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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    is sad because of this? XD
  2. gyakutai

    親????通り??今日も雨。 by R指定
  3. gyakutai

    don't remember about you, but still welcome again here!
  4. gyakutai

  5. gyakutai

    before when? D: Well, in my life of course. Is hungry right now?
  6. gyakutai

    Wataru's Punchbag
  7. gyakutai

    cocklobin MUCC deadman NightingeiL Kuroyume -OZ- PENICILLIN Violet UK Mar'derayla Merry-Go-Round RADWIMPS Metis Gretel
  8. Loveless (animanga series)
  9. gyakutai

    ^LOL anyway... WOW. shibuya ax is really big!
  10. gyakutai

    Poor him ._. is it serious?
  11. gyakutai

  12. gyakutai

    cocklobin MUCC deadman 9GOATS BLACK OUT NightingeiL Megamasso Kuroyume -OZ- PENICILLIN Violet UK Mar'derayla
  13. gyakutai

    Yes Has attended more than 20 concerts?
  14. gyakutai

  15. gyakutai

    haven't seen yet my reply in her introduction post
  16. gyakutai

    Welcome to MH! I hope you will have fun here! You said you like Lin... so I recommend you ALL RIKU's previous bands and UNDER CODE PRODUCTION's ones, kote kei label from Osaka, runned by KISAKI, Lin's bassist (more known to have been Phantasmagoria's bassist) Here you are: Phantasmagoria: must-have song by one of the best kote kei band ever. Phantasmagoria are the previous band of Riku and Kisaki, together with Jun&Iori (JUN has a new band called spiv states, Iori was in the band too but now he retired ) chariots: RIKU's previous band before Lin when Kisaki got retired, now it became RIKU's solo project. Akito (now Kanata) and Reiya are now in Lin as well. They're harder and less melodic than other RIKU's bands, and that's also why I really like them a lot they show the other RIKU's side! Megaromania: APOCALYPSE Most known musician of this neo kote kei band of UCP are Sui & Misery because they were in Metis Gretel, one of the most important old school kote band. I prefer their older band, but Megaromania is still sooo awesome! Their sound is quite aristocrat/symphonic. Sui's voice is really deep! Nega: Muddy Cult WARNING: if you can't stand splatter contents, I don't suggest you to watch it. Another band of UCP, they're active since 2004. Actually they're on hiatus for their side project PERESTROIKA, but they will come back within end of 2011. They're hard and dark, their theme is based on NEGATIVISM. They're lyrics are aggressive and melancholy as well. Talking about NOT-UCP bands, I recommend to you these bands: D: They're actually my favourite band... so... I really hope you will love them as I do They're coming to your country, so I think you should see them. Sadly they won't come to Italy, but I will see them in France! *O* They're based mostly on vampires/Middle-ages/Alice in Wonderland (especially in their album Genetic World) concept. They're music is more like symphonic metal nowadays: ASAGI's voice is really deep as well but can reach really high notes in a heavenly way. I think they're one of the most important VK band in the scene. I love them because they're really funny and they love to change concept with every release. For example, in Ouka saki some ni keri they were based on traditional Japanese costumes, which was amazing! Kiryu: Mugen Houyou Talking about neo-japanese influence, I totally recommend you Kiryu! It's their main theme, and they use dark tones as well in their lyrics, which are quite grotesque. They mix japanese traditional music elements with visual rock ones: also their costumes are typically Japanese: every members has a typical colour. For example Hiyori always uses pink, while Takemasa uses always green. R-shitei: 親????通り??今日も雨 (Oyafukou Toori wa Kyou mo Ame) And here you are! The jazzy part of visual kei. R-shitei used to be harder when they were called Catheline and R-18, but I prefer them now because Mamo's voice is really better. I think they're quite undervalued in Europe/USA, but in Japan they're really popular! They relax me a lot ;_; There are also harder songs which are great live, so funny! I hope to have been useful ;_;!
  17. gyakutai

    didn't know who RIKU was ;w;
  18. gyakutai

    He's RIKU!
  19. gyakutai

    what a nice avatar on last.fm!
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