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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. not gonna happen soon. the manga is airing pretty slow, i would expect 2nd season in 2 or 3 years. from new season i'll definitely watch Monogatari's Final Season. SO EXCITED! D< also gonna try One Punch Man (not really excited about it, though)
  2. Gaz

    reading A Feast for Crows. well it's not as bad as i was afraid it would be but Cersei and Brienne's chapters are fucking awful. also what a shame those bastards invited Lena Headey for her role. besides of being awful actress, she's also old and fugly, jfc. in books she is described like femme fatale but in series she's just an ewwwughhhkdjhkjf. anyway, i'm enjoying Greyjoy's and Dorn chapters as well as Arya's. also reading C# in Depth by Jon Skeet and JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. pretty cool stuff if you like these programming languages. funnily enough, that i first read Flanagan's JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (which is awesome). usually it's other way around: people first read Good Parts and then Guide.
  3. did anyone try buying stuff via their online store? https://proxyon.stores.jp i want to buy their 4th and 5th singles but not sure if they ship overseas :v
  4. Gaz

    Castlevania <3333333
  5. Gaz

  6. Gaz

    bought a few nds/3ds games to have them in my collection even though i'm not a collector myself... still waiting until CAPCOM bastards announce a physical release of PW: AA - Dual Destinies. digital games are fucking shit, not even interested in buying them.
  7. simply brilliant. just what i've expected from this duo.
  8. Gaz

    well i only tried this to confirm that gazette are still playing shit (or maybe even got worse, since they did so constantly till now) but after listening through i, to my big surprise, actually enjoyed it now and there. not bad, though nothing remarkable. oh and caps song titles are retarded shit
  9. Gaz

    lolol lmfao rofl @ ppl deleting their accounts. sayonarabaibai~
  10. Gaz

    you should definitely play both Miles Edgeworth games. they are so fucking brilliant plot-wise (gameplay-wise too, though).
  11. Gaz

    aw that's too bad :/
  12. Gaz

    despite there were few things now and there i didn't like about the series but, imho, it's really amazing how they always managed to stick to all the minor/major details from all the previous seasons, like they've filmed everything at once and were just throwing episodes to people. there are very few shows that can brag about it. gosh, even GoT and BB had some inconsistencies.
  13. Gaz

    just finished The Wire. what a show! damn, i never thought i'll ever get hooked up on some detective series. and in this case, "detective" doesn't mean godawfuly boring CSI-like stuff but really good police drama series with well thorough plot and perfectly fitting characters. seriously, everyone should at least give it a try. but don't blame me if you'll end up spending your whole free time watching it :р
  14. Gaz

    almost finished A Storm of Swords and dreading of reading A Feast for Crows since everybody's been saying it's the worst book in the series. so i'll probably read Malice by Keigo Higashino. it's a shame there are so few of his books were translated onto english.
  15. Gaz

    bought me some mtn dew and dr pepper from a smuggler since we dont have these extremely delicious beverages in stores here :/ he basically robbed me with its price but i love this shit and couldnt resist to buy it anyway. i would buy more of mtn dew but he only had 10 cans so ;__;
  16. Gaz

    Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney fucking awesome shit hell yeah
  17. Gaz

    honestly, i dont like King's horror/mystery stuff AT ALL. i've already gave up on finding some good reads among his books. The Dark Tower is completely different of what he usually writes, though. King himself even said that he wanted to create something unique with well crafted universe (like Tolkien did in his time). there should be TDT movie in 2017, and i'm crossing my fingers they will manage to put all the atmosphere from there into motion well enough. but we'll see. oh, and Under the Dome is utterly boring and awful series. wouldn't recommend it to watch to anyone. well, besides of blackdoll i guess ;D
  18. Gaz

    i know right! i watched about 150+ other series but nothing could give me the same feeling that i had watching LOST. FlashForward and The Event kinda gave me some LOST wibes but both were closed after first season :/ if you want you can read Stephen King's The Dark Tower books which are also unique and awesome. and as you might know LOST creators were big fans of S.K. and The Dark Tower. i bet some of ideas were borrowed from there!
  19. Gaz

    Euron Greyjoy 4sur
  20. Gaz

    good for Kyotaro. i hope he wont retire tho
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