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Posts posted by JukaForever

  1. [CD] Sel'm / iconoclasm
    [CD] Calmando Qual / Killer Fiction
    [CD] Calmando Qual / Twisted Clock
    [CD] Calmando Qual / [silent]
    [CD] Calmando Qual / MORAL POLLUTION
    [DVD] T-ARA / T-ARA Japan Tour 2013 -Treasure Box- 2nd TOUR FINAL In Budokan *First Press Bonus
    [CD] absentmindedness / absentmindedness
    [CD] absentmindedness / She
    [CD] absentmindedness / 2700 Mile no Koibito
    [CD] LuLu / 301 Byoshitsu


    can't wait

  2. Capella-I needed my fix of light rock and these guys were great at providing that without the need of shiny outfits and obvious marketing for LGs.


    Umbrella-They sound so indy but with a VK twist. Just overall good band. Nice light and somber sounding band. I wish their releases weren't so limited, sold out too fast.


    Calmando Qual-Such good band. Mellow melodic and dark at the same time. Reminded me of LuLu so instantly got hooked, just ordered their previous releases for christmas. Can't wait


    Gacharic Spin- PV releases for Doll$Boxx kept coming throughout early 2013. I always had something to look for every week from this band with Fuki until their own album Delicious mmm


    Cyntia- mmm love this band. I feel their music got better compared to their debut album which was way too light IMO for a metal band, I kind of put them off. Their latest album Lady Made was a good blend of Metal and shoujo. 


    Sel'm-I only have a few of their releases as I was doing my usual testing for new bands and boy, this guys stuck to me. They sound like a faster version of GazettE, sound pretty good. I preordered their latest album.


    absentmindedness- another girl group which I probably would've missed if their album wasn't uploaded here. Nice sounding light rock with an ethereal sounding vocalist. Bought all their albums and waiting for them as well.


    Destrose- LOL another girl band but whatever. They actually sound really good for a metal band with a natural sounding vocalist.


    ADAMS-I gave them a listen and really dig their music. Honestly shocked about their subject matter once I saw their vids but whatever, IMO they provided great feeling to their music which is what originally hooked me. I wasn't a big fan of having electronic elements on rock songs but these guys blended it well enough that it was enjoyable....until I was reminded again why I hated such thing with Mejibrays "worms"


    Yeti-This band is soo fun to listen to, particularly the vocalist. I love their random speed up and slow downs. I love their indy feel. I love their smooth rhythms. I love this band.



    That's all I got. I have heard singles from here-and-there newer bands making me expect 2014 should be also a good one.

  3. That's pretty harsh XD

    I would agree that open has the edge when it comes to pure audio fidelity, but to me they pretty much defeat the point of having headphones...If I am at work and I want to jam out, I can't use open back. If I am at home and I don't care who hears me, I will play stuff over my speakers. I am not trying to say that open suck or anything, but it is just something to really consider. Other area where I would give the edge to closed is in the low bass region, it just seems harder for open headphones to really have that deep of a low end.

    Once again, I am not saying that you, Muma, shouldn't get open headphones, but they are definitely things to consider.


    Open backs are for people that don't want speakers especially if you want to get into hi-fi for reasons such not wanting roommates to get the reverberations from your room or get into room EQing which is a PITA. For those people open backs make perfect sense. You get good low end from orthos but then again, they cost a lot. 


    The grados are on-ear but are light and should be good for long listening sessions but IMO not as comfy as over-ear.

  4. Versailles-Zombie


    Repetitive riff and doesn't add much especially since the next track does a better job in giving a melody after the fast riffs.




    Comes off as little corny imo




    Just....No. On that note Messiah was underwhelming since it was my first purchase of Mejibray, I was expecting Sliver type of material, oh well.

  5. Except Kamijo. By now I am convinced that he will take that gothic-aristocrat-thing to his grave. XDD



    In all fairness though, most vk bands drop the vk image long before just getting too old. Actually most vk bands disband before they get to the point of dropping vk imagery, lol. I can fully understand though that after a few years of needing more time to prepare your makeup for a concert than actually spending time on stage, you want to tone down your visuals. And, since being in a vk band typically doesn't pay your bills, some people may just drop the pink hair in favor of getting a decent job. XD



    But he is a vampire, he will live forever. Besides, graves are dirty and too confined.

  6. They have their own trends, obviously. I cannot see how one can't see the patterns in clothing or making music, especially in VK. I mean most of the new neo-VK bands are hardly distinguishable from each other in both ways.



    Works for me as it makes it easier to filter out the crappy-unoriginal ones. Although some bands just don't seem to be inspired for drastic styles or they seem to want to be overly dressed up in the first place.

  7. The only recent Hollywood horror that legit scared me was Mama, everything else was meh including the Paranormal Activity. I have seen all Rec, english and spanish version. It was a fun film more that scary imo.

  8. Oh love me horror movies, its pretty much how I got introduced to Japanese and Korean culture.


    Takashi Miike is one of my fave directors: Audition and Imprint from Masters of Horror anthologie


    For Korean films: Chaser and I saw the devil


    Those are the last 4 that has left the biggest impression on me since I have seen them. I have seen others but a little forgettable :P

  9. Just finished the whole thing, didn't really like the last 2 episodes. It seems like they nerfed his party, who the hell used those pokemon to go against the elite 4 o.O ? ...and Charizard winning against Blastoise...seriously??? Then they OP'ed him just to catch Mewtwo WTF I ran through at least 20-40 Ultra Balls myself before catching that bloody thing or just cave in and used the Master Ball. lol the series made it seem like the game was broken but all in all it was still fun to watch. The battle are much more brutal and that was a welcoming trait of the battles.

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