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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. sweeeeet! glad to see them still hanging on.
  2. ugh, i'm so jealous of you right now! Shinkai is one of my favorite directors, would love to see what did he make there. i hope the shit leaks before the end of the year.
  3. FUUUUUUUUUU D; and that's when i just got my hopes up... and yeah that is not really Naruto but is still Naruto lol. not sure of whether to check it out or not tho. regarding Bleach: yup, Kubo himself said 3 or 4 years ago that this will be the last Bleach arc. pretty much everything that hasn't been revealed in anime was shown by now (Ichigo's origin, Zero Division, Soul King and some captain's bankai). i wonder if there'll be second season of anime.
  4. actually this pic is out of date now. Dragon Ball is ongoing again and Naruto is back in that new Boruto manga. and what's more important HxH has returned from hiatus few months ago! i really hope it will last this time... also it has been confirmed that Bleach's gonna end soon. finally! i guess Kubo will finish it on 700th chapter.
  5. ^ the final battle between Claire and Priscilla in manga was one of my favorite manga battles of all times! @CAT5with mahou shoujo shit i was actually referring to Shierke herself. she is so fucking generic tsundere cunt, i could hardly force myself to read chapter where she was involved. i mean, why the hell did Miura even introduce such a character? was he chasing for more fans? well he managed to lose a lot of hardcore fans with that move, good job! and that dragging... ughhhhhhh. i felt like they could wrap up whole Falconia arc in 2-3 volumes, and making it much more interesting at the same time. also just checked how many chapters has been released since i dropped the manga 5 years ago and laughed out loud so hard! 20 shitty chapters in 5 fucking years! now i won't dare to say that Hiatus x Hiatus is super slow lel
  6. read every single novel by Haruki Murakami and liked everything. some more, some less, but all of his stuff is great. simply one of my favorite authors ever. Keigo Higashino writes damn good detective novels. even though i'm generally not into detectives but have to say i enjoyed his works a lot. especially The Journey Under the Midnight Sun and Detective Galileo series. also read In the Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami but didn't really like it. the story was okay, yet not catchy for me. luckily, there weren't that many pages so i managed to finish it.
  7. my thoughts exactly. i rolled my eyes all the time they made slow motions to show Guts off. when i read manga i kinda enjoyed the arc with Farnese, but so far anime doesn't look promising at all, even if to disregard that awful CGI. also it seems they also going to animate mahou shoujo arc, and well that was when manga completely turned out into shit. will force myself to watch a couple more episodes to see if it gets better but the most optimistic prediction that i will only manage to survive through Farnese arc and that will be it.
  8. Gaz

    oh wow so mature much grown-up
  9. Gaz

    delicious look indeed P:
  10. Gaz

    yeah, those are really cool ones. also Ryan O'Reilly, that sly piece of shit! i loved how people always were messing up with pronunciation of Schillinger's name and that made him so angry, lol.
  11. Gaz

    finished Person of Interest. sadly, last 2 seasons weren't that good as i hoped they'll be. at some point i started to lose interest but last few episodes were good and i'm mosly satisfied with this show. Oz was a great shit! gave me dem The Wire vibes, and not just because half of The Wire's cast was in there. the whole show in general looked like its predecessor imo. great, enjoyable stuff with lots of interesting characters and some awesome twists now and then. definitely must watch stuff! The Stand was short but enjoyable. now i see what creators of LOST smoked before doing my fav show lol. also decided to finish off a couple of series i abandoned long ago, Californication and Misfits on their 5th and 4th seasons respectively. well season 5 of Misfits was pretty crappy and now i see why i dropped this show. on the other hand Californication season 6 and 7 were really great and i'm glad i decided to finish this. Hank Moody is one cool bastard! now i started watching Mad Men. cant's say much about it so far, but the first 2 episodes were pretty good so i'll continue with it. looks promising.
  12. smoking cat is actually kinda cool and extraordinary tho ;o;
  13. Gaz

    i know right? some things are way too far-fetched in this show. but most of plebs doesn't seem to care so w/e ^^;; so to sum things up - there are 6 forces left in the show: - Jon with Sansa + north houses + wildlings + Littlefinger (but we all know that he's gonna betray them lol). - White Walkers with thousands of wights. - Beric Dondarrion with Brotherhood and the Hound. Brienne somewhere near, so she might also join them. though she might also teleport herself to Sansa *shrugs* - Cercei with Jaime + Qyburn with his "experiments" + Lannisters + remnants of Freys (?). - Euron Greyjoy with those ironborns who supported him. imo, they are most pathetic of all, considering Euron himself has been outwitted by his 2 dickless nephews. embarrassment of a character, he is. - Daenerys with Tyrion + Unsullied + Dothrakis + Asha(or as they call her here, Yara, ugh) with Theon and some ironborns + Sand Snakes with Dorn's army + Olenna with possible remnants of Tyrell's army + 3 fucking Dragons that can be easily controlled! that's quite unfair Daenerys has so many allies, should be an easy fight for her. and also there are still Bran with Meera who prolly join Jon in fight against wights soon and Arya who is ridiculously powerful now and able kill pretty much everyone she wants. also Oldtown can be quite a fearful ally, depending on whom they are going to join. mind you, maesters were the ones who exterminated the Dragons back in days.
  14. Gaz

    lolol it's strange but i actually liked this episode. though Arya's teleportation to Riverrun was kinda silly lel. and yeah since a lot of things have been wrapped up, it's quite obvious that there are not enough material for two more full seasons. i'd be more happy if we'll get one last epic season without any unnecessary dragging. or two short seasons (according to rumors) would be alrite too. just please do not torture us with two full seasons. D&D used pretty much all of GRRM hidden aces and the remaining ones(Alleras/Sarella and "Jaqen" in Oldtown, Lady Stoneheart, Aegon Targaryen, etc...) doesn't seem that will ever be used.
  15. kinda curious about "new" line-up
  16. h e h i like the cover tho
  17. Gaz

    Daenerys' battle was way too predictable(ridiculous, even). Jon's battle was also predictable but i enjoyed watching it a lot.
  18. Gaz

    oh wow this might be delicious
  19. Gaz

    eh, from all i've seen so far only excited a little about Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. #new games suck
  20. does anybody know aduma8's email address? the one written on their website doesn't work :/

    1. Gaz


      want to ask how much would be the fee of shipping 2 cds by SAL and EMS. EMS prices went up recently so i'm wondering if i can afford it :v

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  21. Gaz

    ^ heh, my 5 years ago list would've been pretty much the same as yours (just replace Big bang and Doctor who with Prison Break and Supernatural) the new one, though... that's a bit tough. maybe something like that: LOST Fargo Breaking Bad House of Cards The Wire Black Mirror Sherlock Narcos (not sure about this one...) there's also a lot of other decent/good stuff, but i listed only the ones which i'd easily choose to rewatch if my "to watch" list would've been empty (i want to believe lol)
  22. Gaz

    Kubo will probably end it on 700th chapter like Kishimoto did. have to say these new bankais we've seen recently made me yawn, as well as Ichigo's new form.
  23. Gaz

    it actually doesn't make sense at all reading thousands of previous books' pages and dropping at beginning of 5th book. i mean, this is pretty much on the same level as 4th book... my personal books rating so far: AGoT < ADwD ~ AFfC < ACoK < ASoS
  24. Gaz

    yeah, i know, but still keep butthurting about some insanely ridiculous "plot twists" they did. NEED THE NEW BOOK ASAP ;___;
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