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Everything posted by DogManX

  1. DogManX

    Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch. Ouch. Just reading your nonsense makes me churn up my insides. TWANK KLANG hijinks???? You mean like.. slapping? Until now his bass play has always fitted to the present music, more or less. I'd criticize his Uroboros phase when he randomly played notes just to play them (Glass Skin, Dozing Green etc.). That would really be the highest of feelings. Next, "distorted two-strings-minimalism"? What is that? Do haters of the new songs go to such far lengths to not even care what they critizise? It's laughable. I'm out. EDIT @Saishu I think the Amon bassline was pretty good, underlining the nature of the song perfectly. Diabolos was more of a.. well..pointless thing? He did exceed with the slapping from time to time, but on DSS it was pretty okay overall. I think he will come back to it on the next album or so. DSS was kind of an experiment for the most part anyway. And didn't he have a 5-string during DSS already? I'm pretty sure he did. And he has alot of deep notes on ARCHE to play, still. And all the remade, downtohell-tuned songs.
  2. DogManX

    oh fuck it. no shinya discussions anymore
  3. DogManX

    He'd be a better drummer if he practiced. Nuff said
  4. DogManX

    Yeah I just don't buy that. I think it's an act. But as I said don't mind me I'm probably the only one who thinks that way ^^
  5. DogManX

    I can't stand Shinya. Like.. man up!! Try to finish a sentence without gazing downwards. What's he thinking anyway? That this will attract japanobitches with their kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-tic? Or like "Oh my god that guy is so cute oh mi gosh I hope no one sees I'm getting red~" You're a fucking rockstar. Everyone admires you. And you live in japan where no one will ever critizise you. Don't act like that fucking shy girl whos new in school for fucking 15 yraes straight. (I'm sorry yall please don't mind it) I wanna see Kyo with a fucking bärtelhut and lederhosen. Then he got my respect. That would be fucking awesome.
  6. DogManX

    What's it with Blut aus Nord? Never heard of that band. Must have missed the context..
  7. DogManX

    To Pretzels: You are not "DEG-fans", you are you. And I don't like stupid theories. Hearing out a "lack of chemistry" or whatever is your deal. To me they write whatever they write. If it's good it's good. If not, it's not. That counts for any song they write, no matter how long. I don't need pseudo-explanations to why certain songs just don't work with me. Got it ?
  8. DogManX

    @Pretzels And what is writing shorter songs then? Municipal Wastian? Give it up. Bands happen to write long songs. Dir en grey's long songs can be counted on one hand. It's a natural outdrift. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. That's how easy it is.
  9. DogManX

    sheesh mazohyst is fucking boring. dunno what people like about this song.
  10. DogManX

    @Pretzels It always amazes me how long people can stretch an "I don't like it"....
  11. DogManX

    I've heard alot about this "WWII" lately. Is it a good movie?
  12. DogManX

    I'm seriously shocked. And imagine me saing this in british accent. There are kids dying in syria and iraq, and you perfer NIGHTMARE over SCUMS? What has the world come to? I'd rather eat a roadkilled toad sweetened with stinky tofu than listening to that album ever again!
  13. DogManX

    You better suggest a grizzly's turd. We're talking about the BEST album. Not the .. worst.
  14. DogManX

    it's a good album. throw out ass(aulter) and it's all good. dunno what you people have with this. there are far worse releases like the previous and next one.
  15. DogManX

    Who gives a shit ...and which of Toshiyas moves aren't weird?
  16. DogManX

    Wake me up in 30 years when Kaoru gets older
  17. DogManX

    Whos that idiot in the middle?
  18. Desperate, huh? This is ridiculous.
  19. DogManX

    Behemoth's Inferno easily.
  20. DogManX

    I think some of the band members said it once in one or the other interview.
  21. DogManX

    You both spelled MISSA and Withering to death. wrong!
  22. DogManX

    What? I mean yeah sure. Totally agree. Let's move on.
  23. DogManX

    yeah because I refered it to this ((ex-)VK) scene .. so in this case I talked about a mostly japan-centered phenomenom. and no I'm not condemning his girlieness. @emmny ... nothing directly. I didn't even want to go so deep into debate since I wasn't really serious about you on my first comment but then this dramatic comment came over and I had to respond.. sorry! But why you ask? I already wrote what I think about that. Exactly. Well.. gazette.. I mean I don't understand their hype. But I realized when they started doing really bad music.. like.. so bad finally their fanbase had to admit it too...that's where there started to be a controverse about them.. or am I wrong? Because in terms of having looks being taken as an argument for a VK-band's success, this reaches all over VK, not just gazette. And of course Dir en grey were and are affected too.
  24. DogManX

    Am I the one making serious problems out of their hair styles? Or drawing tons of gay fan fiction? Because that's what I call not taking people serious as grown up adults. Nothing to do with whether they fulfill certain male roles. I am not demanding from anyone to be a testosterone pumped ox man. All I'm saying is when people like Shinya like to present themselves as.. caricatures of actual manga tropes, they'll get reactions to that.. for the positive or negative. Don't sort yourself out by applying "stereotypical" behaviour traits to anyone. it's not that easy. >>more like ,this is the problem when people from usa and europe and metal audience, they only like music from guys that look stereotypically masculine and refuse to take seriously anyone else that doesn't fit their stereotype.<< -this is the most random classification I've ever read. yeah, some people from USA and europe. .. why from there? no clue. metal audience.. why certainly that? no clue. @nekki ... erm.. yyes. management team.. legal department... yyeah I agree totally! wait.. what was the topic?
  25. DogManX

    The things you guys worry about.. I mean.. well.. oh my god hith hair ith tho sho~rt! oh my god! this is the problem when people (from japan) do everything they can not to appear as full grown adult men... but more like (female) shoujo manga characters.. even when they do such music no one takes them seriously.
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