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Everything posted by Shmilly

  1. Shmilly

    Crazy shampoo were fun but for me a lot of the songs were forgettable. DADAROMA appeals more generally to my taste these days, although I wish they'd stick to the heavy songs and less of the jazz. The jazzy tracks have their place, and they're not bad songs, but DDRM has the potential to be brutal and I think if they stuck to that path they would have a much stronger concept. I do like all of their songs so far, and I'm looking forward to the next single and album. Yoshiatsu is a brilliant marketing force and it shows in DDRM's well thought out advertising - releasing PVs (ahem, promotional videos, looking at you visual kei scene) and even full songs to draw in fans, and selling live only CDs (a business practice I hate, but it makes excellent sense when you remember it's only through lives that bands make any money: even major artists earn less than 5% on CD sales).
  2. Shmilly

    He did but he never specified when it would be. I assume this really is his last full-blown theatrical tour. Here's hoping there's a final album with it too that isn't just a single collection.
  3. Much the same as the above. Oni to Kage was a great album, Shuuen was lacklustre, but pretty much everything else Grieva have put out is great (which is a hell of a lot of material). This is a cool new entry into their extensive discography and I like the way they're experimenting a bit more across the selection of new tracks. I'll admit that it took me a couple of listens to really get into this one, and a couple of the tracks are still skippable for me, but this is another solid release. I also can't really comment too much on the homage aspect as I'm not a massive Diru fan, but despite the endless comparisons I've always been a Grieva supporter. Here's (not) looking forward to another PV compilation DVD in the next couple of months - the three simultaneous singles, and two songs from this mini all seem to have had PVs made. (Kind of defeats the point of a 'promotional' video to only be viewable on purchase, but I digress.)
  4. Called up the depot and they still have my parcel from Japan that I paid for 2 weeks ago. "We'll get it sent out to you tomorrow." UK postal service is shit.

    1. Raburr7


      yea it is :P thats why so far i go myself and pay charges to get the stuff :P

  5. Hate how much I enjoy Medina's SUICIDE even though it's literally just the breakdown from Filth in the beauty...

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I've had the same thought! :)

  6. Both of my parcels from Japan got stung by customs and import tax... looks like I'm waiting till next week then. -sigh-

  7. Shmilly

    Signal / M・E・L・T -piano arrange- [CD] / from their live DIVE TO BLOOD -scars away- Signal / BOOTLEG LIVE DVD [DVD] / from their one-man Night of Judgement Signal / Crossing fate [CD] / from their last one-man Crossing fate グリーヴァ (grieva) / 終焉-Mad Death.- (shuuen-mad death.-) [CD] / from their one-man 終焉-Mad Death.- (shuuen-mad death.-) カルディア (cardia) / 末広がり「八袋」 (suehirogari) / goodie bag including live DVD and SE CD / limited at official web shop カルディア (cardia) / 1stAnniversarySpecialDVD [DVD] / from their first one-man 現実ノイローゼ (genjitsu no neurosis) リロード (reload) / [Hybrid_] Riddick / 君の居た場所 (kimi no ita basho) Riddick / 陰我 (inga) CROW / COLORS ON WILD / 2004.02.01 mini album, maybe live limited UPDATE: Added more super obscure stuff XD
  8. Shmilly

    One of my favourite Grieva songs now, it's just such a catchy chorus. Also the shout this time isn't 'YA YA YA' but 'itai itai itai' ('it hurts, it hurts, it hurts') if I'm not mistaken. Although it is a fair point that Kyouki does that a lot. XD
  9. Shmilly

    Keep up the great work! Looking forward to 'Calling' next!
  10. Hope I can make it this weekend!
  11. Man, 1997 was one trendy year. I think.
  12. Shmilly

    Not a proper review per se, just my thoughts as I'm listening for the first time. I always look forward to Miyavi's releases because he has such a diverse history. The man's a talented guitarist and musician, and his vocals have been steadily improving. Now I've finally gotten around to listening to this album, I thought I'd take some notes. Cruel - Even for an artist with as varied a career as Miyavi, this is yet another step in a different direction. I'm getting a British Alternative scene vibe from this one, maybe some influence from Muse and Arctic Monkeys. It sets a tone and makes an intriguing opening track. Into The Red - Back into the catchy if slightly repetitive chorus+riff style of pop-rock Miyavi has taken to recently. Synths make the chorus pop a little more than if it was just guitar like we're used to. Overall not particularly memorable though. Come Alive - This immediately came across to me as a more lively follow up to 'Secret' from his last self-titled album. Driven again by that guitar motif. Female backing vocals and some corny trumpets shake it up a little, and the slower section breaks up what might otherwise be another quite repetitive song. Mysterious Alien Girl - Funky track with another distorted guitar motif underlying the whole song. Miyavi returns to his favourite pastime of sticking the riff on a looper and playing around over the top of it. Sadly(?) the solo is the best part of this one. Let Go - I always liked this one from the single release. It's a song that monopolizes on the catchy guitar riff and chorus to get your feet tapping. Some might criticise it for being so short, but I think that really helps this one from sticking around too long (ahem, most of Sadie's GANGSTA). Odyssey - Panning the guitar in the intro immediately makes this one stand out from the rest so far. Then we hear some Japanese for the first time. The weird woah sample is odd at the beginning, but as it repeats through the song it earns its place. This is kind of a simple upbeat track but I enjoyed it. All The Way - This song felt to me like an amalgamation of all of Miyavi's recent efforts. There's the guitar motif, the electronic elements, the repetitive chorus, the softer bridge, and the sweet solo. Pretty groovy. Also the ending is nice. Unite - Immediately reminded me of the SAMURAI SESSIONS collab era. It's actually quite nice to let Miyavi's vocals take a back seat so he can get on with that slick guitar work he's so good at. The Others - I'm surprised to find the title song of this album so late in the tracklist. There's not a lot for me to say other than, to me, this is one of the most catchy songs I've heard this year. I love it. Another fun solo too. Calling - Some solid vocals here (especially by Miyavi's standards). Guitar is also great. In fact, this is in essence what Miyavi has been doing for years, just with a layer of English lyrics and synths mixed in. I enjoyed it. Shangri-La - More Japanese! XD A little bit too repetitive for my liking but it's certainly an interesting way to close the album. At least the groove is catchy and there's some fun guitar work again, so I think this one will continue to grow on me with more listens. Overall an interesting new turn since his last full album. It feels like Miyavi is modernising and westernising, but in a way that for the most part retains his personality, energy and style. Unlike ONE OK ROCK's recent release, I'm happy that Miyavi hasn't just completely changed his style to appeal to an English speaking audience. True, he's been using English for a while, but he's always in control of the music he makes, and that's something to be respected in such a lengthy and varied career.
  13. CDJ order was finally shipped... Minerva, Miyavi and FED!

  14. Shmilly

    Bought and subbed! I dig it. Keep up the good work!
  15. I think we've had ONE OK ROCK's 完全感覚Dreamer wrong all the time. I think we should be calling it Lucid Dreamer.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Why "Lucid Dreamer"? At this time, i call this song "Kanzen kankaku Dreamer" just because Romaji ^_^

    2. Shmilly


      yeah but I mean translating the kanji part xD

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      oups ^^' ok, then, google translation says "Full Sense Dreamer", but, that translation doesn't make sense to me XD

  16. Shmilly

    These guys need to slow down on the DVDs. This time, we have a new album, so I'll let it slide. But seriously, they have like 2 a year. With 80% identical setlists. Chill, Hyde.
  17. don't know what dat grieva is in the rh box but if I don't have it then I will after tomorrow

    1. Shmilly


      don't you be selling it off without my permission then xD

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is it Kyoki dick pics

    3. Shmilly


      only one way to find out

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  18. Stuff arrived today, packaged safely and all in great condition Looking forward to the stream tomorrow, though I don't know if I'll be picking anything up this week... Edit welp there's something rare and grieva. I'll get my wallet.
  19. CDJ order delayed by, you guessed it, Far East Dizain. If they're so popular, why is everyone still requesting them? XD

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      that's not because we request it that we are oblige to order it ^^ I have more other priority, and some of request for this release is for the curiosity, but maybe if theu onvice they will buy it after listening ^^

  20. Shmilly

    Have an amazing trip and come back safely! if you're the only Asian around I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding all the guys to screw
  21. Shmilly

    MASTER OF ROMANCE for me. It's one of few VK albums where I rarely skip any tracks at all when I'm listening through. As a long-time fan who owns pretty much all of their discography though, I'll say a little more. Their first album UNDEAD13+2 is great. COLD BLOOD is decent, but mostly for the singles in my opinion. I also enjoyed MADRIGAL de MARIA (not sure that's a common opinion xD). Avoid GANGSTA and THE BLACK DIAMONDS. In terms of minis, I really like Gain (Regret from the regular edition is one of my all time favourite Sadie songs). Singles: 溺哀-dekiai- is fantastic, the original recording of 嘆きの幸福 is beautiful. Ice Romancer also has some great B-sides. Rock n'roll stinky people from a holy terrors is a phenomenal track.
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