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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by orangetarts

  1. This except I didn't really like "The Furthest". Debating about selling my DELUHI stuff :-\


    lols whatchu got~?


    But for me, In the jrock/vkei vein of music:

    12012: Their older releases were great, but then stuff like diamond came out and i was like #nope

    Eremia: I think I just got into them because these two girls i knew on LJ were super into them. meh.

    VanessA: World is my mind was shiiiit

    Dennou Romeo: Shinji's voice was so annoying back then and i didnt realize it till so much later

    SKULL: Still jam to their old stuff but I am no where near as obsessed (not really at all tbh...)

    176biz: I think after bleach way i stopped giving a fuck


    Im sure there are a lot more, I just cant think of them atm.


    but then for korean stuff:

    SNSD: they were the first girl group i liked so i just thought they were the shit, but in reality theyre so overrated.

    INFINITE: I hate to say it was the fans who spoiled them for me.

    Super Junior: First kpop group I got into, cannot stand to even look at them now.

    Sunny Hill: Their releases got really boring after 'the white prince is coming' and im just so meh about them now.


    I really tend to go back and forth on a lot of stuff. 

    i listen to it until i hate it and then i dont listen to it for months and then its all shiny and brand new again.



    ficsci, on 06 Aug 2011 - 13:37, said:


    All 6 singles, with most of the trading cards (although it was almost purely by luck that I found 5 of them in Closet Child, but no regrets). Now that I've collected all 6, I can line up the CDs to form a whole face, lol


    I have all of these too! 

    Its so awesome :333


    im proud of my collection in general

    but things im really proud of are:

    complete lynch. disco (all cds/dvds)

    complete deluhi disco (all cds/dvds)


    Uggghhh DELUHI. I really would die for a copy of surveillance but its like 100+ now :/



    The things that Im most proud of owning are:


    My COMPLETE CNBLUE collection. all dvds, albums and singles.

    My KuRT Collection (which I was able to get most of it thanks to biopanda <333333)

    • KuRt - Neighborhood Number CD + DVD
    • KuRt - Sweet Lemon Broker
    • KuRt - Saraba Bambi Single
    • KuRt - Hizumu Kuro
    • KuRt - Akashiya
    • KuRt - Oritatamishiki Ojiichan
    • KuRt - Junketsu Sengishiri metsuretsu
    • KuRt - Thee Spider Effect Best
    • KuRt - Tree spider
    • KuRt - Million black tarantura
    • KuRt - 赤冴華蜘蛛
    • KuRt - Blued eater
    • KuRt - Pink zebrise beauty
    • KuRt - Silver thorn spider
    • KuRt - Movie in the Past DVD
    • KuRt - Neo Tokyo DVD Black & White ver.
    • KuRt - 淫乱如意輪観音天国
    • KuRt - Akashiya & Hizumu Kuro PV making DVD

    My ELLEGARDEN collection:

    • ELLEGARDEN - best of 1999 - 2008
    • ELLEGARDEN - My Own Destruction
    • ELLEGARDEN - Pepperoni Quattro
    • ELLEGARDEN - Bring your Board
    • ELLEGARDEN - Riot on the Grill
    • ELLEGARDEN - Don't Trust Anyone but Us
    • ELLEGARDEN - Eleven Firecrackers CD & Tour DVD

    My ONE OK ROCK Collection:

    • One Ok Rock - Kanjou effect
    • One Ok Rock - Zankyo Reference
    • One Ok Rock - Niche Syndrome
    • One Ok Rock - BEAM OF LIGHT
    • One Ok Rock - Zeitakubyo

    I'm still missing JinseixBoku ;___;


    and my 3 signed Girl's Day Albums ;w;


    mostly kpop stuff but still really happy to have it.

    Im so happy to have all of the japanese albums that I do, since theyre so expensive.

  3. Haha not so many! I started following him o twitter today :P We just talked by Ameba some time ago but i didn't follow him yet

    yeah I talked to him on ameba a looong time ago when I was still in High school but i dont think he would remember it haha.

    ahhh he's my favorite ever ;w; he replied to me again today actually! hehe.

  4. For alternative rock and the likes, I think I tend to listen to lots of bands like MY FIRST STORY (OOR's little brother band), coldrain, ONE OK ROCK, Crossfaith, AIRSWELL, Pay Money to My Pain, SiM, Man With a Mission (rock band full of wolves, yes), [Champagne], ELLEGARDEN, the HIATUS, SPYAIR, etc. Kobayashi Taro is great too.

    You and I have very similar tastes it seems!!

    ELLEGARDEN, OOR, [Champagne] and Spyair are some of my faves!!

    thanks, I'll check out some of the other ones you listed that I havent listened to.

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