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Posts posted by JukaForever

  1. Considering the topic of guidance and professionality. It's not a question of either of those. People just need to be decent and understanding enough to know what when they produce shit, they DO NOT release it. You don't really need a producer or manager to tell you that a song is crappy if you're capable enough of having a pair of ears and decent hearing ability. If something sounds this bad, you, as a normal human being, should be able to discern the difference between crappy and almost okay for yourself.



    oh please, there are still idiots, plain ignorant music, being played in the mainstream today. It offers upcoming artists to think they can still make it even with the crap they play. "Musical Guide" doesn't necessarily mean an instructor nor did I imply that. I just don't think they have been tested yet to let them know their stuff sucks.

  2. My taste in music is as follows:



    grraahhhh sqreee aaahhhh grrrrrrrr~*~out of tune clean vocals~*~grraaaaahhhhh iieeeeeee -|- Remix of Bach's Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor Here -|- overlaying chugging guitar riffs, occasionally broken up by acoustic arpeggios and low budget dubbing effects for filler 3rd and 4th rhythm guitar parts

    starting to like bands that do this, seems more fun to listen to



    anyway by genre:


    metal: I like the strong orchestral like atmsphere, something like a classical band but with more rock and distortion. This is why I like symphonic metal a lot. I mainly like the cleanly played guitars of neo-classical and power metal that way I can focus better on the guitar work and pick out the intricacies of the notes played. The groove and bad-ass vocals of classic heavy metal is a lot of fun to listen to which is what I mainly look for.


    rock: Good vocals is a must and I typically try to look for a good guitarist or bassist that can compose a musical song and not the typical rock song. I have just noticed over the years of testing out bands that a good guitarists (that can hold a decent 20+ seconds of solo) will typically have a refreshing band to listen to. But good clean vocals is a must, no matter how much screaming or whatever happens on a song, to have. The interplay of the guitars and vocals is often my focus in enjoyment.


    hip-hop:...ehh how many of ya'll actually listen to that stuff lol but it is my first love of a genre, the lyricism of this genre will never be matched

  3. Bacardi 151...fave

    Bacardi Oakheart

    Bacardi Black

    Captain Morgan Spiced


    any other rum based alcohol none white though


    I don't really care much for beer and just go whatever else the group is drinking else typically go heinekin


    oh and henessy cuz i'm a gangster at heart ;)

  4. didn't actually buy anything, arguably pretty much avoided that, but i figured this is the right place to show of mah mad DIY-Skillz!

    lost one of the cushions at the DEG-concert in cologne (jolly me, there even was a moshpit, who'd have imagined?), and the idea of going through the city today, without proper music on my ears was too damn frightening, so foam and scissors it was :P

    a new pair costs 30 bucks, damn fascists... (only the cushions that is)

    lol why would you take your grados outside, much less to a rock concert? are you in head-fi?




    I finalized my spending for the next 2 months




    SCANDAL / SCANDAL Osaka-Jo Hall 2013 "Wonderful Tonight"

    Jupiter / Blessing Of The Future [sHM-CD]




    KAMIJO / Louis - Enketsu no La Vie En Rose - [Regular Edition]

    Jupiter / Classical Element Deluxe Edition [sHM-CD] [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type B / Jacket B]

    Cyntia / Return to Myself - Shinai, Shinai, Natsu. - [w/ DVD, Limited Edition / Type A]....bathing suit edition can't wait



    I should've grouped Cyntia with the July batch and add the new Scandal single on the August batch but too lazy

  5. -.- so many releases popping up in that week, my wallet is in life support



    CELL-セル- new maxi single "崩壊と制裁の意図(houkai to seisai no ito)" will be released at 2013/08/28 (2 TYPE, 2,100yen each)


    [track list]
    01.崩壊と制裁の意図(houkai to seisai no ito)
    03.Born again
    04.鉄の靴〜鏡よ鏡〜(tetsu no kutsu〜kagami yo kagami〜) (included in TYPE A)
    04.振り返った君(furikaetta kimi) (included in TYPE B )



    I wonder whether "鉄の靴〜鏡よ鏡〜(tetsu no kutsu〜kagami yo kagami〜)" is remake ver. of La'Mule "MIRROR・MIRROR~鏡よ鏡(kagami yo kagami)~"


    Was that a song from one of the member's previous band?

  6. I like to add my share on Celga. It's kind of off topic, but I am currently having the worst experience with them I could have ever imagined having with a shopping service, or any service in general.


    At least they refunded you in the 1st, the second one is hilariously but sorry to hear that experience



    currently have 2 orders in the future from CDJapan, the only thing I want is the option of adding new orders to finalized orders. Like when a release is suddenly announced and will be release at around the same time as my next order is to be shipped.

  7. I think if someone is a fan of indie Visual Kei, then they really should give Dir en grey a chance. If the fans are what is turning you off, seriously just ignore all the batshit nonsense that comes from the fanbase. However their influence is just undeniable when you listen to some indie bands, whether it's the kote kei indie rawk they pushed out in their early days or the br00tal faux metal they do now. The influences they had and still have and will probably have for many more years to come is just undeniable.

    Also if you don't like Dir en grey at the end of it all, I think that's fine. I don't love everything that band does either, especially some of their newer material. Yet if you're avoiding trying the band because of the fanbase you really shouldn't do that. Give it a chance, completely disregard the fans and what people say and just listen to them.

    @evilcoconut ~

    That's why I haven't listened to anymore from X aside from their popular songs everyone knows. My thing with them is they're okay powerheavyhair metal and I can just listen to a Western band that does it better. I get that most of their popularity is probably due to the fact that they're probably the first popular Japanese metal band that had such an outrageous mind blowing style, especially for the mainstream Japanese music at least.



    but you wont get the english/japanese interchange in the lyrics, its quite a charm when sang.

  8. it's jsut out of stock on CDJapan, but all of their cd, included when they named Kuu, are still available on Starwave records shop, and they oversea ^^


    ok, I will take note of that. I can't really read japanese so I will need time to figure out the ordering process. I am more inclined to use cdjapan as my 1st option but I will test and see how it goes.


    Thanks again

  9. I dunno it this is a crime against the music, but more against the fans, but I saw the last post and wanted to just mention something, because Lolita was mentioned.


    If you don't want your $500 lolita dress touched by other people, DO NOT FUCKING WEAR IT TO A CONCERT AND STAND IN THE FRONT 2 ROWS.


    And don't get huffy when you walk by and drag your white dress across MY face and then look at me angrily when my eyeliner's smudged on your princess-pony-candy-marshmallow-stuffed-animal-kawaii print. 




    (I think I need to start a blog which is just rants about people I meet at vkei lives, because seriously. This is stupidly common.)


    But more on the music, I do think it is a crime for bandguys to actually ask you for money. I've had the experience of not being asked to be a 'benefactor' for a bandman, but meeting said bandguy's 'benefactor' in the VIP section. And the thing is... it does happen. I mean, I can think of multiple times and multiple bandguys who pull this shit on a regular basis. (I've actually seen one of my favorite musicians on a mitsu-date and when I laughed at him he at least had the decency to look a bit ashamed.)


    I don't care what these guys do in their personal lives-- I'm in it for the music, but dude. Don't ask me to help you basically prostitute yourself kthkzbiii


    (And whoever is still under the delusion that these guys make a lot of money from their bands needs to wake up. The singer of Awake made me a crepe last week and not a month ago I had to teach a bandman the /proper/ way of making a Jack-Coke. And don't even get me /started/ about the two indies session-bandboys who work at the 7-11 next to my house. I have no idea who they are, but I buy tickets for all my lives there at 2 in the morning just to laugh at them.


    These guys actually have normal day jobs.


    How do they afford their outfits, especially the more elaborate ones? Many VK outfits looks crazy expensive and they will, I assume, would sweat it out in a live thus ruining it and probably need some good cleaning. weird question I know, it just seems like the bands spend a lot on aesthetics just to be VK

  10. I was referencing the Jupiter thread, some people in that thread don't want him to sing with metal and wants him to stay away from any metal genre.

    I don't really think his sound is a Versailles sound per se as that sound is also Hizaki's. The earliest recordings I have listened from him are his songs with Lareine which also has soft melody but metal in most sense. This is why I can't really predict what his solo will be like but can only hope what it would sound like.

  11. Alright hold on, that's slightly inaccurate.


    I haven't seen anyone pick sides so far. Simply stating that you're more excited for Jupiter than Kamijo's solo work and the other way around does not equal instantly picking a side and looking down with disgust on the other one.


    The main problems that were discussed in the thread you are referring to had to do with Kamijo's vocal abilities, not his musical work or compositions. When people now state that they're more excited for Kamijo is probably because the snippet of instrumentals was more to their liking than Jupiter's preview (thus people being more excited for the compositions Kamijo has made in comparison to the ones Hizaki has made for Jupiter). Of course I do agree on the fact that it would be double-sided seeing as the same people who claimed Kamijo was not a power metal vocalist would now suddenly be enthusiastic about the same thing.



    I am not sure where you are getting at there. The preview doesn't seem to suggest power metal, it resembles "love will be born again" japanese ver. which I loved and honestly hoped(before they announced hiatus) more of with next Versailles albums. Now I hope his release will be more vocal-centric.   :wan-26:  oh the thought of just hearing Kamijo sing the whole 4+ mins with a soft metal back drop  :wan-28: 

  12. Well, the funny thing is: In the thread about Jupiter many users complained about them being better without Kamijo and now in this thread everyone's saying he'll do better than them ... Weird, isn't it?

    not only that, they also say they don't like his voice and should stay away in any type of metal

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