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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by orangetarts

  1. I'm gonna have to go with the bad ending of fatal frame 2 :(


    Like...you're supposed to say and rescue your sister but if you choose to leave the village your sister just stays trapped there forever... and thats really fucking depressing seeings as she's basically a reincarnation of a failed ritual. in which the person went on a mass murdering spree :(


    Also in fatal frame 3 when...

    When you wake up to see that Kei has been taken to the manor of sleep forever and he is just an outline of dust on your couch. wow that BLOWS.

    (i cant find a video of it unfortunately)


    Im not a fatal frame junkie. idk what you're talking about.

  2. mza_7086226647782067744.600x600-75.jpg


    Does anyone here listen to Nightvale?

    A friend of mine got me into it and I have to say its very interesting and I really enjoy it so far.




    WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.

    Turn on your radio and hide.

    Written by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. Music by Disparition. Logo by Rob Wilson




  3. I like the fact that you can basically start watching it at any season and not be lost because the previous seasons are COMPLETELY different.

    Im getting my roommates into this season but they havent seen the others and its totally great haha.

  4. Gonna make my obligitory KuRT post here:


    I think for them it has to be Sweet Lemon Broker...it's the song that first comes to your head when you think of them

    or at least that's been my experience with it.


    another band that I was really into way back when, was LuLu and I think the song for them would have to be 精神鎮痛剤 (seishin chinstsuuzai) mostly because its like the only song they have a PV for and they've put it on damn near every album lol.


    also, in my own opinion I think 'Guren' did it for NoGoD, but then again Atria was really popular too if I recall correctly?


    Idk, these are just some of my opinions.

  5. My mom listens to a lot of mainstream rock, for example, stuff like Godsmack, Disturbed, Creed, Beth Hart.

    and then there's the huge amount of classic rock like def leppard, pink floyd, styx, the pretenders, the beetles, etc

    and then randomly she decides to throw in a bunch of old school r&b and I really cant even name the groups off the top of my head because its 7am and i havent slept yet lol.

    memory gets foggy....


    but my dad...the only thing i can think of even is Jethro Tull and the Carpenters?

  6. Basically I just want to say I agree with everyone that has said this is a JAPANESE music forum.

    And, like Ito said, there are places within this forum already that you can discuss kpop if you want, nothing is stopping you. 

    Personally, I think that if you want to discuss anything the best option is just to start a thread about it, you dont necessarily need an entire subforum to do so.

    I like the fact that there is a mix of everything here so I dont feel like I have to just stick to one thing. The fact that there is a general entertainment, discussion, music etc category makes it easier to open up the topics to many more things. and like champ said, making those into separate subforums is just a lot of unnecessary work when it's already there.

    I think the only reason a subforum should be implemented is just for the sake of organization but, lets be real here, aint nobody got time for that.


    MH is a nice community where the members can discuss many things and is not only limited to japanese rock/vkei, but at the core, it IS a japanese music forum.

    So that's what I have to say about that.

  7. So i have a macbook pro (Processor  2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo)

    and i have a 320gb internal storage drive.

    and I was wondering... is there even a way to upgrade the storage?

    I was talking to a friend and he said that he's not sure if it's possible. but he's also a PC person and doesnt know 

    anything about macs....


    So....if anyone knows please let me know ><

  8. This whole new epidemic thats suddenly surfacing is scary as fuck tbh.

    there's so much happening with so many of the characters at once tho, its kind of hard to keep track.

    I really like where it's going (maybe I'll be the unpopular opinion)

    Im excited to see what happens next

  9. I am a total cheap ass and end up having to buy new earphones like once every couple months.

    for a while now ive been using the JVC marshmallow brand, and theyre pretty decent considering the price of them.

    I should eventually invest in some nice ones. but for now these do the job.


    also i agree with everyone who said skullcandy essentially blows.

    They never last me very long... even tho my cats do tend to chew them up on occasion lol.

    but the sound quality of them isnt too horrible they just arent durable for shit.

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