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Everything posted by Shmilly

  1. This is nice news. I loved CodeRebirth so it'll be good to hear more Keita.
  2. Shmilly

    That's definitely the end of an era for the VK scene. It's been the go-to place to test a new band's popularity for years. The number of indie one-mans, taibans or even just visitations from veteran artists in this scene must be unparalleled. I've been to plenty of shows there over the years. Just the name feels special at this point. I hope they can find a new location just to keep the name going.
  3. Shmilly

    That's a shame, I enjoyed the album and the vocalist has quite a unique voice that I've liked since MEIDARA. I hope he sticks around.
  4. Shmilly

    Cautiously optimistic considering their new sound strikes a balance between their old sound and whatever Unleashed was. Also excited that Meku is back in a full-time band, although the style is quite different from what he usually plays/composes.
  5. Shmilly

    I think Kagami also mentioned that it's a limited stream, so you can only hear it one time. Be careful when you click on the link folks!
  6. Torn about which edition of DEXCORE's album to pre-order. As a fan and collector I want the Extra Edition, but I'm struggling to justify paying double for a tote bag, Eng/Jap lyric book and early access to a PV that will be available later...

    1. VkBrutaliaN


      At first i had the same problem, but after giving it a few thoughts the decision was clear.

      I won't use the tote back EVER, the PV like you mentioned will be openly available in late december for everyone anyway and the lyric booklet... well about 70% off all lyrics will be in english anyway...

      I hope i could help you with your decision > version -RED- it should be... XD

    2. Shmilly


      Yeah I went for Red in the end. I'll end up spending more to go to a live in October and pick up the White edition anyway!

  7. Shmilly

    From Kagami: "Honestly I worried a lot because I wasn't sure what people would think about releasing 4 types, but to put it simply I wanted to reach as many people as possible. An album that's easy to pick up for people who don't know about Dexcore. An album for people who see it and think, 'oh, an album from Dexcore. Maybe I'll buy that.' An album that pleases our biggest fans. After thinking and thinking about how to present an album that would please all these kinds of people, I decided to go for 4 types. I hope it can reach lots of people."
  8. Shmilly

    To confirm, the Red and Blue and Extra editions will be released on September 30. Pre-orders will start on July 10, with the Extra edition being limited to their online store (Waltz). The White edition is live-limited and will be sold starting at their live on October 10.
  9. Shmilly

    Unbelievably excited for this, gonna try and order the deluxe edition when it's available (next Friday JST). Annoying that two songs are only on the live limited edition though...
  10. Due to high demand, the archive is now up until 24pm Wed JST.
  11. I hope someone recorded it, I always thought their BG videos were really interesting.
  12. While I don't condone what happened in the past and the way it was handled, I am pleased to see NCBL back on the scene as I really enjoyed them back in the day. This new guitarist meshes better with the old sound than that one EP they put out, so I'm looking forward to the next phase.
  13. Shmilly

    Archive for the live stream is available now. Not sure how long it will be up for so catch it while you can.
  14. Shmilly

    The only time I've seen it live was during their 'ALL SONGS FOR YOU' double-live where they played their entire discography up to that point over two days to send off their ex-drummer Yusuke. That was an amazing couple of days.
  15. Shmilly

    Set list for their live stream (live has just finished, there will be a short talk later) RAZOR 7th ONEMAN TOUR 掟破り LIVE STREAM「狼煙」 掟 (SE) 01 狼煙 02 明日もし僕がどこかで朽ちて 03 LIQUID VAIN 04 デラシネーション SE〜MC 05 DNA 06 イノセンス SE 07 木枯らしの詩 08 神様のアイロニー (I think, one of many new songs so not 100% sure) 09 STARS SE〜MC 10 完全無欠 11 千年ノ色彩 12 嫌、嫌、嫌。 13 埋葬 MC 14 邂逅 15 PRIMARY
  16. Shmilly

    Here's the set list for tonight's live stream, hopefully they will leave an archive for at least 24 hours so those who missed it can still watch. As I'm writing, the live portion has finished and there will be an after-talk starting shortly. DADAROMA ONE MAN TOUR「POINT OF NO RETURN」緊急生配信無観客ライブ 2020-05-20 01 「ポルノグラフ」 02 「ミスター・テロルマン」 オープニング 03 「リズリーサーカス」 04 私、バンギャじゃないわ 05 MONEY SE 06 キスをしよう 07 音の無い森 08 嫣然 09 「溺れる魚」 10 ケイドロ 11 NPD 12 FAKE 13 POINT OF NO RETURN 14 ロマンスグレー MC 15 「DAY BY DAY」
  17. Now that it's been shared, can we talk about how NAZARE's アソビ is just a worse version of -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ's 愛シ貴女狂怪性? Is there some kind of folk song that this is based on or is it a plain rip-off?

    1. Zeus


      got a link for the second song?

    2. Shmilly


      This live footage is on their official channel.


  18. Shmilly

    Reaching out to the community for some super-rare items. Signal - Crossing fate (My collection's holy grail; I am aware of two people who own this but neither was willing to sell...) Crazy★shampoo - 抜刀 & ゲルニカ (even through DDRM bangya friends I couldn't find either of these) DEXCORE - The Dead Sea *live-limited version* (recently found a copy on Mercari but the seller never sent it and the transaction was cancelled...) dizSolid - After the Pain & Swallowtail (apparently available on Genka-Market, if anyone uses that/knows a proxy service who does) 13 - Frozen afternoon / File② (I already have File①) MALISEND - Reincarnation, Unforgiven, 回想録~微睡む君へ~
  19. Shmilly

    Sounds great, I just ordered a copy.
  20. Shmilly

    Just realized this is basically MEIDARA, I enjoyed their stuff so I'd better check out this album. I think it was playing in Closet Child today because I recognized Yagami's voice but I couldn't place any of the songs.
  21. Yes, it's dependent on the year (starting January 1) and not the beginning of the emperor's reign. For example, Showa 64 was only one week long and also the same year as Heisei 1 - they're both 1989 on the Western calendar. Next January is the start of Reiwa 2.
  22. Shmilly

    A bit disappointed that they touted it as two 4-5 song EPs but it's basically just two maxi-singles for 2000 yen each. On the plus side, if you order them both from the Braveman Records site, you get a new recording of DELUHI's FOLLOW THE FUTURE thrown in too.
  23. Shmilly

    It's been ages since they released anything so I was beginning to wonder if they were still active. After their last mini album I'm interested to see what direction this takes.
  24. The day after I pick up both of NUL.'s demos on Mercari they open an online shop where I can buy them for half the price...

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Paraph


      that vk life

    3. VkBrutaliaN


      such things happened to me in the past also a few times - it really sucks...

  25. Shmilly

    Title is 燃えるゴミ (moeru gomi)
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