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Posts posted by yakihiko

  1. Thank you for this @Zeus :)

    I think YouTube Red isn't a good idea, I remember years ago You Tube don't had this ads they do nowadays, and they are wanting people to pay for this ends? It's so clear that they are desperate for money.

    They are even doing a music app, I'm afraid they will ending up transferring all music related to this and charging people to see it, same for Games with You Tube Gaming.

    And we can't forget the amount of people that will google You Tube Red and get redirect to Red Tube.

  2. The event DNL Present's-Silent Night will take place at 池袋EDGE (Ikebukuro EDGE) on 2015/12/23

    Cast members are:

    慎一郎 & 杏太

    平一洋 (from My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND)


    タケヒトsupported by 葵

    FANTASISTA (ex.Kagrra)

    will update when further news come.

  3. 平一洋 -the best of :compilation-

    description: 平一洋/てんてん's best songs from his bands.

    [Disc 1] (MBHI)

    1. 殺して山に埋めたい

    2. 嗚咽

    3. 汚染区域


    5. 目覚める2分前

    6. 薄明光線

    7. PreDatoR

    8. 青空ギロチン

    [Disc 2] (CPS)

    1. In my Dream

    2. Shoot myself in the head

    3. 溺れる魚

    4. Introduction to Gastronomy

    5. 地球という名の乗り物

    6. 病ム空

    7. 純白の絶望とキャンバス

    8. Präparat

    [Disc 3] (kiss my way)

    1. 夕暮れ

    2. フランケン

    3. 骨人的憑依症候群狂想曲

    4. プリティージョークw

    5. I♥イエローMonkey

    6. PC Head

    7. keep sing out!

    8. 時差ボケ

    [bonus Disc] (KuRt)

    1. Sweet Lemon Broker

  4. This is literally the only scene that I remembered from the first few episodes of Attack on Potatoes. Everything else I just kind of slept through.

    Me too, haha. Have you finished this yet?


    It was quite a chore for me to sit through, but it did eventually pick up near the end. There were definitely some exciting and well executed moments, mostly thanks to the animation and music/music direction, but overall I felt like the hype was unfounded.

    Why guys ? Attack on Titan is good xD

    Since you don't got on the anime, try Attack on Titan: No Regrets, it's two ep if I'm correct.

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