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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. it's the best thing... their latest releases were so boring.
  2. Kinda interested in this...
  3. gyakutai

    Rayka changed a lot and quite fastly. Well... I kinda hate solo project, but Lin is a great guitarist.
  4. gyakutai

    that's a shame.
  5. I LOVE their name, and plus there's ex avout. They weren't great musically talking but really friendly. +1
  6. gyakutai

    this band is really unlucky, damn!
  7. ehm, but... the new single? I don't see it anywhere avaiable on sale. (I mean as preorder)
  8. gyakutai

    lol'd wouldn't surprise me at all knowing Kisaki, i think it's possible XDD
  9. gyakutai

    bye cute boys. ehm, being serious, their first songs were lovely. then... crap. but second song of their last single was nice.
  10. gyakutai

    not a big loss, I lost interest in them after words. But they were really good in the beginning ;_; good luck to them.
  11. gyakutai

    I just hope he won't retire... he's too good to leave the scene, which is already totally decaying...
  12. I still miss Sou : x but nice song, better than new single title-track!
  13. gyakutai

    Ehhm, someone from Italy spoiled an Italian date (WHY WHY ONLY ARTISTS I HATE/DISLIKE GO TO ITALY. I AM GOING TO GERMANY, SEE YOU) here we go: basically it will be in Milan at the Arena Civica on 24th July. why why why why why
  14. gyakutai

    My respect goes to SIN for his reason to leave the band.
  15. gyakutai

    Today's afternoon I'll leave for the first part of the trip to go to D's concert and I will arrive in Lyon saturday's morning. I will come back sunday's evening. So, I won't be online for almost 3 days XD See you soon!
  16. gyakutai

    and the red carpet day...
  17. gyakutai

    ^true, we went totally OT XDD
  18. gyakutai

    I like you because of DW ;W;
  19. gyakutai

    DEADMAN WONDERLAND amg inorite. I just love that series so much. Are you following the animu? I follow both manga and anime. I started to read it when it was released in Italy... which was about almost an year ago. Then now I follow the anime serie with eng sub. I am waiting for the fifth episode now XD
  20. gyakutai

  21. gyakutai

    totally ot, but, Ujimushiko, isn't that Genkaku?!
  22. gyakutai

  23. gyakutai

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