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Status Updates posted by Shmilly

  1. DNA is so gooood. It's stuck in my head.

  2. Never joined a FC before but I think I'll have to sign up for DDRM tomorrow. Offshot/making footage and mail order goods is too good to refuse.

  3. Srsly tho I will pay silly money for Signal's Crossing fate after searching for over 3 years. HALP.

  4. Can anyone remember the band that had a video with my cover picture? Just got a bigger screened laptop and I want to find it again for a higher-res wallpaper

  5.  Off to O-WEST for RAZOR's one man final~

    1. Kiryu999


      How was it ?

    2. Shmilly


      Awesome! Ryouga is a great ringleader to get the crowd riled up, and it was a very energetic live. Plus there were at least 4 or 5 new songs from what I could tell (3 of them will be on the new single).

  6. DDRM's new single subverted my expectations. Instead of a soft ballad it's another emotional rollercoaster.

  7. RED INVISIBLE excites me. A full sound, and it's amazing to hear some proper growls and clean singing from Ryoga now that he's free from the style BORN set for themselves.

  8. MALISEND's last live was fun! They played every song〜

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Komorebi


      I was thinking about getting a goodie baf but I am not as insterested in chekis and T-shirts as in their live limited releases u.u is there any way to get them now?


    3. Shmilly


      @Komorebias far as I'm aware there's no way to buy MALISEND merch any more other than their official releases :/ I did drop them an email about their 2 unreleased songs but I doubt I'll get a reply...

    4. Komorebi


      That kind of sucks... if Rino forms another band I wonder if he'll re-release those songs like Morrigan did with Xibalba songs.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  9. MALISEND's last live tonight...

    1. SadMoomin


      Yeh !! i'm so sad about that ugh

  10. Wanna hear a DDRM/XAAXAA collab. Kazuki covering DDRM's new single would be epic.

  11. MALISEND's Unripe ideal is just one of my favourite songs this year.

  12. So 'shinde hoshii' on Zigzag's new mini is a completely different song to the 'shinde hoshii' on their last live dist single... cool.

  13. Disappointed in my country. Glad to be living and working in Japan, away from it all.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I'm so jealousss



      where are you from? (living and working in japan isn't that sweet as it seems to be, but why not to try :>)

    3. Shmilly


      @DREAMON DREAMERI'm from the UK, we just voted to leave the EU... well, by 'we' I mean a bunch of people I don't know...

  14. Welp there I am at 1:23 XD 


    1. yakihiko


      You are the blond one with stylish pants?

    2. yakihiko


      Somehow, I thought that one was you lol

    3. Shmilly


      Yeah lol xD

  15. DDRM definitely messed around with the mixing on their old songs for Stanczyk. There's a slick bass note at the end of Morphine 1 that definitely wasn't there before... XD

  16. On my way to Akasaka BLITZ for the DADAROMA one man! \m/

    1. Shir0


      Have fuuun :)

  17. Anyone going to GACKT's last visualive tour?

  18. Just ordered the second of two new Grieva DVDs in as many days...

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Nice! But must've been expensive ><

    2. Shmilly


      Yeah >> xD At least the PV collection has a full live included as well this time!

  19. Well damn NCBL re-recorded Rebellion and A Bullet of Skyline for ZeTeS 1st press only edition. That's awesome.

    1. yakihiko


      I hope this 1st press meets the light so I can hear it. Btw, do you know if Junpei was with nokubura on Ivy ?

    2. Shmilly


      I think so, iirc it was the last release with those 2 old members who left.

    3. Abelcain


      Nice. I hope it will be possible to hear them!

  20. Can anyone tell me what label DADAROMA is signed to? I can't seem to find it anywhere...

    1. Tetora


      Still on Timely, no?

    2. Shmilly


      Ah really? Thanks!

  21. anyone know the setlist from dadaroma vs grieva this month?

  22. Merikuri one and all :)

  23. So apparently LANTANA's first mini went on sale this week... but where?!?!

  24. ALSDEAD's final live was great, a long set and all the best songs from their 7 year career.

    1. yakihiko


      It was really an amazing and long setlist. I think they will comeback, but with another band. I see no future with ALSDEAD too.

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend


      Do a live report!!

    3. YuyoDrift


      very jealous

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