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Everything posted by YuyoDrift

  1. YuyoDrift

    Greetings! I think you'll fit in just fine. lol.
  2. YuyoDrift

    ^^ LOL The minute I saw an Ice Cream and Chandelier Pokemon, I was done. Haha. Pokemon really has run its course with the older gamers, I feel. We just can't keep up with them all. This happened a long time ago.
  3. YuyoDrift

  4. Not sure if I'd go and call it racial bias, but simply ignorance. It's a combination of the language barrier & your lack of musical experience to music outside your country of origin. If you cannot understand what they're saying, depending on your mindset, you will form some explanation/opinion to make up for your lack of understanding. That can range from simply stating that the music cannot be understood and that is why you don't like it, to flat out mocking/disrespecting the band because you are insecure about how you feel listening to it and give yourself this excuse that it's no better than what is here in your country. I always judge the performance of the lead singer and how well the rest of the music accentuates their vocals, regardless of language and genre. That's basically it for me. It was how I was introduced to Japanese in the first place, and how I've picked up music from other parts of the world since then. I have been mocked for listening to Japanese music, with the occasional "What the fuck are they saying? Hashi kurashi Fushashi (mocking their language)!" and "They sound like fags". I've simply come to terms with the fact that most listeners are not wise enough/mature enough to enjoy music from all over the world, due to some underlying problem within themselves. It's sad but "with age comes wisdom".
  5. LOL crap my comment never submitted. Thanks Comcast. It was all long and explained a lot. Shame. I use an iPhone, and all I can say is you have to be aware of what is going on with the software/apps you are running. Make sure the Download managers you use have an easy locale to your files, in case you need to set up another backup solution. Check off any options that use backup sync, or makes copies of the data on another location on your PC. There was a program that was introduced a while back (I completely forgot the name, it sucked doe) that had the option to backup your files into their selected format, and REPLACE your file with the newer version. The problem was that is was the DEFAULT OPTION. Holy shit did that company go under quick lol. Basically, you guys need to understand that it is not just APPLE (Amazon and Spotify were just like this too). Anything with direct access to your files (whether synchronized or not), may have a small chance of modifying, corrupting, or even losing them. I've known this since the introduction of these ridiculous things back in 2013. Not just on your PCs, but your phones too. DRM is a son of a bitch and needs to be put down soon, but that's a story for another day.... Wait until Cloud-Based Services/Storage Solutions become cheap enough, where the average consumer will fall prey to their "terms and conditions", knowing full well that many of us do not even take a 5 second glance at those rules.
  6. YuyoDrift

    Eyyyyyyy Welcome! R-shitei fo lyfe.
  7. Screw's BRILIANT sounds so damn fitting as a last release.

  8. I've been binge-listening to the GazettE's discography since the concert and I can't stop. Help me. lol.

    1. Nagisa


      Welcome to my world. That's basically all I listen to.

  9. YuyoDrift

    Those Bastards! No but seriously, if I had not missed the M&G, then I would have snuck in a panoramic selfie with the GazettE right before getting tackled by the bouncer huehuehue. *sigh* Next time.
  10. Only been here 2 hours at work, and everyone is already down each other's throats. Hehe I love it.

  11. YuyoDrift

    Pretty much place them in playlists at the moment, since I have no time due to school. I wish I had album art for each one.
  12. YuyoDrift

    Wait wut?!??!!?? Damn it.
  13. YuyoDrift

    lol i was just humoring you A lot of the Venues here in the USA are relatively small, and usually have problems with keeping the place cool. I know the GazettE were sweating balls there.
  14. YuyoDrift

    Was at my local arcade, and they just received the new Machine for BlazBlue: Central Fiction. Jesus Christ the new characters are OP. lol. Can't wait until it hits the PS4.
  15. YuyoDrift

    I don't have a problem with this.
  16. VK OG's what are  you doing? STAHP.

  17. YuyoDrift

    ......... WHAT. What the fuck is going on over there?!?!?
  18. YuyoDrift

    Crap I just heard about this, and it seems everyone else has already heard the news. Is there a link to this news on their twitter? It's disappointing news indeed, hearing a nostalgic band of yours break this type of news abruptly, just when you think they were coming back. I wish I wasn't so broke from seeing the GazettE in NYC, then maybe I'd fly out and see them.
  19. YuyoDrift

    DUDE. You should've told me that you needed to juice your phone lol. I was staying at a hotel, as well as doing some drinking at an arcade after the show. You could've crashed for the night with my bro and I lol.
  20. YuyoDrift

    LOL brb gonna go die now.
  21. YuyoDrift

    I did get VIP but apparently there were color coded bands people were wearing (Yellow, Blue, and I think Red), did that have to do with it? When was this Meet/Greet?
  22. YuyoDrift

    .......you lie.....
  23. YuyoDrift

    Biggest question for all the attendees: Was there EVER a Meet/Greet? I'm hoping I didn't miss anything. All I saw was VIP getting a T-Shirt, and Heresy Members received a keychain I believe on top of a shirt.
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