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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by orangetarts

  1. I tend to sit around and watch a lot of terrible horror movies on netflix


    so the 2 i watched most recently are:



    About a little boy who kills a rabbit on the school yard and everyone sees him do it and then every torments him from there

    and he keeps having these dreams/visions of a stuffed rabbit?? Idk. I didnt get it.


    The other one was Korean:



    this one was a bit better, but basically everyone in this girls family is cursed and somehow everyone wants them dead?

    but....it was still weird.


    *SPOILER (kinda)*

    I really hate the whole imaginary people thing in asian horror movies.

    this happened in both of the aforementioned films.

    Jesus christ its aggravating.

  2. I don't know who started that unnecessary hype on the Gazette, but i'd like to hurt him/her. The Gazette are bad. Yes, they are. Shitty, wrecked and without quality. As soon as the vocalist starts...ahem..singing, my intestines feel like they're imploding. Sorry for that troll rant, hating the Gazette is very unpopular, but at least i'm honest about it.



    I totally agree on this.

    There are so many other bands that people just really dont give a fuck about and should be getting a lot more recognition

    instead they gravitate to the ones its 'easiest' to like.

    which is all bullshit imo...

  3. tumblr_mqiqsqvffM1qm8ikro1_500.jpg


    • One ok Rock - Yume Yume, Naihi Shinshou  SOLD
    • Weather Girls - Koi no tenki youhou, Koi wa tokimeki chuuiho
    • Scandal - Shojo S
    • CELLT - Hakanai Inori namida ni sabite
    • My first Story - First Album
    • Heidi - Synchro/Hyururi


    Brand new, great condition.

    Shipping from Las Vegas, USA


    PM for offer





    Also selling some Kpop stuff:




    • Wonder Girls - Wonder World
    • CNBLUE - Ear Fun
    • Girl’s Day - Everyday II
    • Sunny Hill - Antique Romance
    • Girl’s Generation - First Mini

  4. I look back at some of my old pictures from when I was like....13-14....and I just want to slam my face into an iron maiden....



    Like can someone please tell me wtf i was thinking.



    So that being said:





    I have learned how to:

    a) Properly dress myself

    b )Apply makeup

    c) dye my hair.


    So, show us your comparisons?

  5. I dislike a lot of the mainstream bands because of their sound, not because they are popular.


    A lot of VK hipsters will say 'Oh i liked them before they were popular' (i.e. gazetto vs. The GazettE) 

    Idgaf when they came out who's in t he band or what the fuck ever, If they sound good, I like them. If they suck...then they suck.

    But, its all a matter of opinion on who the listener is and whether the music is to his/her tastes.

    I love Old dir en grey, but not new diru because I dislike the fact that its basically screamo.

    I like a few old gazette songs but on the whole theyre just meh to me, and i have been attacked so many FUCKING times by stupid fangirls trying to avenge their goddamn senpai.


    But yeah :/ thats all.

  6. right now my current obsession is wing works. ryosuke really draws me in. plus i loved lolita23q. im also really into b.a.p right now, warrior is stuck in my head ^^


    lmao, so many of my friends have gotten on the Exo/BAP bandwagon and i just....cant get into them. lol

    But I really like Wonder Boyz and LC9 some other nugus. lol.

  7. This korean band called Dickpunks.

    Theyre really fucking great tbh.


    Im mostly into korean stuff so T__T


    but as for like VKEI shizz, DIAURA for sure. I love love love love Yo-Ka's voice so much T__T

  8. I wanted to say something lol-worthy but all I can think of is Mashiro and his fucking cat scratch vocals and how I loathe them.

    rofl. idk im not funny.



    But he also did all that weird shit with some 14 year old girl and they both looked like lesbians? idk.




  9. oh also that Himitsu Kessha Codomo A drummer who stole money and handed out  the vocalists personal information iirc

    Dude this one T___T

    I loved Codomo A and then that DICK had to go and do that shit.

    and Kibouya Honpo isnt even close to the awesome sauce that Codomo was.

  10. Well it was actually at like 5am...but my cat was being a whiner and i picked her up and told her to shut up and i ended up hitting my elbow on the counter and i just pretty much threw her in front of her food bowl and just started laughing so hard at myself and then i said


    "This is why I cant have real people children" and then i died. and decided its time for bed.

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