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  1. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Halloween - What other film than Halloween could have been giving the honor of ending my October-horror fest? None. The best slasher of all time, and one of the best horror films ever. It's just too fucking good, this. Everything is perfect here to be honest. Brilliant. A masterpiece beyond words.
    It's interesting how this was Jamie Lee Curtis' first film, but also her best performance and her best film ever. The Fog is second, and she did well in many years after. But the purity just suited the role so well. It was a perfect match. And she was beyond beautiful back then.
    And Donald Pleasence. Faaaaaan-fucking-tastic!

    Good night!
  2. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    You mean that painfully out of place, somewhat Evil Dead-esque bird-demon creature? Yeah.. It already felt a bit off to me, especially compared to Frank's initial 'resurrection' and some of the other crazy things that occured prior to that. But considering the fact they were drunk and out of cash, it's still quite good...
    By the way, are any of the sequels worth watching?
  3. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Flash-Fab-Supernova in DIR EN GREY new album and DVD release   
    Cover art looks like a decapitated pregnant woman infected with some kind of body-horror-trope brought on by nuclear radiation. 
    It's cool~.
  4. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from chouAKI in hey everyone   
    Hi there! Yay for DIAURA~
  5. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from ghost in DIR EN GREY new album and DVD release   
    best squid-in-a-top-hat art of 2014
  6. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in new band "DADAROMA" has formed   
    Didn't use enough of that CRaZY*ShaMPoO to wash off the dad aroma 
  7. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Pretsy in DIR EN GREY new album and DVD release   
    ^Had to quote this joke off Go's site:

  8. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Pretsy in DIR EN GREY new album and DVD release   
    best squid-in-a-top-hat art of 2014
  9. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    I watched Hellraiser yesterday. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; goddamn, the '80s were a great time for visual effects. Very cool, stylish movie. 
  10. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    I went to my first double feature at the movie theater yesterday, and as already said I watched Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens and Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht. What an awesome experience. They both looked, and even more impotantly in enie Symphonie's case, sounded massive.
    Also, they started off with a "trailer" for Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht. I thought they had put on the wrong film at first, but it was just a "trailer". Majestic, haunting music over some well-plased stills from the film. Worked extremely well and sent chills down my spine.
    Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens - A most people know I consider this to be the best horror film ever made. It's the most haunting film ever made, and to me, the most scary film ever made. It doesn't surprise you with jump scares or anything, but Max Schreck is absolutely terrifying, intimidating and threatening as Count Orlok, and F.W. Murnau knew exactly how to create a creepy, mystic and thick atmosphere, and together these two elements (Max Schreck and the atmosphere), together with the nightmarish, cold and wicked visuals creates something extremely scary, at least to me. As with many horror films during the late silent era (last 15 yeas of it) it's very nightmarish and wicked becaue of how it is shot, and this is something of a lost art. I don't really know what to say. Majestic, mystic, dark, cold, creepy, evil, scary. That's the words I'll use to describe this film.
    Th soundtrack, which is extremely important for the film, isn't the best soundtrack out there. But they've got one which manage to tell the story by itself, and together with the film it just strenghtens every single image throughout its 94 runtime.
    Every single shot with Count Orlok in it is absolutely fantastic and could be used as the coolest oster ever. Most memorable and scary scenes ever. Being a silent film you'll have to talk alot with your body language, and I think Max Screck did this perfectly. Best thing ever!
    This film is is the prime example of what a symphony of horror is. This film IS horror. Grim, eerie, dark, cold and terrifying.

    Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht - Based on the same story as Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, and it pays obvious homage to the mentioned film, but it's still a very different film. Unlike in Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, Dracula here feels less terrifying, intimidating and threatening, and comes off as a hurt, lonely and haunted creature with a lot of sadness buried on the inside. Doomed to immortality with no such thing as love in his life. That's what I'd say the main differene is. This isn't so much a symphony of horror as Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, despite its very grim, cold and dark atmosphere. Klaus Kinski is amazing as Dracula, the soundtrack is MASSIVE and everything is great to be honest.
    It's simply a more beautiful film than Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, but it lacks the pure horror and terror from it, and despite Klaus Kinski's brilliant performance and look, he isn't quite as good as Max Schreck, nor does he look as good. Or move around as good, but he didn't need to either. But I love his body language. The way he talks, the way he moves his arms, the way he runs. It's amazing.

  11. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Flame-X in Horror Movies   
    I recommend watching Resolution (I mean this one). Its concept of being kind of "thinking outside the box" film makes it a bit similar. It's not so "out there" weird like Cabin... (I hated Cabin in the Woods but loved Resolution... tho that's just me.) If you like your horror deconstruction to be totally hilarious and more of a comedy, then you should really check out Tucker and Dale Vs Evil too! It's basically a funny twist on the typical crazy hillbilly/countryside slasher trope.
  12. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Elazmus in Horror Movies   
    I love Tucker and Dale lmao
  13. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to BrenGun in [HELP] interview translation [Russian to English]   
    thanks dude! and so fast!
  14. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from BrenGun in [HELP] interview translation [Russian to English]   
    Here's the other one. Again, sorry if some parts don't make much sense, they were weird to begin with. xD
    ASTAN 20. / 2005. Calmando Qual interview   Calmando Qual is one of the most exciting Asian groups today. They dedicated their latest album (Killer Fiction) to various serial killers, and accordingly their aura is dark, dangerous and gloomy. We’re bound to hear a lot from them in the future. We sat down to talk with the band in Tokyo.   What does the name "Calmando Qual" mean exactly? Hibiki: "Calmando" means "calmness" in Italian. To this, we added the German word for "pain."   Bands similar to CQ tend to be called "debiru kei." How can you explain this? Kenka: It’s gloomy rock music. Tak: Gloomy rock with gothic undertones. Tasc: Emotional, hard, gothic. Hibiki: I’m not too fond of categorizations. "Dark" fits us though.   Is there something concrete you want to achieve with your music? Hibiki: I want to reach many people all over the world. Tasc: Ah, to export it this year! Kenka: I’d like for it to be heard everywhere in the world. Maya: Yes!! Tak: Absolutely!   What bands and artists influenced you? Tak: Bauhaus, AUTO-MOD, ASYLUM, ZOA. Maya: L’Arc~en~Ciel. Kenka: There’s a lot… maybe Bauhaus? Hibiki: Bauhaus, Korn, Marilyn Manson, David Lynch, Alexandro Jodorowsky, Sam Raimi and Salvador Dalí… But most of all Bauhaus, they’re so excellent! I also like Eve of Destiny, MALICE MIZER, BLOOD, Moi Dix Mois… so the bands with dark or gothic sound.   What Japanese bands should we listen to? Maya: Calmando Qual!!! Tak: Calmando Qual. Kenka: Calmando Qual.   How important are your looks to you? Where do you get inspiration for your make-up and clothes? Hibiki: It’s what comes from inside of me. I do have to admit that monsters, demons and vampires fascinate me. It’s an awe-inspiring thought, to be a vampire. Clothes? To tell you the truth, I’m always running about in the neighborhood frustrated because I can’t find the type of clothes I’d like to wear. Tak: These things change for me all the time. Clothing and make-up are very important because they show to the outside world what you are like inside. Maya: Of course it’s not something that should be exaggerated too much. Kenka: I’d like to evoke a feeling of negativity…   What should the German fans know about you? Kenka: Things going on in the world are important to us. Hibiki: I don’t know much about Germany but I think that all over the world young people are driven by very similar things, be it in Japan or Germany. There are people who might look stylish on the outside but inside they are rotting. We, just like many of our fans, have rebellious hearts. I try to fill my lyrics with this attitude. You must believe in your dreams and hopes, and be able to stand up for them. I sing about the sad reality surrounding us all, about the desires inherent in each of us. Things that are hidden away in people because they’ve experienced negativity from others. I want to let my heart speak about what motivates me. If this is enough to reach you and you like our sound then I’m happy to see you at our shows. Maya: Some people have a false impression about who we are and what we represent, and what we don’t. For example, there is the loud "Heil! Heil!" shouting part in our song ANTI FLAG but we don’t  support Nazism. Tasc: Because of that, people should carefully study the lyrics before making misguided judgements… Tak: I’d like for people to listen to us and come to our concerts to get the real picture.   What happens onstage at a Calmando Qual gig? Hibiki: Atmosphere and unity with our audience is very important for us. It’s not enough for the crowd to just watch us but we encourage them to celebrate with us and become part of the show. Maya: I want to spread a gloomy atmosphere and to make the audience a part of what we’re about. Kenka: You wouldn’t understand unless you attended our concerts. Sometimes we don’t even understand what happens actually. No one understands what happens (laughs). Tak: We want to bring back those who are on the verge of giving up on music. Tasc: We strive to join together the show and the message.   Please tell us what is your favorite… Food? Tak: Chinese noodles. Tasc: Meat! Kenka: Vegetables! Maya: Everything from hamburgers to Chinese food.   Drink? Tak: Tea. Tasc: Coffee, coke, café au lait. Kenka: Beer. Maya: The most important is that it’s nutritious.   Thing to read? Tasc: Osamu Dazai. Kenka: Man drama.   Color? Tak: Orange, crimson. Tasc: Black, red. Kenka: Red, white, bronze. Maya: Black.   Book or comic book, manga? Tak: Maki Kusumoto, Suehiro Maruo, D[di]. Kenka: DORAEMON. Maya: Hiroya Oku "GANTZ"
  15. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Shir0 in AvelCain   
    ^ I think I liked the first two equally, but yeah, this new one is a bit below those... still, nice!
  16. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    A Field in England - Black & white film from 2013. Most who see this will probably think "huh? How is this horror? This is just 90 minutes of pretentious bullshit". Understandable, but it's folk horror and to me it's about the atmosphere. Occult, haunting and devilish atmosphere that's thicker than meself, and the surrealism adds to the fun here. Some proper weird moments in the film. This is what you get if you blend the more psychedelic films of the 60's with the folk horrorof the 70's. I get some serious Onibaba-vibe from this film. A drama film with very few minutes of horror to it, yet when it ends it feels as if you've watched a proper horror film.
    The acting is brilliant and the cinematography even better. Outstanding!

    By the way. My plans for today:
    12:30-16:15 - work
    16:15-19:00 - Get some food and fuck around to get the time to go faster
    19:00 - cinema 1: Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens
    21:00 - cinema 2: Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht
    Oh yes! Gonna be good.
    Oh, and this weekend I am gonna watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre at the cinema. Ooooooh yeah!
  17. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 弥生(yayoi) project "Deadly" will perform & twitter open   
    I spoke to Yayoi personally, and here is more info:
    It's a limited project called "Deadly", which he is doing with Yuuga (GOKIBURI). So I am assuming that it is just Deadly Sanctuary lol.
    He send me his "tour schedule":
    12月31日鹿鳴館 (Rockmaykan)
    "Birth" is Birth Shinjuku, but does anyone know what livehouse FNV is? 
  18. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in 弥生(yayoi) project "Deadly" will perform & twitter open   
    I wonder if he lisps in his tweets too
  19. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from BrenGun in [HELP] interview translation [Russian to English]   
    I've updated my previous post with the full interview now! Astan interview coming tomorrow.
  20. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to PsychoΔelica in [The Great Album Debate] girugamesh: Music vs Monster   
    To me Reason for Crying is still the best thing Girugamesh produced to date, sorry. But I guess Music comes second.
  21. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from ghost in HOLLOWGRAM mini albums "Qualia [ALBUS]" "Qualia [RUFUS]" release   
    LMAO they've got to be kidding me with that shady tracklist division...
    (10 unique tracks in total out of which 4 are new, 2 per release)
  22. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    You motherfuckers! I wanted to put the entire script of the original Lord of the Rings trilogy as my signature and you just RUINED my WEEK!
  23. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Trombe in MERRY new album "NOnsenSe MARkeT" release   
    ^ or "NO SM ART"? lol
  24. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in MERRY new album "NOnsenSe MARkeT" release   
    If you read together the capital letters in the album title you get "NO SMART" ...dunno if that's intentional. xD
  25. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to hitsuji-hime in MERRY new album "NOnsenSe MARkeT" release   
    I'm gonna be one broke ass motherfucker on Christmas *q*

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