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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Gaz

    hehehe heheehheheeehheeeeeeee ^________________________^ but yeah, you are the winner and i am the loser, end of story *sigh* :/
  2. Gaz

    you've lost this battle, bitch, so just sit and cry there in your Poormany, xoxo
  3. Gaz

    YOU ARE WELCOME! ^___^ <3 that what you deserve for going far beyond my limit for that tape.
  4. Gaz

    and don't forget that you'll also have a corgi checki (for which you should be grateful to me)
  5. Gaz

    travelling the world? pfffffft, bitch please, we are better than that. who needs that bullshit if you can stay in your room and stare at your Rasen tape all summer long?
  6. Gaz

    have no regrets, vacations are for sore losers with crappy life.
  7. because people knew that there'll be tapes and they have to be there even if it means not going to sister's wedding/mom's funeral. so saying in advance that you plan on selling all tapes on X day might benefits you by bringing more people who are actually interested in that kind of stuff.
  8. guys, do you plan on selling tapes during one single auction day? that would've been really great, since i'm only interested in a couple of tapes, but sitting through all days just to catch them would be quite tiresome... and i'm pretty sure there are other tape hunters who would be also happy about this.
  9. hey you need to think globally: mh ppl who will be there can contribute with some ca$h to pay minpha-chan for fucking ishiki_kawaii-chan in the ass. that might heal his wretched heart and change him altogether. we could finally stop sleeping in fear for our lives and don't afraid of fbi anymore ;w; imo that just makes him look smug and stupid. he lost half of his kawaiiness points :/
  10. what's with minpha-chan tho? cat got his tongue? ;o; also i wonder if ishiki_kawaiii will descends to you, texas peasants, from his holy canada
  11. Gaz

    been watching The Sopranos lately (just finished 5th season). it's really good: the dialogues, actors' play, setting - everything reeks of high quality stuff. however, my only disappointment there is a plot. not saying it's bad, but when i watch a long-running series i expect it to have some climax, some events stirring. where the fuck are season finale cliffhangers that leave you hopelessly waiting in despair for the next season? so that's that. otherwise i enjoy watching it. also young and juicy Drea de Matteo such a sight for a sore eye!
  12. Gaz

    ye bai mate, go listen to ur machurr music ;-*
  13. i bet there were no more than 5-10 copies. no way they have more fans out here.
  14. Gaz

    isn't that Beyonce's song tho?
  15. holy cunt! O__O WE FOUND THE NEW SAVIOR OF VK! HAIL!
  16. Gaz

    ^ kinda surprised you didn't include Westworld not a masterpiece but a very decent and high quality show, imo. as for me, i was quite lazy to watch new series last year, mostly chased after finished/completed stuff. i still have yet to check such promising series as Stranger Things, This is Us and The Crown (Netflix + historical political drama = masterpiece, or so do i hope here haha). so for now it's only Westworld and The Night Of. finished Battlestar Galactica earlier. i didn't entirely get what i've expected from this series but i enjoyed a couple of plot twists there. hated the social/political aspect, though. overall it's pretty good stuff and a must-watch for all sci-fi-fags. watched first season of Forbrydelsen (aka The Killing). holy shit i didn't expect danish series to be that good! i've seen the US adaptation few years ago and really liked it. but the original seems to be even better! i feel ashamed that it was carelessly neglected by me back in days when i checked the adaptation. but it's for the best, because now i still have 2 seasons of this delicious criminal thriller, dayum!
  17. i've been planing to watch Drifters since i first heard about anime adaptation. read manga 5 years ago, after having that shitty void because of watching Hellsing OVAs lol. there were only twenty-something chapters at that time and the gap between each new chapter was around 3 months iirc. for my own sake i decided to drop manga and wait for the time when it'll hit complete status. i heard there's also going to be second season of Drifters, so i'm not in a hurry to watch the first for now. I CAN MANAGE TO WAIT A COUPLE MORE MONTHS AFTER ALL THESE YEARS ANYWAY. and well, i've just started rewatching Gintama... that'll keep me busy for quite a while ;w;
  18. awww that's so sweet of them <333 definitely getting those
  19. Gaz

    not yet, but it was in my to-watch list for quite a while. it's just that completed series have higher priority there, that's why i was always postponing that one. i plan on checking it when 2nd season will be out. anyway i watched Battlestar Galactica miniseries and half of first season and it's good so far. though, i'm always a bit too nitpicking about sci-fi stuff and the future stuff they are showing to us. i mean, all those wires and old keyboards and monitors and other stuff - man, that is just an old hardware stuff. speaking of space operas, have you ever seen japanese animated series from late 80's Legend of the Galactic Heroes (orig. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu)? that one is a masterpiece! combat strategy/tactics, politics, character relationships - everything is on very high level. sad to see that it's not very popular out here.
  20. i always loved their visual appearances! the song is also pretty good
  21. Gaz

    mini-updates: - finished The Shield because it was great. - dropped The Prisoner because it wasn't. - watched 6 seasons of The West Wing and i'm mostly enjoying it. though, it's not that kind of a show which you can watch 24/7, after 8-9 episodes per day i become a bit tired of it. - watched 3 seasons of Seinfeld and I FUCKING LOVE IT! the humor is hilarious! i can't believe this show was never broadcast in my country instead of 23123 re-runs of Friends. and Seinfeld is probably the closest to Friends' comedy level (or maybe it'll even be better, can't say for sure at this point). - plan to watch Battlestar Galactica in a few days after i finish last season of The West Wing. i feel like this is my last chance to get something similar to LOST, suspense-wise. but we'll see.
  22. watching Yuri on ice. it was okay at first, but when real competition started it became kinda meh-ish. sport aspect in this anime is pretty boring/annoying. anyway, it's not bad for anime original and i'm gonna finish remaining 4 episodes.
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