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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by orangetarts

  1. Lost In Reverie, they're absolutely amazing



    Last Day Dream, one of the best new bands I've stumbled upon 



    Apoptosis, just amazing, can't recommend them enough


    I like lost in a reverie

    but im not really feeling the other 2 since im not really a br00tal/screamo fan ;;

  2. 10 years later, after we've named every Japanese rock band from 1975 through 2023, gekijou finally updates with the decision to settle with taking The GazettE's "TOXIC" album for a spin.



    gekijou, when you get some time, can you give some feedback on what you like/dislike from the stuff that's been suggested?

    Otherwise, people will just be listing any "non visual jrock" band they can think of.

    oh shit sorry, 


    Well, here's what Ive liked out of the suggestions thusfar:


    The Novembers

    Number Girl

    Thee michelle gun elephant

    9mm parabellum bullet

    Cinema Staff


    I still have to keep listening to the rest, Ive been slacking.



    Arukara is the shit.

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