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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    Better than your favorites. hmm.. how the hell can you know my "favorites"? And sorry, but your statement is utter fail, because the album really IS terrifying, especially for a well known once major and very popular band. I think instead, being of the other part, that Kiryu deserves it not because PENICILLIN album wasn't good, but because Kiryu's album is fucking amazing! They did a great job and I am so happy they are gaining new fans and popularity.
  2. gyakutai

    In my short life, I attended only a concert; D'espairsRay's one last year in Milan. Now I am going to attend D's one in Lyon, and I hope I won't have a bad experience for my first concert abroad. Anyway, Despa live was REALLY good. I had so much fun. but, waiting to enter in the livehouse a hour before and waiting for Despa in the livehouse for other two hours, I had a bad experience. A girl I barely knew on the net I had a flame right now (but not in October), around 20s, FUCKIGN fat and stinky, was screaming like an idiot she has been in Japan and flirted with SuG's Takeru in a disco (WTF.) And ok, I didn't listen to her, because I decided to listen to my ipod before concert started. Then a friend of hers (they were like 5 people all together) left because he wanted to go to Dark Circus, a dark event in Milan. So I took his place telling her if I could go where she was because I am short (I am 165, and people there were almost all other AT LEAST 175 cm) and went closer to the stage. THEN. WHAT HAPPENED? She screamed "YOU FANGIRL. YOU STOLE HIS PLACE. GO AWAY. YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO ATTEND THE CONCERT. GO TO SEE TOKIO HOTEL OR WHATEVER" I have no words. I was 15 at that time. Young people can't enjoy good music?!? Fuck you, seriously. So I changed position and went near to ZERO's side. Luckily there a boy who was like 30 cm taller than me (LOL) let me see the stage staying behind me. But I heard them (that fat girl) still talking me bad about me. I HATE Italian fandom. You have to be older to be recognised as a good fan, which is ridicolous. Age doesn't matter. And you know. This girl I had a discussion with, was at DEG's concert in KOKO (London) last year in August. She was one of the Italian freaks who stayed for A WEEK out of the venue and behaved fucking rudely during the concert. I feel so ashamed to be Italian when I saw these crazy freaks.
  3. gyakutai

    I wonder who was right, in the end... me or the professor? Maybe nobody. Maybe both. But I think I was.
  4. gyakutai

    complaining about my school-life to some poor people.
  5. gyakutai

    Pokemon HeartGold... I didn't buy it when it was released. I am quite addicted to the game right now... it reminds me when I was 7 and I played with the original one on my Game Boy Advance... ;_;
  6. Seems the Italian gig was OK as well. Many people I know attended and told me that; I didn't, and, sincerely, I don't regret it. I really don't like him
  7. gyakutai

  8. gyakutai

    Keep red wine?
  9. gyakutai

    10/10 silent to my pain <3
  10. gyakutai

    hungarian and italian flag are really similiar lol
  11. gyakutai

    at school, totally. Speaks spanish?
  12. gyakutai

    benvenuta! penso si sapesse quale fosse la tua band preferita XD
  13. gyakutai

    welcome to MH! I totally understand you. Almost all my favourite bands disbanded. Only a few now are left ;w; and this makes me quite worried. But luckily there is always some good bands who is worth the fandom. Hope you will enjoy staying with us!
  14. gyakutai


    welcome to MH! Hope you will enjoy stay with us ^^
  15. gyakutai

    see you and have fun!
  16. gyakutai

    ^I guess so!
  17. gyakutai

    A simple review. When I hear L-GAME (the title-track), for the first seconds I thought "what?"... Then the song became really addictive and catchy, and it's easily the best song of the single, maybe the best V-last.'s song overall. The other songs weren't memorable at all. I give 5.5/10 then, but I give to the title-track 9/10, really nice job. Hope to hear some songs like L-GAME again!
  18. gyakutai

    1. VIDOLL (They were my favourite band. I miss them so badly yet. I think it would have been better if they directly disbanded, because I fell in delusion, hoping them to come back sooner or later) 2. Metis Gretel (I love Megaromania as well, but it's a pity they quit. I think they're the last true old kote kote band without neo visual influence.) 3. Phantasmagoria (same as well; Lin is awesome, but Phantasmagoria was THE UCP band) 4. juliadoll/gossip/°C (I can't choose between these 3 bands. All of them had only few songs, but all amazing.) 5. ClearVeil (They were a really lovely UCP band with great songs. The worst thing is that Saki's retired now. His voice was so beautiful!)
  19. gyakutai

    DELUHI 13 Versailles 9 Megaromania 11 D 30 Matenrou Opera 31 Awoi 4
  20. gyakutai

  21. gyakutai

    10/10, cute!
  22. gyakutai

    cocklobin MUCC deadman Hitotsume 9GOATS BLACK OUT inspire:tion Dir en grey VELVET EDEN Plastic Tree NightingeiL Irokui.
  23. gyakutai

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