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saiko last won the day on January 25 2021

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist

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  1. Still waiting someday some mysterious user on YouTube uploads a handful full VHS recordings of Dir en grey's first concerts, where they played Zan faster than it would be recorded, and Kaoru missed almost every solo.


    I don't understand how this hasn't happened yet, considering it did happen with La:Sadie's and also big bands like X, Luna Sea, L'arc, D’erlanger, and many more.


    Tbh I got really bored of watching the 1999 Osaka Jou live over and over to have some of the most glorious 90s vk performances ever...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Seelentau


      You knew I'd reply to this :D So:

      The La:Sadie's videos are all from DVDs that Ki$aki sold at verious live shows after the band had disbanded. They're not band-sanctioned releases.

      As for the DEG stuff, well, it's obvious that they recorded all their lives from the very beginning, considering we already saw parts of one of their 1997 shows in their Mousou Blablabla VHS. Here's my digest for that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNgHcPRhNiI
      You guys probably also know about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOdKGLVZB68

      I'm not sure where it comes from, but it appears to be leaked footage of what was supposed to be their first live release (the 1998 Budokan performance). As you probably know, Kyo called this live their darkest day or something like that in the VOS documentary.

      The Tsumi to Batsu indies version (aka NS1) doesn't sound that different from the finished product. The intro is different and the lyrics, obviously. But the general song structure was there already.

    3. saiko


      Hi Selentau!


      IMHO Kyo and the rest of the band need to stop being so dumbly dramatic and start taking charge on their fame and the love that feel a lot of people for whom they are very influential. So all this mysticism around their indie vk era needs to get an end soon. For god's sake.


      And btw, have you actually heard that NS1?



    4. Seelentau


      I mean I wouldn't be opposed to finally seeing those old lives, but it would take away a lot of the mystery that surrounds their early days. Plus, they might be ashamed of their unprofessional, young selves, don't know.


      Yup, I have a recording of it, from October 17, 1998.

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