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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    GASP FOR BREATH by 凛 -the end of corruption world-
  2. gyakutai

    never done that *lazy* wakes up early?
  3. gyakutai

    cocklobin MUCC kagerou deadman Nega the studs Matenrou Opera Daisuke to kuro no injatachi Megaromania aicle. Kiryu
  4. gyakutai

    Not going to do a proper review because I am really lazy. I think this album is fucking amazing. Much better than Meikyou. The variety has made me fall in love with it in Meikyou the songs sounded more similiar to each other. In Mugen the songs are really different and developed. The things which made me happier was that I heard Hiyori's bass A LOT. Aw, thank you guys not to have disappointed me ;__; so happy to have bought it. Best songs: 夢幻鳳影, ??カ彼方ヘ…, 丑刻??, ?? Overall rating: 5/5 It could be easily 2011's album. So Mugen houyou > Meikyou shisui
  5. gyakutai

    let's hope but i highly doubt
  6. gyakutai

    I think they should do a coupling tour Lin x Nega then...
  7. gyakutai

    seems the tour promoter wrote it on last.fm shoutbox of the event. yeah, maybe later XD i just hope later than nega so i could make it
  8. gyakutai

    no likes r&b?
  9. gyakutai

    As I guessed, Lin concert in Barcelona has been cancelled.
  10. gyakutai

    definitely not. is shy?
  11. gyakutai

    Keep Madieduor is better than Vallquar
  12. gyakutai

    thinks as me that Uglymouth is hot
  13. gyakutai

    are you still studying too?
  14. gyakutai

    8D thank you anyway XDDD
  15. gyakutai

    is Kisaki's Errand Boy
  16. gyakutai

    Versailles cocklobin System Of A Down MUCC kagerou deadman Nega the studs Matenrou Opera Daisuke to kuro no injatachi Megaromania
  17. gyakutai

    awwww, maco :Q___
  18. gyakutai

    guilt trip by ??ガ
  19. gyakutai

    ;_; good luck!
  20. Ron Weasley from Harry Potter
  21. gyakutai

    KEEP Schwarz Stein?
  22. gyakutai

    Versailles cocklobin Coaltar of the Deepers System Of A Down MUCC Within Tempation kagerou deadman Nega the studs Matenrou Opera
  23. gyakutai

    what? no XD likes Kaya?
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