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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by orangetarts

  1. Kind of going off of Sai's tackiest post....

    which album art do you like a lot?



    sad day, I couldnt find one bigger...but Otogadead's Asterisk


    I'm not really a fan of AILE but their album covers are always really cute




    those are just a couple I could think of...




  2. Ehh, in random order:


    1. Boris

    2. ESNO

    3. lynch. (they count in my book. I mean they still play a lot with other VK bands but I'm not sure if that's because they're friends or if they actually still consider themselves VK)

    4. M-Koda

    5. nego

    6. number0

    7. ONE OK ROCK

    8. アルカラ

    9. トクマルシューゴ

    10. 凛として時雨


    トクマルシューゴ, M-Koda and ESNO are solo-artists though, if those count.


    but yes. lynch too for me. holla.

    1. ELLEGARDEN (god rest their awesome music T__T)
    2. ONE OK ROCK
    3. SPYAIR
    4. [Champagne]
    5. SiM
    6. Monkey Majik (tbh, idk if this is technically jrock or not....)
    7. ROACH
    8. flumpool
    9. Acid Black Cherry (theyre not really ~visual~ right? idk i dont pay attention but i like them a lot XD)
    10. My First Story

    Not really in any particular order.

  3. I think such originality within the same label's releases may also count for this topic, yes?


    20130202-1248-cover.jpg UCCD-027.jpg


    Megaromania's 'Goukaban' and 12012's 'Increasingry'.



    I have to say that pretty much all of 12012's album covers are shitty lol.

  4. I absolutely LOVE anything to do with the horror genr. Especially video games, so that I can experience the horror, just...not quite first hand haha.
    Anyway, some of my favorites are:



    Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly


    Synopsis: Mio and Mayu, twin sisters, are visiting their childhood home. This spot, a secret hideaway for the pair, is due to be swallowed up by a lake come the end of the summer.

    Lost in her memories, Mio finally raises her head to find that Mayu has vanished. Looking around, Mio spots her sister following a crimson butterfly deep into the forest.

    Mayu flees through the forest as if being led on by the fluttering insect. As she runs, her fleeting form begins to be overlaid with that of a woman dressed in white.

    Chasing after her sister, Mio suddenly finds herself alone on a foggy mountain road.

    Carried on by the wind, a sad song floats towards her ears. Then, she starts to see lights through the gaps in the trees.

    As though accepting their unspoken invitation, Mio follows the road of festival lights.

    However, when the dense forest opens into a clearing, it is Mayu who is standing there, alone, surrounded by countless crimson butterflies,


    Responding to Mio's call, Mayu slowly turns around. The crimson butterflies dance away as one,

    "The Lost...Village..."

    Spreading there before the twins, crouching in fog and darkness lies a mysterious village...

    The vanished village, "All God's Village."

    The village is said to have once stood in the forest, deep in the mountains. This forest is soon to be lost due to the creation of a new dam.

    The story goes, that on the eve of a special festival, the village suddenly vanished, leaving the forest wreathed in thick fog.

    Many also say that should you happen to get lost in this forest, you will be spirited away to the lost village.

    The village where the crimson butterflies dance. The village held forever in the grip of a never-ending night.

    - - -

    - Opening description from the "Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly" Manual.


    from: cameraslens.com



    Forbidden Siren (Original)



    Siren is set in a Japanese village named Hanuda (Hanyuda in the Japanese version). With strong religious beliefs important in the area, the locals like to keep to themselves and have sought to keep Hanuda isolated from the outside world.  Following the interruption of a ritual near Hanuda, and a subsequent earthquake, the village teeters between time and space, with an infinite sea of red water replacing the mountainous territory. The crux of the story focuses on the efforts of Hisako Yao, the leader of the local religion, to resurrect or re-awaken a god through a ceremony. The 'Siren' of the title is the god's call, summoning Hanuda's residents to immerse themselves in the red water, thus creating an army of subordinates called shibito (屍人 shibito lit. "corpse people"). The shibito then go about building a nest to house the god's corporeal form once it is summoned, as well as killing and converting any remaining humans left in Hanuda. The story is told through the perspectives of ten survivors, some of whom are natives of Hanuda, and is presented out of chronological order over the three days in which the plot takes place.


    I also just finished playing Silent Hill: Homecoming

    and now I really want to play more Silent Hill games 0__0 <33




    So, what are some of your favorites?

  5. I guess I'll share some of my favorites:


    (whoever uploaded this sucks because its Saraba Sekai not Rettou Jidai)


    (this one really is rettou jidai lol)


    I really love all of CODOMO A's PVs. Theyre fun and colorful and funky~~~ idk they just make me happy for some reason lol.



    this is a PV i feel cannot be fully enjoyed/appreciated without tripping on acid while watching it....


    but really all of their videos from what ive seen are like that... >____> yeah anyway.



    and lastly, this would not be a post from me unless I talked about KuRT and how amazing they are.

    ALL of their PVs imo are awesome, theres no 2 the same (unless you count ifuusekkou and hizumu kuro because they were filmed in the same location lol)

    but theyre all really original? idk I just really like them, bias aside.

  6. One day I was listening to Linkin Park and the next thing I knew, I was knee-deep in Japanese trannies.

    T B H. this is basically how it happened for me, too.

    I was so so in love with evanescence as a kid and then....i think Moi Dix Mois happened? I heard shadows temple x and just lost my shit. and from there i got into LJ and found out a bunch of bands (KuRT <3) and met a bunch of assholes etc tec

    and then Kpop happened....and yeah.

    I dont wanna type a long paragraph.

  7. I love Dancho more because of that believe it or not :) (although I discovered them much after the whole incident and only found out about it from some random tumblr post).

    Lol I was a fan for a while when that whole thing went down, and I know a lot of the fandom was really worried that he would drop out of the music scene because of it.

    I dont think I could handle losing a voice as awesome as his!

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