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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    If I remember correctly most (if not all) VK music videos filmed in church-like locations are actually establishments that you can rent for activities like filming or hosting various types of events. Similar to that big "European" castle seen in some MALICE MIZER and Psycho le Cému vids, iirc.
  2. Jigsaw9

    I've always been interested in various forms of the occult, tho not from a 'practicing' standpoint, only reading up on it or watching movies with this theme. I recently started reading a book on the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, seems interesting so far, although a bit dry. I also got a killer book on the history of magical thinking / occult in Europe, but haven't checked it out yet. Stuff connected to the Temple of the Black Light (kinda chaosophic/Satanistic/nihilistic mixture?) seems cool too from what I've checked, but it can all become a bit silly in its seriousness. Anyway, it can be intriguing to delve into when the mood strikes.
  3. Jigsaw9

    Ultras - This was some new Italian movie Netflix shoved into my face. Kinda typical drama about football hooligan youth (and not-so-youth), if you enjoy stuff like this you'll prolly like this one too. While in real life this the farthest away from anything I take interest in, I somehow tend to like movies about subjects like this. Beatiful visuals and cool brooding synthy music too. It was good for a random Sunday night watch.
  4. Jigsaw9

    ^ I don't know, or at least I haven't heard anything resembling it so far (but it could be that it's lifted from somewhere xD).
  5. Sooo it's more like a very long mini album then, heh. I dunno about this song, something about this arrangement/production feels a bit off. The "harsh" vocals parts are laughable that's for sure. I'm looking forward to this release less and less, even though I was kinda-sorta optimistic... We'll see.
  6. Jigsaw9

    Not sure if this counts as an easter egg but Ao sure loves Prince cuz the main motif/chorus of cali≠gari's song "セックスと嘘" from the 12 album is pretty much a straight-up copy of Prince's "I Would Die 4 U".
  7. Jigsaw9

    For me in 2004 it was all about random fansites and message boards. I kinda accidentally discovered VK/J-rock by clicking on an article on a Hungarian website (LD50) that was basically the hangout hub for goth/alternative online culture here back in those days. The article had a bunch of download links for random music videos (in formats that would be considered utter crap nowadays lol) so that's how I got my first taste of MALICE MIZER, Dir en grey, Kagerou, Baiser, BUCK-TICK etc. I then spent tons of time just trying to get my hands on anything I could, both music- and information-wise, so this led me to Sound of Japan which was probably the only Hungarian website dealing with VK at that day (still is, most likely). There were super cool and informative articles there where I got to know about the scene's history, the most important bands, and even some CD reviews/recommendations... and there was a message board. Oh damnnn the Sound of Japan forum. I got to meet so many great and fun people there from all over the country and we were geeking outttttt lol. The admins were also holding regular club events as DJs in the capital city so that was another good way to network with all the cool guys and gals I got to know online. My buddies and I taking hours-long train rides to Budapest after school/uni was over for the week, grabbing a quick bite then off to the run-down underground venue to dance and have fun from 9 PM till 4-5 AM next morning, then straight back home with the first train (okay, I couldn't do this kinda shit nowadays lmao). Next to Sound of Japan, I was also frequenting an international message board Tokyo Nights (old-timers might still remember it) that was more of a catch-all of music genres, but there was some VK presence there too (got to meet a German penpal there who we still keep in touch to this day). There was also another forum which was really really small-scale and unfortunately I can't remember its name but I had some great times there too, full of friendly people. Then somehow torrents became a big thing so the floodgates were open! The Tonberry Torrents site was one of the pinnacles of this. Imagine, instead of downloading crappy low-quality mp3s of individual songs from rotation sites (yes, those were a thing too: basically every week or so they would put up a random selection of songs from various artists) now I could download whole albums' worth of crappy low-quality mp3s, lmao. And then CDJapan came along so then I could buy over-priced CDs and DVDs of said albums, god bless. And then I joined the Tainted World message board and now I'm here with all you cool peepz. ♥ (Oh damn, this became long, sorry! But thank you for opening this thread, made me feel very nostalgic. ) (And also welcome to MH! )
  8. Jigsaw9

    @Bear Glad you enjoyed it! "Cube meets Snowpiercer" was exactly my thought too, haha. Also, not really "horror movie" but related: I've been watching In Search of Darkness, such a huge and great documentary! Everyone who is into '80s horror will love this, guaranteed. What's also pretty cool is that introduced/reminded me of stuff I haven't checked out yet (so I watched Sleepaway Camp this week, fun flick!). I still haven't finished the doc cuz it's over 4 hours long but still it's a big fat 10/10.
  9. So it looks like this is it, deadman's promised one-year activity will really be over in 2020. The band will hold their last tour titled [死者の行進] (Shisha no koushin) from mid-June to early August. Here are the dates and venues: 6月10日(水) 福岡 LIVE HOUSE INSA OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 6月11日(木) 広島 BACK BEAT OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 6月13日(土) 岡山 LIVE HOUSE IMAGE OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00 6月14日(日) 京都 MUSE OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30 6月27日(土) 仙台 LIVE HOUSE enn 2nd OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00 6月28日(日) 埼玉 HEAVEN’S ROCK 埼玉新都心 VJ-3 OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30 7月11日(土) 静岡 Live House 浜松窓枠 OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00 7月12日(日) 新横浜 NEW SIDE BEACH!! OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30 7月18日(土) 札幌 BESSIE HALL OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00 7月19日(日) 札幌 BESSIE HALL OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30 8月1日(土) 大阪 梅田CLUB QUATTRO OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00 8月2日(日) 名古屋CLUB QUATTRO OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00 And here are the support musicians: 6月10日~ 7月19日 kazu (the god and death stars) / Lotto (ex.Sioux) 8月1日~ 8月2日 kazu (the god and death stars) / 晁直 (lynch.)
  10. I might check out this new Versailles single when the time comes. It can't be worse than Jupiter, surely.
  11. Jigsaw9

    Just watched The Platform (El hoyo) on Netflix. I was really looking forward to it and it sure delivered. If you like movies like Cube, you'll definitely enjoy this too.
  12. Jigsaw9

    Haven't seen it yet, I'm tired of always being disappointed after a handful of episodes, haha. But I might give it a try due to the '80s slasher angle.
  13. Jigsaw9

    My favorite was always season 2 (Asylum), which really went totally over-the-top imo. Season 3 (Coven) is fun in a campy way, but barely any horror. After those, I always just started watching some seasons and then quickly got bored or disinterested, so I can't vouch for the other ones.
  14. New preview vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=106rm690rVI
  15. Looks like the only good idea they recently had was the hiatus.
  16. Jigsaw9

    Finally watched Sleepaway Camp. It was great, even though I knew where it was going. Good ol' fun & twisted camp slasher.
  17. Jigsaw9

    @BearI didn't know he was planning to make more Lovecraft adaptations, that's great! Can't wait!!
  18. Jigsaw9

    Finally saw Color Out of Space, it surely delivered on the atmosphere, visuals and overall entertainment factor. Always love to see Nic Cage, this was no exception. Rest of the cast were really solid too, bonus shoutout to the alpacas and their milk. Some really brutal creature effects going on there too. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  19. Not sure which thread to post it in so mentioning it here: the new King Dude album is awesome! ♥ 



  20. Music vid is up: Kinda meh for me (not really "Xaa-Xaa-ish" imo).
  21. Jigsaw9

    Wow, I didn't think it was possible for something to have such bad clipping production in 2020. Aside from that, this just sounds like "babby's first indies-vk album" desparate to cram every kind of style and gimmick in there hoping someone will enjoy some of it. For me, if this was just the (otherwise unnecessary) interlude followed by the first two songs it would've made a decent single. But like this, it's just a bloated amateurish mess that isn't even pleasant on the ears. Too bad, I was looking forward to them. I just hope RAKUGAKI won't disappoint the AINS name in April.
  22. Jigsaw9

    Fun song again, so far 2 out of 2 tracks they released this year are good. I just hope that next they'll release a proper single or mini.
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