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  1. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    Jojo and wajow for Owl [bIG IN JAPAN]

    Toadhole haemorrhage for turts [GARGANTUAN]

  2. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Shir0 in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Marking their 15th anniversary, D'ESPAIRSRAY will give one reunion concert at 2014/07/29 Zepp DiverCity Tokyo during the event "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」". Other bands performing: Angelo, FAKE?, RIZE, lynch.
    The band's message from Facebook:
  3. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to bonsaijodelfisch in sukekiyo - IMMORTALIS   
    ok, right upfront, am i the only one, that deson't really get all the exitement about this album? it pretty much falls into the cathegory "appreciate the effort, but no thanks"
    i'll start with what is (very!) good about this release.
    you can tell that there went a lot of effort into all of these tracks.
    there are tons of different and interesting ideas incorporated into pretty much all of these songs
    by every single member and the production team aswell at some points.
    it is also great that everyone seems to have stepped out of their comfort-zone a bit
    doing things a little different than in their previous bands to create something new.
    also there isn't any performance that only goes by the standard procedure of a bass/git/vox/drum formula.
    everyone tries to add something unique to it, so it doesn't become a "kyo+friends"-sideproject.
    with all this effort, with all this willingness to take a risk, with all the creativity-input from every side,
    i really really really wanted to like this record.
    i tried hard to, but now after four listens or so i think i don't, and here is why.
    unfortunately the songs in their completed stage don't work. that is as themselves, and as the 16-track combination that is this album.
    you can tell that this is a very new project, that hasen't really accustomed to each other yet.
    you can tell that there is always eclectic stuff going on in the guitars, some eclectic stuff with the bass and some offbeat drumming going on,
    all buried under eclectic multilayered falsetto-choruses from kyo, but none of this really fits the other.
    it feels more like an endless stream of random ideas in each part, that every member had lieing around somewhere on their harddrive
    added afteranother and layered over another.
    there is very few occasions, where one of the parts actually serves the other or compliments it.
    furthermore there then is very little developement or dramaticality in the tracks, they start at some point, morph their initial idea/groove a few times around and then at some point they end, like a shapeless form of music, that just happens to be as long as it is.
    no progression, no (or very little and poorly executed) transitions and very little to be exited for then.
    this results unfortunately in an album where very little sticks to the mind and which is, despite all its originality, pretty boring.
    there are only 3 or four tracks that manage to make a slight dent in my memory,
    but even those are only kinda meh-ish, all the rest is a shapeless blob of random noodling.
    and now for the obligatory (current!) DEG refernce,
    deg members have most of the time a very similar, boxy and eclectic, un-catchy type of playing,
    even their "melodic" tracks aren't really that melodic at all.
    but they have managed to put all their weirdness together.
    to know when to take a step back and just do chugchug, when to abruptly end phrases to get into a completely different gear for a bridge/chorus/whatevs.
    despite everyone sucking pretty bad at their instruments of choice, through knowing and considering each others abilities and giving each other space they managed to incorporate their ungroovy ideas to create breathing and obscure lively behemoths of songs that keep you on the edge of the seat.
    this is the very quality, that sukekiyo still lacks greatly,
    a good songwriter/arranger to put all that creative brilliance into good use in a dramatical and organic song.
    not doing a track by track, but in general this album would probably get sth like a 6/10 (4 of that for effort), who knows, mabe it'll grow on me, but i doubt it.
  4. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from kukew in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Marking their 15th anniversary, D'ESPAIRSRAY will give one reunion concert at 2014/07/29 Zepp DiverCity Tokyo during the event "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」". Other bands performing: Angelo, FAKE?, RIZE, lynch.
    The band's message from Facebook:
  5. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from fuyushita_risou in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Marking their 15th anniversary, D'ESPAIRSRAY will give one reunion concert at 2014/07/29 Zepp DiverCity Tokyo during the event "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」". Other bands performing: Angelo, FAKE?, RIZE, lynch.
    The band's message from Facebook:
  6. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Delkmiroph in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Marking their 15th anniversary, D'ESPAIRSRAY will give one reunion concert at 2014/07/29 Zepp DiverCity Tokyo during the event "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」". Other bands performing: Angelo, FAKE?, RIZE, lynch.
    The band's message from Facebook:
  7. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Rize in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Marking their 15th anniversary, D'ESPAIRSRAY will give one reunion concert at 2014/07/29 Zepp DiverCity Tokyo during the event "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」". Other bands performing: Angelo, FAKE?, RIZE, lynch.
    The band's message from Facebook:
  8. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Ito in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Marking their 15th anniversary, D'ESPAIRSRAY will give one reunion concert at 2014/07/29 Zepp DiverCity Tokyo during the event "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」". Other bands performing: Angelo, FAKE?, RIZE, lynch.
    The band's message from Facebook:
  9. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    Alaska thunderfuck the dude from beata for nick-friend, I bet this dude smelled funny like in a mouldy kind of way [GLAMOROUS high definition] 

    Satsuki for cat, idk why you wanted me to weeb it up so much but ok [WARM and DISTURBINGLY MOIST large version]

    Sui for dicks and a doo [EXTRA LONG EXTRA WIDE]

    Nao for makony (izam tomorrow I promise!!) [uNBELIEVABLE GIRTH]

  10. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from nick in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Marking their 15th anniversary, D'ESPAIRSRAY will give one reunion concert at 2014/07/29 Zepp DiverCity Tokyo during the event "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」". Other bands performing: Angelo, FAKE?, RIZE, lynch.
    The band's message from Facebook:
  11. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - It's insane to think that this film most likely had a smaller budget than An Unexpected Journey, because it's on a whole different level visually. It's not perfect, and I do expect much more from a director like Peter Jackson, but The Desolation of Smaug makes An Unexpected Journey look like a small budget film, and that's pretty fucking sad. The Desolation of Smaug is a geat film, and most of the changes from the book works very well, even though not all of them lives up to the standard of the book. But some are better than in the book. That's an adation for you. Just like it should be. The scenes in Dol Guldur is amazing, and the best part of the film. Amazing really. The meeting with Smaug is really well done as well, but Dol Guldur, man. Dol fucking Guldur!
    Stake Land - Cool, post-apocalyptic vampire horror on a rather low budget. The film ain't much more original than 98% of todays top 20 hiphop, so yeah, not original at all. But it's so well made, so well done and so cool that you'll forget all about that. Atmospheric and awesome horror on a low budget.
    Snowpiercer - I finally got to see this film (on cinema as well. Film festivals, man. <3). Joon-ho Bong never disappoints, and proves once again that he is among the best and most exciting directors in 2014. It's as simple as that. The setting is great, the atmosphere is amazing and the action is badass as fuck. Don't need much more than that to entertain me.
    And Kang-ho Song once again proves himself among the best actors in the world in 2014. What an actor, man! Heavenly. Simple as that.
    I'm happy that all the three "big" Korean directors succeeded in making great Hollywood debuts. Just as expected, but great nonetheless.
    1. Stoker (8,5/10)
    2. Snowpiercer (8/10)
    3. The Last Stand (7,5/10)
  12. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    Yusa for maiku! [SHOCKING full size]

    Takemasa for fitear! [EROTICAL high resolution]

    MAKONY is up next! I'm gonna do izam for you as well as nao since I know I've been promising you I would for so long that I swear the first time I did I was talking to you from atop a woolly mammoth
  13. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Flash-Fab-Supernova in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    Ahahaha these are amazing. Way to go, Senny!
  14. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    Ikuma for tetsu_sama! full resolution version here

    And unfortunately I'm off for the night! I might be able to get on later tonight but if not I'll be back tomorrow with maiku's pic 
  15. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    true & honest testimony from monochrome heaven celebrity, socialite, male model and philanthropist billionaire CAT5
  16. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Senedjem in VK caricatures by Senedjem   
    I started drawing little cartoons of vk people the other day and now I can't stop

    Here's Yutori from METEOROID

    Rame from vidoll and black gene for the whothefuckcares

    Shuuji ishii

    And then there's this, based on one of hitomi's twitpics

    If anyone wants one of their favourite musician I'd be more than happy to oblige! I can do these up really quickly
  17. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Finished watching Kill la Kill a few days ago, it was really fun! Also watched Coppelion these past days, I expected a bit more (story-wise) but it was okay enough.
    Gonna start the 2nd season of Gin no saji tomorrow~
  18. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to clow_eriol in X Japan: Live in New York & Best of Announced   
    Oh I see.... this image explains all my thoughts

  19. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in X Japan: Live in New York & Best of Announced   
    Why do they need to rerecord them? Some of those (Kurenai, X, Silent Jealousy and Art of Life) are close to perfect in their original form, and there's no way they would manage to improve them. They would kill them with a modern, sterile and lifeless production, and no enthusiasm and energy. Sounds good, yeah. Jesus, this fanbase, man.
  20. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from otterley_ in new band "Cannibal" has formed   
    Hoping they'll use an extended version of Hannibal's opening theme to walk onstage.

  21. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in new unit "minus(ー)" with SOFT BALLET members   
    Do you want to see the girl who lives behind the aura?
  22. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Tokage in new unit "minus(ー)" with SOFT BALLET members   
    Allahu Akbar-kei
  23. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Tokage in new unit "minus(ー)" with SOFT BALLET members   
    Ken Morioka and Maki Fujii (both of SOFT BALLET) will debut their new unit "minus (ー)" on 2014/05/30 at Tokyo KOENJI HIGH, during 音楽と人LIVE 2014 VOL.2 event, titled "minus(ー)1st experiment "too short to show".
    Band image: http://natalie.mu/music/gallery/show/news_id/115821/image_id/277159
  24. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    Some of these sound really cool, so downloading a bunch of them.
  25. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Since Jigsaw is gonna skip the 40's, and me and him are the only one active in this thing, I'll just jump straight to the 40's. The Universal Monsters slowly started in the 20's, and we got many great horror films that decade, both Universal Monsters and other films. In the 30's they made even more monster (and other horror) films, and then came the 40's, often seen as one of the horror genres golden years. These years launched the careers of icons such as Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Jr. and Lon Chaney. In the 30's, 13 of the 17 released films had Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi or both in the lead. That's how big these two became. But this isn't about the 30's, this is about the 40's and in this decade Lon Chaney, Jr. was the huge star. Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi continued to impress with their acting, and Vincent Price were slowly getting bigger, even though he wouldn't become a known horror acto before the 50's. The 40's gave us a shitload of sequels to big titles such as Frankenstein, The Mummy, Dracula. Abbott and Costello made the whole world laugh with their funny slapstick comedies, but they also stepped into horror terretory and gave us some of the best horror comedies ever. And The Wolf-Mann took the world by storm! But even though this was Universal's year, it wasn't all about Universal. Someone walked with a zombie, another one went to graveyards and stole bodies while this one, weird chick thought she turned into a cat when sexually aroused.
    All in all it was a great and exciting decade for horror, and hopefully someone will get some inspiration from this list to check out some 40's horror films (Jiggy boy, I am looking at you!).
    1. The Body Snatcher
    Boris Karloff's (my all time favourite actor, btw) career were going downhill, but this is often considered the film that saved his career as he not only gives his best performance ever, but also oen of the finest performances in the history of horror. But guess what? This film also has another amazing horror icon of that era. Bela Lugosi! Both are amazing in their roles, but I prefer Boris Karloff (as I am a fanboy and) as he's so damn evil in this. This is an atmospheric piece of horror cinema not to be missed by anyone.
    2. The Seventh Victim
    One of the most underrated and overlooked films in the genre. The Seventh Victim was way ahead of its time and mixed horror and film noir. Satanic cults, suicide and an amazing scene that most likely inspired Alfred Hitchcock to do his most known scenes of all time. This was the darkest film ever made at its time, and still is one of the darkest films ever made. This is a film that deserves to be mentioned among the biggest of the biggest in the genre. It's a long time since I last saw it, though, but I will have a watch again soon enough. This might even climb up a few places on this list. Amazing film!
    3. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein
    This is, in my eyes at least, the best horror comedy of all time. You get simple slapstick humor mixed with fantastic horror. The thing that makes this such a great film, other than Bud Abbott and Lou Costello's fantastic and funny performance, is that everyone else, including Lon Chaney Jr., Bela Lugosi and Glenn Strange, treats this as a regular horror film. The monsters aren't made funny or dumb or anything, they are themself alike. That's one of the things that put this in front of every other horror comedy ever made. This film is unique even to this day, and has never been touched by other films in the genre. And you get three classic monsters in the same film. THere's other films like that, but none as good as this masterpiece.
    4. The Wolf Man
    We've been treated with many fine werewolf films over the years, but in my eyes no one ever came close to this film. The atmosphere is great, the make up and especially transformation is incrediblly good and Lon Chaney, Jr. is unforgettable in his role as the manbeast. This film set the standard of how werewolf films should be, and 80 years later it is still the finest one.
    5. Cat People
    The thing that stands out the most in this film is the set pieces, and they are half the fun here. They help evoke this great, eerie atmosphere that sends chills down your spine. But the acting is nothing short of superb and the use of shadows is amazing. This was a very unique film at its time, unlike anything else created. Dark and erotic.
    6. Dead of Night
    This is often seen as the best horror anthology of all time. It consists of five stories and one linking narrative. As with The Seventh Victim I haven't seen this in a long time. But I remember it being amazing, and some of the things here must've been a huge inspiration on well known horror films/series later made. Underrated and overlooked film. Will watch it again soon.
    7. Hold That Ghost
    This was, as far as I know at least, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello's first step into horror terretory, and what a great step that was for them. While not as good as Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein, it's still bloody great. The thing that makes Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein a better film is that it's way funnier and has a genuine horror feelign to it, something which this doesn't really have. But it's still a hilarious film and the movingcandle scene might be the funniest scene ever made in a horror film. It's hilarious!
    8. The Uninvited
    A very original horror film with stunning cinematography, great acting, an amazing score, atmosphere that will send chills down your spine and suspende. This film kinda has it all, doesn't it? This is a must see for sure.
    9. I Walked with a Zombie
    This is a very fine horror film, but if you expect brain- and flesheating zombies, you'll have to look somewhere else. This is a poetic film filled with great mysticism and and atmosphere. This is often seen as one of the best zombie films ever, and I do agree, even though it's not quite up there with the very best. But it's a great film!
    10. The Lodger
    I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention this film, and it's weird because this is a great film. A masterpiece in fact. Atmospheric horror mystery set in the 1880's. The amazing performance by Laird Cregar and the eerie, foggy streets of London are sure to give you the chills and put a fright in you. ANd it's a beautiful film in the way it is directed. Stunning stuff!
    That was the 40's for me. It was a damn fine year for horror, and I hope someone gets a bit of inspiration from this post to check out some great, 40's horror films.
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