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Status Replies posted by enyx

  1. According to archieve.org, my fifth annineversary with MH/TW is about around the corner! wohoo

  2. i'm now at kamijo concerto AND THE BAR ISNT FUCKING OPEN WHAT IS THIS SHIT

  3. I love the fact that the cabs' guitarist/lead songwriter's first solo track is effectively a pseudo-haisuinonasa song releasing only a week before haisuinonasa's own single comes out. Happy days.

  4. Someone got another iTunes gift card. What to buy, what to buy...

    1. enyx


      LOL! I hadn't noticed that. It's like one of those moments when you see someone wearing an outfit that's super similar to yours.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Someone got another iTunes gift card. What to buy, what to buy...

  6. When you hear music in your dreams that doesn't actually exist, does that mean you composed it?

  7. Do I hear a mini plug session happening after the long ass one last night? Hell to the yes. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  8. What's on you mind?

  9. Kagrra,...imma let u finish, but a ling banner would be the GREATEST BANNER OF ALL TIME

    1. enyx


      The other 7449 people would have voted for Sigure ;)

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. if I took a pic of myself will you guys laugh? D:

  11. What games should I be playing? I WANT TO PLAY EVERYTHING.

    1. enyx


      Well, if you enjoy JRPGs/SRPGs then I highly suggest checking out Valkyria Chronicles on Steam.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. What games should I be playing? I WANT TO PLAY EVERYTHING.

    1. enyx


      It really depends on what types of games you enjoy.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. I got a gaming PC for an early birthday present...goodbye world.

  14. 2月4日(水)岡山県・CRAZYMAMA KINGDOM [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS 2月5日(木)大阪府・梅田CLUB QUATTRO [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS - bruh

  15. I feel as though I should try to be a bit more social on here. So like... hello... or something.

  16. 2月4日(水)岡山県・CRAZYMAMA KINGDOM [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS 2月5日(木)大阪府・梅田CLUB QUATTRO [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS - bruh

  17. Happy New Year! If this status updates get 20 replies that aren't from the same people (lmao maria) I'll post the original best of the MH-chat in the Monochrome Heaven Hall of WTFLOLZ

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