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  1. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from doombox in 10 Worst Disbandments of 2016   
    I'm still waiting for the next release from some of these bands haha. 
    Seriously, its hard to imagine the scene without bands like Girugamesh or SCREW.
    ZERO ONE from DIV is an unforgettable release.
    Thank you very much for putting this together @doombox
    Let's hope the list for 2017 is a lot smaller haha.
  2. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from CAT5 in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    @The Bread WolfI want to add on to what @Zeus had mentioned earlier, and perhaps this can be a 4th reason to his post.
    People seek answers.
    Understanding why they feel the way they do about this fallout, from those who've experienced it before them, brings no better closure.
    Some people are fine moving from one genre of music to another, but there are some who let it define them, and moving on equates to leaving a loved one.
    These individuals need to know it's OK to move on, and if they choose to come back, there would be no ill sentiment for doing so.
    I know because I'm one of those people, and I've created a thread like this before because of it.
    So let me partake here.
    I wouldn't say that I've moved on, but that my view on what is considered "talent" or "potential", has shrunk immensely.
    Once the bands that I still follow disband, there would be a gray area that I would be placed in, for me to decide whether it's time to go, or see Visual Kei past the music.
    Time will tell.
  3. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Jennifer Hage in What are you listening to?   
  4. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Visutox in Pets and animals   
    My Hachiko turned 5 this weekend.

  5. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in Pets and animals   
    My Hachiko turned 5 this weekend.

  6. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Jennifer Hage in Hello everyone, i want to introduce myself...   
    Old School VK fans are very rare.
    Nice to have such a unicorn among us haha.
    As everyone has mentioned, welcome to MH!
    What is your favorite BAISER release, if you don't mind me asking?
  7. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Aiolin's newest release only  proves that if they continue to emphasize the violin (which still pains me to hear for many reasons) the way they are, then each future release will continue to fall short of great.
    Aiolin has very great potential, but they just have to adjust the violin, or get rid of it completely (which defeats the purpose ironically).
    Night Howl is a perfect example of just how great these boys can improve with minor adjustments.
  8. Thanks
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in FLCL   
    Haha fucking @Platy, you actually posted this.
    I've actually been keeping an eye on this news for years.
    Rumors have always been going around that another season was in the works, and that the demand for one was at an all time high.
    The problem was getting all the same art designers, and production studio, as well as the ever so busy PILLOWS on board for a reunion of sorts.
    The first thing I said when I saw the trailer was "..... these fuckers actually managed to get the Pillows on board for this? HOLY SHIT!"
    It was actually the make it/break it for almost every hardcore anime fan of the series. No one can bring the magic back like they can.
    As for the potential of the new seasons, that's hard to guess.
    Its going be about 15 years since the debut of the iconic anime that helped start (or restart, if you were a hardcore Sailor Moon fan) the anime wave here in the USA.
    I'm all for it.
    I'm more interested in how they are going to tie in the last adventure and the new one together, or if the entire thing is scrapped, and this is an alternate timeline.
    From what the trailer shows, it caters too much to the hardcore Otakus, but that was the crowd pushing for it in the first place, so its like a commitment to them.
    As long as the theme and the overall feel of the anime and story go hand and hand, then I say that I will enjoy it.
  9. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in Nintendo Switch   
    I'm trying to get my hands on one for my niece and nephew to play on.
    I'm just ..... too fucking cheap right now lol.
    I want to hold off until Black Friday at this point, since the games go on sale constantly here.
    Can anyone with a Wii U tell me if the Switch is a viable upgrade? or can I wait a bit?
    Breath of the Wild is available on the Wii U, and Super Mario Odyssey will be released for the Wii U in late Oct.
    Those are the only games I think they would play at the moment. Maybe Splatoon.
    Difference in graphics seems marginal.
    Also, is anyone going to opt for that monthly subscription once it goes into effect?
  10. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from jaymee in Japanese Oldies Thread   
    Someone that I have been following on YouTube. solely on a whim, uploaded an informational video on one of Japan's most influential genres during one of it's most important eras:
    シティポップ (City Pop)
  11. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I fucking did it people. 115 hours, 75 levels , 3 months and 12 days later and I've finally beaten Persona 5!  Jesus fuck. I have never been so glad to haven beaten a game before... It was marvelous and such a engaging story, but my god did it drag on. I say all of this now, but in reality sometime ion the next year I will probably start new game+ and work on the platinum and max social link run, but still for the time being I am so happy to be able to play something else
    and that something else is a little game called NieR Automata <3
  12. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from platy in random thoughts thread   
    You seriously had the fucking audacity to come to me, the morning of our fiscal year end, and scold me because the entire week of work I just fucking lost sleep over, needs to be deleted and redone by the day after because "Open quotes, accounts, and shipments will not be carried over to the new year"?
    If I could punch you in the fucking face as hard as I wanted to right now, I would, you son of a bitch.
    You're lucky as fuck I didn't yell at you any fucking harder than I did.
    I hope you're as fucking good at coordinating shipment schedules as I am, you motherfuck, because I'm making sure you take the fall for this.
  13. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from hotcocoa in Well hello :)   
    I see we like some Nagoya bands here eh?
    We need more of you around here.
    I'm a fan of all those same bands, so I'm sure that we will run into each other here on the forum.
    For now, Welcome.
  14. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in Greetings, everyone!   
    Welcome to the site.
    I was there at the panel too! All the way up front.
    I was the one who won "guess that tune"  and received some hipster glasses.
    Nice to have you join us. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to participate in each area of the forum that you desire.
    As @Itohad mentioned at the panel, once you have enough participation points, does the area you may want to take a look-see at, open up.
  15. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Biopanda in The RarezHut Megathread: the largest internationally-based Visual Kei megastore   
    You guys trying to make me poor? lol
  16. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Seimeisen in Bands You Loved and Then Realized You Don't Anymore   
    It'd have to be Ayabie.
    The band was just not the same anymore without Aoi (I say they managed without Ryohei) as their vocalist.
    Virgin Snow Color is still their best work ever, and they'll remain one of the best in my memories as a complete band.
  17. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to Ito in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Thank god that 2016 was fairly solid.
  18. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
  19. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I'm over here, worried for @Ito, who's supposed to be doing a showcase of 2017 bands at the ACen panel next week.
    Like, who the fuck is he going to mention? lol
    See my music ratings list.
  20. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from efuru in Favorite candy?   
    Pretty much jacked up my teeth lol but I enjoy York Mints from time to time.
  21. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from lichtlune in Single People Thread   
    Is there a website where I could just make IRL friends? LOL
    I'm just bored.
  22. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from orange~ in Single People Thread   
    It's actually the other way around, bud.
    There's something wrong with them, but instead of taking the time to realize their worth (not just to the world but to themselves), and improve/better themselves as a person, they seek that validation from someone else. It gets to the point where they will eventually lose sight of their own morals, and they will settle with "anyone".
    You aren't wrong on this point as well. The problem tends to be the lack in dealing with situations like these, where one has to remember (and understand) the decision they made to have this type of relationship. Believe me, people can go mad if they are lying to themselves about what this "relationship" really is (to them).
    It has VERY high risks, not just to you, but to your social status, (unless you are a loner from the start) should your fuck buddy go and try and ruin it.
  23. Like
    YuyoDrift reacted to platy in Yes or no game   
    No. Some people want to be used. But if they're aware, not into it and then complain after then they're stupid. 
    Do you think there would have been less wars in the world if most nations were a matriarchy? 
  24. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from Original Saku in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    First, we are blessed with Bayonetta.
    Now, you're telling me that we may get Vanquish let loose for PC.
    Platinum games, you are fucking owning 2017. Stahp.
  25. Like
    YuyoDrift got a reaction from lichtlune in Single People Thread   
    So after receiving news that one of my friends contracted herpes from a tinder hook up, I'm going to just forget that free online dating apps exist.
    Shit like that, makes my dick shrivel up haha.
    For the love of god people, please be careful.
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