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Everything posted by johnesh

  1. Just listened to the samples. Actually sounds really good. May have to buy it – at some point when I can actually afford it, what with all the millions of other things coming out soon that I want to get.
  2. johnesh

    Having just gone back and listened to all of their stuff so far, I'm cautiously optimistic about the album. I absolutely LOVED Kalvary – their sole album is one of my all-time favourite records – but I'm not altogether convinced by the new direction; it's rather saccharine, the production is tinny, and there's a bit too much goofing around for my taste. Still, I reckon the album could be really good though, and is probably worth a shot.
  3. johnesh

    This. If their next album is in this vein (assuming they ever actually get around to making a second full-length album) I will definitely buy it.
  4. johnesh

    Lol @ "Camel"
  5. johnesh

    Very sad news. RIP dude
  6. johnesh

    Sounds absolutely sick, have just ordered it
  7. johnesh

    Best-of album already? They've only had two albums out.
  8. johnesh

    We do know. This seems to strongly suggest that he does want it himself.
  9. johnesh

    Oh, yes! So stoked for this. Nightmare are one of my favourite bands and I've loved everything they've done recently, especially the last single.
  10. Really? I thought their album was very good – one of the best things released on Under Code for ages. If their B-sides are as good, this could be a really cool way for me to hoover up the rest of their tracks, given that I don't buy singles. I admit it is overpriced, though.
  11. johnesh

    Never mind left over – this track is actually on the album that was just released! Not a good move. And the album wasn't great either.
  12. johnesh

    Every single time I see one of these stories, I think, "New doctor will join...?"
  13. johnesh

    Latest news from Gan-Shin is that the album will get a physical release in Europe and that the release date will be "announced very soon". http://www.gan-shin.com/48-1-mucc.html http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151269648999489&set=a.345581279488.150732.213118129488&type=1
  14. johnesh

    I contacted Gan-Shin through their Facebook page and they said they are "doing their best". It's beyond bizarre that they seemingly have to fight to release every new album by the bands they have supposedly signed. Why don't they have automatic rights to them? Their contracts must be on an album-by-album basis, or something.
  15. johnesh

    Post-rock band Té will release their fifth album on 3rd October. http://tee.daa.jp/jp/news.html It will also be getting a UK release through Zankyo Records' new UK division. http://www.facebook.com/ZankyoUK Stoked about this, I love these guys.
  16. Oooh, could it be that they will finally release a full album? These 3-consecutive-month things are often a precursor to that.
  17. johnesh

    I'd say late 2012 actually. This. That's three singles now, I'm sure the album will be out in time for Christmas.
  18. johnesh

    ^ I think these make it absolutely absolutely clear that this "hiatus" is indefinite.
  19. johnesh

    Well I can't read kanji yet, sadly, but I've put it into Google Translate (for what that's worth) and it does produce words like "pause", "suspended" and "hiatus". But it's a bit weird, isn't it, that on their official site they would post an English "translation" of this important news which means something completely different from the original Japanese? Taking both of these together, I conclude that it's an "indefinite hiatus" (i.e. essentially the same as a disbandment).
  20. johnesh

    I can't believe people are still calling this a "hiatus". http://versailles.syncl.jp/?p=info&id=15940 "Versailles has decided to stop all activities... The band will release their farewell album... Versailles will have their grand finale... show your support to Versailles and their final journey." It's clearly a disbandment, not a hiatus.
  21. If you just listen to it without watching the video, it doesn't sound like VK at all. Apart from the guitar solos, it could be Linkin Park - especially the lyrics! Seriously, doesn't anybody else think the vocalist sounds almost exactly like Chester Bennington?
  22. johnesh

    Sound great. Don't think I'm going to be disappointed with this album at all.
  23. johnesh

    Amazing, someone who actually knows that it's not "vocal chords".
  24. johnesh

    My professional review can be read here: http://www.allmusic.com/album/lollipop-kingdom-r2476749/review.
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