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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    Pretty cool indeed~
  2. Thanks for the tracklist, Trombe! I see they still keep with the "8" theme in song numbers, haha.
  3. Jigsaw9

    A wild chewi appeared!! Hallo hallo~
  4. Jigsaw9

    sum bookz~ Teatro Grottesco by Thomas Ligotti The Imago Sequence and Other Stories by Laird Barron
  5. Jigsaw9

  6. Jigsaw9

    Okay, I'll be a complete irrational idiot and just vote for KuRt. ...I mean, Chemical Pictures had a lot more polished sound and was a bit more progressive in quite a way, but KuRt's music is connected to me on a nostalgic sentimental level, so nothing's gonna top that. What's more, the first time I heard KuRt I hadn't heard that kind of...how to put it, fragile yet complex and wild sound before in vk, especially compared to their rather tame looks. Plus, I actually own a KuRt CD, so yeah.
  7. Jigsaw9

    ^ Here are some recent setlists by them (the top few are from that STYLISH WAVE thingie): http://livesetlist529.blog133.fc2.com/blog-category-110.html
  8. Jigsaw9

    Enemy - Very interesting movie, reminded me of David Lynch. Kinda slow but that makes the atmosphere constantly dreary and heavy as well, so it's a nice tactic. I like how it all progressed. As I've said, it's a bit Lynchian, only you have a bit more chance of decoding it all after one watch. xD
  9. Jigsaw9

    aww, well see ya till next time~
  10. lmao how pathetic ...so wait, if the band formed this year, then that pretty much means a gig next year? In any case, solid goals, lolol.
  11. Jigsaw9

    I'm not super-into comics but I have my faves. I guess I'd discover more if they were more readily available over here and/or cheaper - Hungary has a kinda lame and almost non-existant comics culture, and I like to read the books on paper so usually ages pass till I buy some new comic book that I might like. Watchmen is pretty cool. I also love the art style of Mike Mignola, so his Hellboy comics are a must for me. Frank Miller's Sin City is excellent too, I think I have most of it actually.
  12. Who wants to get down in sum Thursday Pluggin Madness? http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/ ayyy ( ・∀・)っ旦

  13. Jigsaw9

    This sounds like the musical equivalent of tap water . . . except Byou's rockin' the cca. 2012 L'Arc Hyde look, so more like stale tap water. (still, more listenable than what I usually sample from them)
  14. Jigsaw9

    Hey-o, welcome! Lots of nice bands there~
    1. Shir0


      Hahaha :D who could resist such a 'good' pickup line? xD

  15. Thanks for the suggestion, will look into it (as soon as I exhaust the Wizard's material ). btw if any of you guys like old-school inspired death metal, here are two nice local bands from my city who just released their first EPs: Gravecrusher - Morbid Black Oath Coffinborn - Beneath the Cemetery The sound may be a bit similar cuz like it's almost the same band members (some of whom are also in the excellent Mörbid Carnage and Tyrant Goatgaldrakona) but pretty cool imo. Nothing special but solid. Maybe Coffinborn is a bit more dirty/thick sounding and occasionally doomy, while Gravecrusher has more of a Florida/Sweden mashup style going on. xD Also yay for Mark Riddick cover art!
  16. Jigsaw9

  17. Jigsaw9

    Start with their album imo (tho they don't really have that much stuff to begin with xD).
  18. Jigsaw9

    The previews sound nice too.
    1. hiroki


      shit, shouldn't have clicked ;_:

    2. Ito


      Dear god I am so glad I did not click that...

    3. Tetora


      Also scared to click.

  19. Been listening to that Electric Wizard stuff (first few albums so far), and now my ears feel like they are coated with a layer of moist moss vibrating with the fuzzy riffs. Wholesome entertainment! Dopethrone was what I enjoyed most but Come My Fanatics... is also cool, almost as excellent! Gonna try me those other albums too, this stuff is pretty great.
  20. Jigsaw9

    Good to know he's taking the well-needed rest. Hoping he'll get even better with time.
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