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Posts posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Get the fuck out, seriously? Well for me they were becoming less notable but if they could keep the band going with a great replacement to set them back to their Metal roots and do away with some of the pop, then maybe there's hope for the band still. Rami coming back to the band would be quite the surprise.

  2. 2 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Also, wait, Band Maid aren't a vocaloid band? I always thought it was just another vocaloid doujin project


    I always thought they played the same music as STEREOPONY or SCANDAL, just with more "I'm a rock girl" shoved in your face. Lol

  3. Eyyy let me know how those sound.


    On a different note, I bought Apple Airpods for work because they don't allow headsets (yes I know I could have bought something else, but then this next sentence wont make sense) and for some reason they DO sound different to their cabled counterpart. Idk if its because I haven't used Apple Earbuds for a long time, but my music has an acute change in sound reproduced that makes them an actual new experience to me. Huh.


    Anybody else vouch for this nuance? I have listened to others note this in the past with reviews of the product, and I thought they were nuts lol.

  4. 22 hours ago, CAT5 said:

    I missed D'espairsRay when they came to Atlanta in 2008 for the Taste Of Chaos tour with MUCC and The Underneath (formerly Transtic Nerve, now Defspiral). Unfortunately, that was my only chance to see them before they disbanded!


    If I had known that they were going to end activities after that tour, then I would have gone even if it was by myself. Literally the one chance that I had to see one of VK's greatest bands gone.


    Also, I didn't know Defspiral were actually The Underneath or Transtic Nerve. I would have found that out had I gone lol.


  5. Saw The Autopsy of Jane Doe last night. All I got to say about that film is wow. Definitely not what I was expecting.

    It was actually good! Definitely a fresh take on horror w/ a few new ideas as far as themes go.

    Definitely recommend.

  6. On 9/13/2018 at 5:21 PM, platy said:

    Unfortunately, I spent my money on The Nun. 

    Don't pay to watch this. 



    Shit, too late lol.

    I saw it on opening night, and I thought it was a snoozer as well. The whole universe is just comprised of jumpscares at this point.



    On 9/15/2018 at 8:07 PM, Flame-X said:

    The Predator (2018)


    Easily the worst of the franchise. I went in with low expectations, but I still ended up being disappointed. 


    Dude I can't believe you went to see that. At the same time, thanks for taking the bullet for all of us lol.


    I saw What We Do In the Shadows the other night on Netflix. 

    Not at all what I was expecting lol, but it was very entertaining since it was like a spinoff of MTV's True Life "I'm a vampire" or something.

    Do recommend if you're bored and on Netflix.

  7. On 7/19/2018 at 12:23 AM, Original Saku said:

    Banana Fish has me enthralled with the first two episodes, I don't really know anything about the source material but I'm really into this American gangster setting in anime it's pulling off. might be a AOTY contender.

    Just saw this on Amazon video the other day. I gotta say, it's quite entertaining. Got to episode six, and thought that the season has ended since it was at a good stopping point, only to find out there are 24 episodes! Sweet.


    @Gaz I'm looking forward to some more Jojo too!

  8. @The Reverend we’d be lucky if lynch. wrote music like they did in ‘07 haha. The avoided sun was part of an era of visual kei that has yet to ever be seen again. With that said, recommending this release is something I would not dare do if we were to compare. You’d be disappointed hard.

    XIII continues this recent era that began with D.A.R.K., so I’d rather recommend that album before you got this one.


    edit: there’s a little bit of the buried in this, but you really have to try hard to listen for it. Sounds more tedious than it should have to be.


  9. KICS-3733.jpg?v=1


    :_8/10_:| This leftover pizza tastes better once you warm it up.






    4. EXIST

    5. JØKER

    6. RENATUS

    7. AMBLE


    9. FIVE


    11. FAITH

    12. OBVIOUS

    13. A FOOL


    With the return of bassist Akinori, lynch. has become a 5-member band once again. With tours 「13th ANNIVERSARY –Xlll GALLOWS- [THE FIVE BLACKEST CROWS], 『TOUR’18「THE NITES OF AVANTGARDE #2」“A BLØODY REVENGE”』, and the release of their compilation album SINNERS -no one can fake my bløod, the band has been on the move during 2018. While the announcement for their new album XIII had warranted excitement, it also brought along with it some skepticism from fans.  Seems reasonable since we have seen an abundance of mediocre re-recordings and mixes from lynch. How the band could have possibly had the time to put together an album, let alone what it was going to sound like, was something to be concerned about.


    First impressions of XIII are positive. The album feels balanced, as Hazuki’s vocals are not the only prominent feature here but the chords and basslines of the guitars that compliment it, providing strength in the mid-range as well as an actual presence. Tracks such as "THIRTEEN", "RENATUS", and "FIVE" are perfect examples of these nuances, as well as some highlight tracks of XIII that are equally enjoyable. Taking note at one of lynch.’s only hindrances, we see that they've stuck to the same composition style as their last two albums, making a large portion of XIII  feel like a collection of B-sides. It failed to strike immediate chords with me, something that D.A.R.K and even AVANTGARDE  had no problem with. Adding to this is a variation in sound, something unfamiliar that I knew would take time to be accepted as the new norm. The balance in vocal and guitar strings, while being right up my alley, leaves the drumming much to be desired. There is reduced dynamic range, isolation, and maybe even a flat signature, ridding any “tail end” from the drums that could give the album more life. With arrangements mimicking the last two releases, and an unfamiliar sound, my first listen through XIII felt like one big blur.


    However, after giving the album a couple week’s worth of listening, an appropriate break-in period that I felt was needed, XIII by lynch. has distinguishing attributes that separate it from the rest of their discography. The more I listen to it, the more my initial thoughts beforehand seem like fan uneasiness as lynch. has revisited their past work and refined it, throwing in inspiration from Visual Kei bands of the 90s like Kuroyume, Luna Sea, and Laputa. "RENATUS" has become a track favorite, with an astounding atmosphere that gives the aggression of those guitars a stronger bite. I’m a sucker for melodic tracks, and "AMBLE" sounds almost euphoric, providing many moments of elation that I wish could last forever. The versatility in musical instruments during "FAITH" is one to definitely check out. Lastly, the emotional cool-down track that is "A FOOL" brings XIII to a smooth close, without trying too hard to make it obvious.


    XIII sounds completely different than it did a couple weeks ago, as the album takes on an empathetic atmosphere, driving a nostalgia trip that's going to be different for everyone. The album  is able to express its confidence here with an abundance of melodies and guitar solos, like a tribute to 13 years of lynch.'s past work, with a glint of 90’s Visual Kei thrown into the mix.  Whether this combination will make one feel something is up to the listener, but overall this album certainly has become a standalone release that I can easily stand behind, only after being given some time to warm up to it first. 



  10. Welcome to the forum (finally)!

    Now that's quite an intro haha. With an artist list like that I think you'll fit into the community just fine :).

    I was brought up on Anime OPs too, so its nice to see another fan join us.


    What I really find interesting is that you dove into Japanese Hip-hop around 2010, as I used to be a big fan in the late 90's/early 00's, but actually jumped ship around '08-'10 haha.

    What artists could you recommend from around that time?



  11. Can someone translate this little tidbit from their interview with Gekirock earlier this month?






    葉月:僕が最初に「GROTESQUE」をバンドに提出したときですね。曲を作っている時点から"こりゃ面白れぇなぁ"って笑いながらやっていたし(笑)、イントロの、リード・ギターとかも"たまんねぇな!"感が満載なんですよ。この感じの音を、今のlynch.でやったらどうなるんだろう? っていうところに興味があったし、実際にデモ作りをして試してみたらかっこ良かったんです。そこで"これはイケる!"となりまして、周りを見回してみても今それをやっている人はいないから、これはいいチャンスだしオイシイなと思ったんですよ(笑)。だから、「GROTESQUE」のデータをメンバーみんなに送った段階で90年代っていうキーワードはすでに言葉としてありました。




    葉月:最高っすよね(笑)。とはいえ、これが僕のルーツそのもので、それがそのまま出てきたのか? というと、そんなこともないんですよ。感覚としては"あのころ、誰かがこんなことをやっていたような気はするけど、誰だったっけな"くらいのニュアンスで作ったものだから、「GROTESQUE」に関しては"あれをそのままやりました"ではなくて、"なんとなくこんな感じだったよね"というのを、曲として自分なりに起こしてみたんです。この時代にこれを投下する面白さはあると思いますよ。



    If I'm reading that right, is GROTESQUE one of those songs that they referred to with 90's elements?

  12. 7 hours ago, Original Saku said:


    I was actually thinking about snagging a pair of these the last time they were up on massdrop but I couldn't justify it considering I have like 6 pairs of headphones already lol. with that said, would you recommend these to someone who already owns HD 579 and HD6XX?



    Hmm. It would have to depend on the genre of music you want to use them for specifically.

    Like I said, the HD58X is perfect for rock music, something that Sennheiser really sucked at (kind of the deal-breaker for me before) with the HD600/650.

    The problem with the 600 series was that they felt very "distant"(if that makes sense) because of their dynamics, and with the HD58X you finally getting something more of "it's right there" type of listening experience.


    Never heard the 500 series from sennheiser, so I can't compare it.

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