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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    Here we go, I found a good date.
  2. gyakutai

    i guess so especially because it's the only song of theirs which has a PV
  3. gyakutai

    LOL! I might like this.
  4. gyakutai

    CD tracklist (for all types) 01. FABLE IN THE COLD BED 02. VORTICAL [E]MOTION
  5. gyakutai

    I think they're one of the most OVERvalued indie vk band ever.
  6. gyakutai

    They were one of the first vk band I discovered in 2008... I really loved them. Then... it's not a nice feeling when one of your ex favourite bands become ridicolous.
  7. gyakutai

    Most expensive 5 songs + DVD, EVER!!!! Seriously, this is totally a "full album" price. seems they "need" $$$. Also that's why I will buy type A :/
  8. gyakutai

    I don't think they will disband in fact, but personally I think it would be the best choice. Maybe she also thought like that.
  9. gyakutai

    buying type A... finally a proper live footage!
  10. gyakutai

    Can't wait <3 I'll buy them all. I am crazy, I know.
  11. then I expected, being Italian... "Autumn EP 2011〜L'Autunno〜" and after this "Winter EP 2011〜L'Inverno〜"
  12. I think Adult Children will be a headbanging track. *buys also regular edition*
  13. gyakutai

    I think it's better if they disband, because their music really becoming so... boring. Though last track of mini was decent. Well, we'll see. but I am not going buy it.
  14. from the title which means to serve poison, i guess so ;P
  15. gyakutai

    i think it's right, i studied it too XD (i was going to post it but you were faster :x)
  16. gyakutai

    it means until I breath I hope
  17. gyakutai

    I wonder if italian idiots spreaded a fake rumor... =_= no wonder why I hate Italy.
  18. gyakutai

    Cicero ._.' all the translations of him I did where almost all wrong... ;_; bad memories.
  19. Ehm... ;w;'' I am disappointed. The title-track is awesome, but the other songs are... I can't even remember them not buying their single, sorry. those other 3 tracks have no rhythm and they're too short! >_< any other opinion?
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