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    yakihiko got a reaction from zaa_zaa in ラッコ (LACK-CO.) new album, "弱肉教職" (Jakunikukyoushoku) release   
    I think myself his kiss my way's 臥薪嘗胆 (Gashinshoutan) to be a EP or a Demo EP. Because is too big for a mini and to small for a full album. Back when they made info for this release, Yu (bass) and Ura (guitar and musical producer for kiss may way) tagged it as "完全限定受注生産デモ音源集" which is basically something like "mail order demo collection".
    For LACK-CO album info, they have a collaboration going with ViSULOG called "『ViSULOGチャンネル × 猟虎電波放送局』" on Nico Nico where they broadcasted an album digest and a MV preview.

    Tenten is pure style
  2. Like
    yakihiko reacted to Shaolan974 in Ba.ショウタロウ(Shoutarou) and Manip.きるる(Kiruru) have joined リムキャット(Rimcat)   
    Ba.ショウタロウ(Shoutarou) and Manip.きるる(Kiruru) have joined リムキャット(Rimcat) at their live at 2017/09/26 at Shimokitaza CLUB251
  3. Like
    yakihiko reacted to The Reverend in [Review] ゴシップ (Gossip) - 『君があの世に…』(2017.7.05)   
    For the second week in a row I reference the Gazette during a review of some new VK. This time while reviewing ゴシップ's new single.
    This is @inartistic's excellent post about Ains/Yukika I referenced in the vid:
  4. Like
    yakihiko reacted to suji in ZORO one-day revival   
    ZORO (active from 2007-2015) will revive for one day at their live on November 12.
  5. LOLOL
  6. LOLOL
    yakihiko reacted to Shaolan974 in ゴールデンボンバー (Golden Bomber) new maxi-single "やんややんやNight〜踊ろよXX〜" (Yanyayan Night〜Odoro yo XX〜) release (47 TYPES !!!)   
    ゴールデンボンバー (Golden Bomber) new maxi-single "やんややんやNight〜踊ろよXX〜" (Yanyayan Night〜Odoro yo XX〜) will be released at 2017/11/15
    47 TYPES !!!, 1080yen each
    One type = one prefecture
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ北海道〜 / EAZZ-201
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ青森〜 / EAZZ-202 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ岩手〜 / EAZZ-203
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ宮城〜 / EAZZ-204 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ秋田〜 / EAZZ-205 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ山形〜 / EAZZ-206
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ福島〜 / EAZZ-207 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ茨城〜 / EAZZ-208 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ栃木〜 / EAZZ-209 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ群馬〜 / EAZZ-210 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ埼玉〜 / EAZZ-211 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ千葉〜 / EAZZ-212 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ神奈川〜 / EAZZ-214 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ新潟〜 / EAZZ-215 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ富山〜 / EAZZ-216
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ石川〜 / EAZZ-217 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ福井〜 / EAZZ-218 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ山梨〜 / EAZZ-219 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ長野〜 / EAZZ-220 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ岐阜〜 / EAZZ-221 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ静岡〜 / EAZZ-222 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ愛知〜 / EAZZ-223 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ三重〜 / EAZZ-224 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ滋賀〜 / EAZZ-225 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ京都〜 / EAZZ-226 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ大阪〜 / EAZZ-227 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ兵庫〜 / EAZZ-228 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ奈良〜 / EAZZ-229 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ和歌山〜 / EAZZ-230 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ鳥取〜 / EAZZ-231 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ島根〜 / EAZZ-232 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ岡山〜 / EAZZ-233
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ広島〜 / EAZZ-234 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ山口〜 / EAZZ-235 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ徳島〜 / EAZZ-236 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ香川〜 / EAZZ-237 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ愛媛〜 / EAZZ-238 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ高知〜 / EAZZ-239 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ福岡〜 / EAZZ-240 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ佐賀〜 / EAZZ-241
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ長崎〜 / EAZZ-242 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ熊本〜 / EAZZ-243 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ大分〜 / EAZZ-244 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ宮崎〜 / EAZZ-245 
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ鹿児島〜 / EAZZ-246
    やんややんやNight 〜踊ろよ沖縄〜 / EAZZ-247 
    ["やんややんやNight〜踊ろよ東京〜" tracklist]
  7. Like
    yakihiko reacted to CloudyTree in 甘い暴力 (Amai Bouryoku) new EP "幸せだよ。殺したい。" (Shiawaseda yo. Koroshitai.) release   
    Their new EP "幸せだよ。殺したい。" will be released on 2017.09.06 (live-limited).
  8. Like
    yakihiko got a reaction from ghost in I'm back baby   
    Welcome back \o/
  9. Like
    yakihiko reacted to ghost in I'm back baby   
    What's going on MH.

    I was on a short haitus while putting my life into order. I was working a life-consuming job that left me no time and energy for myself while planning a spontaneous move to start a brand new life. I had to find a new job and adjust to the new city and I just wasn't in a place where I felt like I could devote any time to the forum.

    I've finally worked everything out and I feel that I'm now in a place where I can be a part of this community with a free mind and heart. So, I'm excited to say..

    I'm Back Baby 

  10. Like
    yakihiko reacted to echo in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Anfiel had their tour final at Takadanobaba AREA tonight!

    I'm really glad I was able to go tonight! I went straight from work and ran like hell. I missed the first couple of songs T_T but I was there for most of it so I'm really glad! They always put on a good show and have amazing energy <3 Their songs all sound so good live!! I mean they sound good recorded, obviously, but I really like them live <3 I'M SO GLAD THEY PLAYED UNFIL! I mean, I think they prob play it a lot, but I really fucking love that song. <33333
    I fucking love watching Shogo sing. He obviously loves being on stage. He has this kind of calm energy? I'm not sure if that's the most accurate way of describing him haha he's like not overbearing like some vocalists, but he also doesn't like fade into the background or anything. idk how to describe it. Go to an Anfiel live so you understand <3 haha I love the expressions he makes when he's singing. They are all of the things. <3
    I wish I could've seen Hal more though T_T I was in the back and in the center-ish since I came late so Shogo was right in front of Hal most of the time haha. I really like Hal!!! I have no idea why! haha but I really like watching him play drums <3333 and I love how Shogo never forgets about Hal. Like the drummer is often excluded since he can't run around on stage with everyone, but Shogo will always go back and talk to Hal or acknowledge him during guitar/bass solos and when all 4 of the other members come to the front, Shogo will look back at Hal and acknowledge him <3333
    Oh and apparently people have been making fun of Shogo for being short recently haha their current tour shirts are one-size-fits-all and Shogo said people are telling him that his shortness is being revealed cos of it haha I think last night they were making fun of him for having short arms or something haha okay but if he knows he's so short, WHY DOESN'T HE STAND ON THE DAMN BOX MORE??? I could hardly see him a lot of the time cos he kept standing behind the box instead of on it lol during the MC before the encore Yukito was like omg your shoes are so small what size do you wear??? and Shogo was like .... 23... no wait, 24. haha and the Shogo gya were like KAWAIIIIIII lololol
    I couldn't follow a lot of their MCs cos they were referring to things that happened at the live last night I think. Apparently their MC for the encore was 22 minutes the other day so they were trying to talk less, but ended up being kinda awkward haha they mentioned more than once that they aren't talking as much as they did last night lol
    Oh and I guess Shogo dyed his hair red for tonight and Mizuki died his hair purple. Apparently Mizuki gya want him to have bright hair haha he was thinking about just staying black for a while but his gya were like you're not Mizuki without crazy hair!! so he dyed it purple haha
    Natsume didn't say anything like ALL night until the beginning of one of the encores(?) And he only said something cos they were like "you haven't said a word all night. say something" haha he said like a sentence or something. I forget what lol. Oh during one of the MCs Shogo was asking each of them how they felt about last night's live and when he asked Hal he was like "actually I was gonna ask Natsume, but he's standing so far away from his mike it's like he doesn't wanna talk" kinda thing haha 
    They also announced their 3rd anniversary live at Akasaka BLITZ to be held on January 21, 2018. They said that that had decided forever ago that their 3rd anniversary live would be at BLITZ so their excited that it's actually happening. Mizuki tweeted that the first VK live he ever saw was a disbandment live at BLITZ and since that day he's always wanted to play there and that he's incredibly happy that his dream will finally come true <3 They will also be handing out a「timeless -re sings.ver-」CD at that live! 
    Presale tickets are available now on eplus! 
    General sale starts on November 15th at 10am JST.
    Anyway, here's the pics they all tweeted from tonight!!

  11. Like
    yakihiko reacted to doombox in coldrain new album release   
    Not gonna be my favorite video of theirs, but the song is solid.
  12. Like
    yakihiko reacted to The Piass in coldrain new album release   
  13. Like
    yakihiko got a reaction from zombieparadise in ラッコ (LACK-CO.) new album, "弱肉教職" (Jakunikukyoushoku) release   
    I wound't say they are not popular, but half of their songs weren't shared
    That 5 singles series was insanely gorgeous. CPS really knew how to make magic to ears!
  14. Like
    yakihiko reacted to Shaolan974 in LIRAIZO new releases   
    "PARAIZO" tracklist :
    01. period
    02. SETSUNAスリップ
    03. 妄想攻略
    04. 間に合うわ
    05. アプローチ
    06. LUNA
    07. 『現実逃避プレゼント』
    08. 真夏A
    09. 命短し恋せよ~なんて
    10. 忘れないと誓う
    "LIBERI" tracklist :
    01. S.O.H
    02. サキアバレ我
    03. 嫌い日記
    04. アカイト
    05. 孤独の理由
    06. 反抗期が止まらない
    07. ◯○関係
    08. 枯らすカラス
    09. 絶対病的希求
    10. 幾億もの美しく咲く花は人
  15. Like
    yakihiko reacted to peffy in LIRAIZO new releases   
    Glad to see they have included all of those 12 monthly 1-song singles they did. Was afraid those would be hard to find.
    Gonna go pre-order these albums.
  16. Like
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  18. Like
    yakihiko got a reaction from Elazmus in ラッコ (LACK-CO.) new album, "弱肉教職" (Jakunikukyoushoku) release   
    I wound't say they are not popular, but half of their songs weren't shared
    That 5 singles series was insanely gorgeous. CPS really knew how to make magic to ears!
  19. Like
    yakihiko reacted to Yukimoto in RAZOR new single "LIQUID VAIN" release   
    All 3 songs sound good to meeeee<33333 Can't wait!!!!
  20. Like
    yakihiko reacted to Shaolan974 in ラッコ (LACK-CO.) new album, "弱肉教職" (Jakunikukyoushoku) release   
    Correct title is 「弱肉教職 」(Jakunikukyoushoku) btw
  21. Like
    yakihiko reacted to Elazmus in ラッコ (LACK-CO.) new album, "弱肉教職" (Jakunikukyoushoku) release   
    This was the first thing that occurred to me! I thought GTMOA was a cool album that just suffered from following the greatest 5-single series ever <3
    I'm so excited though I've found I like a lot of LACK.Co's songs, it's a mess but theres a lot of freedom to even "accidentally" strike some oilll
  22. Like
    yakihiko got a reaction from Elazmus in ラッコ (LACK-CO.) new album, "弱肉教職" (Jakunikukyoushoku) release   
    Hope they stay together, Tenten never released a full album since his CPS era.
    Also, is being such a pain to see their releases are nowhere, hope this one shows up.
  23. Like
    yakihiko got a reaction from Aferni in ラッコ (LACK-CO.) new album, "弱肉教職" (Jakunikukyoushoku) release   
    Hope they stay together, Tenten never released a full album since his CPS era.
    Also, is being such a pain to see their releases are nowhere, hope this one shows up.
  24. LOLOL
    yakihiko reacted to Mihenno in 甘い暴力 (Amai Bouryoku ) 1st EP 名前が無い (namae ga nai) release   
    wow slay me into a different dimension
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