's nothing like watching some hot dudes with their faces covered in makeup that's always on point no matter what and their hair is perfect and their costumes/clothes are always the shit and on top of that they can play instruments and (sometimes) sing and some are actually very fucking good and it's all so ridiculous that Japanese people out of everyone in the world created this shit out of some other shit some mad English people passed on to the Americans for them to make some updates to it and at some point the weirded out version got spread to Japan and it all ended up in this. On the other side, only in Japan you get the kind of things you get so it makes perfect sense, right?  Whatever, that's my story. Sorry for the long post.
  18. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from clow_eriol in The Album that Defines Your Time on MH   
    I'll give this a go.

    I'd say that 12012's XII Mini-Album would best represent Monochrome Heaven to me. 
    "Timeless",  would be the word I'd use to describe the connection to the two. 
    No matter how long time goes by, neither one will leave my memories.
    To think, each member put a piece of themselves into a final composition for each track, just like we all do for this site everyday.
    To some, it was a polished POS. To myself on the other hand, it was one of VK's greatest gems.
    Oh, the memories of telling people to go fuck themselves. Seems like just yesterday.....
  19. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Ito in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    It's about god damn time we see Baiken!
    She looks fantastic!
  20. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Seimeisen in 2017 Japanese Music Ratings   
    I wonder if it will be worth it this year, but I like the idea anyways.
  21. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Ito in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I remember coming across blog postings that would mention a web forum (Tainted World), that shared their love for Japanese Rock, many years ago.
    I said to myself, “That forum must be full of losers”, and thought nothing more of it.
    Sorry Ito haha.
    I find it incredible that I would meet the creator of that very website (as I soon found out) here in Chicagoland years later, at an Anime Convention panel of all places, introducing his newly transitioned website “Monochrome Heaven”, and how great it would be if I joined.
    It’s funny how fate works sometimes.
    Honestly, joining Monochrome Heaven was one of the happiest decisions I believe I’ve ever made in my life.
    I want to thank all of you.
    I have joined many forums, and even helped moderate a couple too, but none of them were like this.
    I didn’t expect to still be here, 4 years later, logging in with as much enjoyment as I did the first day.
    I didn’t expect to meet incredible individuals, who love Visual Kei just as much as I do, and yet, live up to thousands of miles away from each other. Some of you make me happier after talking to, than many of my IRL friends haha.
    MH helped me rediscover many music that I had heard growing up, being able to finally put some artists’ names and faces to songs that I never thought I’d hear again.
    You’ve become part of my daily routine every morning, next to taking that drive to work, and drinking that much needed cup of coffee.
    I owe this forum a great deal for being there, when I needed it the most, you have no idea. This place is my home away from home. 
    Whatever I can do to keep MH here another 10 years, is the least I can do, in order to repay this great community.
    Happy 10th Birthday, Monochrome.
  22. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Original Saku in Dark/mature/adult-themed anime   
    91 Days
    Prohibition era mafioso revenge story, really dark and bloody and goes the extra mile in character development. perhaps the best thing about the show is it's a short series (12 episodes) and it has a definitive ending.
    Supernatural series about demi-humans. Has a lot of morality conflictions and goes into how demi-humans are treated in society. Dark and gory as fuck. Also It's CG animation so if you want something that looks a little different from the norm, that's a plus.
    Supernatural Fantasy with flesh eating demons called youma. Badass female protag with vengeance on the mind and a pension for bloddshed, very heavily inspired by Berserk (imo).
    Death Note
    It's hard to believe there are people who haven't heard of this show, but for the sake of new comers. Pretty much one of the most popular anime over here in the states. About a high schooler who finds a notebook called the death note, he soon finds out that any person who's name he writes down in this book will die mysteriously. With this power the protag decides to do good in the world and meat out "justice" as he see's fit, none the less there are other's with this power and a lot of mysterious surrounding the whole thing. Also there are demons, yes. Hands down one of the best psychological thriller series ever created, a must watch.
    Sci-fi series with a a lot of super natural elements. without spoiling too much, the main characters die but then are brought back to play in a "game" of sorts, along with other "dead" people. together they are forced to fight aliens and other sci-fi entities tot he death, if they are not victorious then they die for real. Deals heavily in psychological themes such as societal acceptance and what it truly means to want to die.
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
    Super natural horror mystery where... quite honestly shit just goes wrong over and over and over again for the main characters. Desperation and psychotic breakdowns, violence to the extreme, and psychological themes a plenty.
    Mousou Dairinin (Paranoia Agent)
    Possibly the weirdest series on this list. Goes into a lot of bizarre themes of paranoia and the the story can be a bit on the complicated side to follow if you're not paying extra close attention. Not gonna say anything about the actual plot because I feel it would lessen  the experience when you watch it.
    Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor
    Post apocalyptic mecha show with some serious shit going down. Hidden gem of the mecha genre in my opinion, very similar to Evangelion except you'll actually care when these characters die, and die they will, tons of them in fact, in horrifying and sick ways. Which is the problem, this show has A+ character development, you get so attached to characters but so many die that it hurts inside You want a dark mecha series with lots of gore and terrific plot? here you go.
    just what came to mind, that's all for now.
  23. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I remember coming across blog postings that would mention a web forum (Tainted World), that shared their love for Japanese Rock, many years ago.
    I said to myself, “That forum must be full of losers”, and thought nothing more of it.
    Sorry Ito haha.
    I find it incredible that I would meet the creator of that very website (as I soon found out) here in Chicagoland years later, at an Anime Convention panel of all places, introducing his newly transitioned website “Monochrome Heaven”, and how great it would be if I joined.
    It’s funny how fate works sometimes.
    Honestly, joining Monochrome Heaven was one of the happiest decisions I believe I’ve ever made in my life.
    I want to thank all of you.
    I have joined many forums, and even helped moderate a couple too, but none of them were like this.
    I didn’t expect to still be here, 4 years later, logging in with as much enjoyment as I did the first day.
    I didn’t expect to meet incredible individuals, who love Visual Kei just as much as I do, and yet, live up to thousands of miles away from each other. Some of you make me happier after talking to, than many of my IRL friends haha.
    MH helped me rediscover many music that I had heard growing up, being able to finally put some artists’ names and faces to songs that I never thought I’d hear again.
    You’ve become part of my daily routine every morning, next to taking that drive to work, and drinking that much needed cup of coffee.
    I owe this forum a great deal for being there, when I needed it the most, you have no idea. This place is my home away from home. 
    Whatever I can do to keep MH here another 10 years, is the least I can do, in order to repay this great community.
    Happy 10th Birthday, Monochrome.
  24. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I remember coming across blog postings that would mention a web forum (Tainted World), that shared their love for Japanese Rock, many years ago.
    I said to myself, “That forum must be full of losers”, and thought nothing more of it.
    Sorry Ito haha.
    I find it incredible that I would meet the creator of that very website (as I soon found out) here in Chicagoland years later, at an Anime Convention panel of all places, introducing his newly transitioned website “Monochrome Heaven”, and how great it would be if I joined.
    It’s funny how fate works sometimes.
    Honestly, joining Monochrome Heaven was one of the happiest decisions I believe I’ve ever made in my life.
    I want to thank all of you.
    I have joined many forums, and even helped moderate a couple too, but none of them were like this.
    I didn’t expect to still be here, 4 years later, logging in with as much enjoyment as I did the first day.
    I didn’t expect to meet incredible individuals, who love Visual Kei just as much as I do, and yet, live up to thousands of miles away from each other. Some of you make me happier after talking to, than many of my IRL friends haha.
    MH helped me rediscover many music that I had heard growing up, being able to finally put some artists’ names and faces to songs that I never thought I’d hear again.
    You’ve become part of my daily routine every morning, next to taking that drive to work, and drinking that much needed cup of coffee.
    I owe this forum a great deal for being there, when I needed it the most, you have no idea. This place is my home away from home. 
    Whatever I can do to keep MH here another 10 years, is the least I can do, in order to repay this great community.
    Happy 10th Birthday, Monochrome.
  25. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from orange~ in Single People Thread   
    It's actually the other way around, bud.
    There's something wrong with them, but instead of taking the time to realize their worth (not just to the world but to themselves), and improve/better themselves as a person, they seek that validation from someone else. It gets to the point where they will eventually lose sight of their own morals, and they will settle with "anyone".
    You aren't wrong on this point as well. The problem tends to be the lack in dealing with situations like these, where one has to remember (and understand) the decision they made to have this type of relationship. Believe me, people can go mad if they are lying to themselves about what this "relationship" really is (to them).
    It has VERY high risks, not just to you, but to your social status, (unless you are a loner from the start) should your fuck buddy go and try and ruin it.
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