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    Elazmus reacted to hiroki in DEVIZE 3-month consecutive new CD release   
    DEVIZE has announced that they will release CDs in the three months 2016/11~2017/01.
    『Blood』 -Begin-  will be released on 2016/11/03 and will be live-limited
    『喰葬』 -Erosion- will be released on 2016/12/14 and will be available in stores.
    『CORE』 -Worship-  will be released on 2017/01/18 and will be available in stores.
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    Elazmus reacted to Takadanobabaalien in グリーヴァ(grieva) new single "Liar..." release   
    previews up
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    Elazmus reacted to sakuran in DIAURA new mini album "MY RESISTANCE" release   
    Love it! So excited for this.
    @ElazmusI thought the same thing about the effects, haha.
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    Elazmus got a reaction from sakuran in DIAURA new mini album "MY RESISTANCE" release   
    The chorus is one of the best I've heard from them in a little while..
    The effects over the video look like the belong back on the TRIANGLE album
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    Elazmus got a reaction from -NOVA- in Morrigan new album 『トランキライザ』   
    New look: 8===D
    Album tracks: 8==//=D
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    Elazmus got a reaction from sakuran in Morrigan new album 『トランキライザ』   
    New look: 8===D
    Album tracks: 8==//=D
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    Elazmus got a reaction from Aferni in Morrigan new album 『トランキライザ』   
    New look: 8===D
    Album tracks: 8==//=D
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    Elazmus got a reaction from Aferni in Morrigan new album 『トランキライザ』   
    AN ALBUM, HUH... lets see how they do!  typically, MORRIGAN has had like ONE song per each release that warrants replay. NECRO was a shining example for the future thoughh
  13. Like
    Elazmus got a reaction from inartistic in Morrigan new album 『トランキライザ』   
    AN ALBUM, HUH... lets see how they do!  typically, MORRIGAN has had like ONE song per each release that warrants replay. NECRO was a shining example for the future thoughh
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    Elazmus got a reaction from Aferni in THE BLACK SWAN new maxi single "PERSONA" release   
    With extra slop please
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    Elazmus reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in グリーヴァ(grieva) new single "Liar..." release   
    "$uicide $howtime" or something, right?
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    Elazmus reacted to Saishu in THE BLACK SWAN new maxi single "PERSONA" release   
    It's going to sound like The Black Swan. In other words, Nega with slightly more skilled musicians. Jin is really just a one trick pony. 
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    Elazmus reacted to Shaolan974 in バラライカ(balalaika) first single "ヴェルトロ"(veltro) release   
    The price has been corrected : 1620 yens. It's better, yeah !
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    Elazmus got a reaction from Aferni in バラライカ(balalaika) first single "ヴェルトロ"(veltro) release   
    DAAAMN Shaolan beating me to the explaination and in such volume D:
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    Elazmus reacted to Shaolan974 in バラライカ(balalaika) first single "ヴェルトロ"(veltro) release   
    ヴェルトロ (Veltro) or Vautre is a trained and fast hunting dog like a greyhound.
    Veltro is practically fallen into disuse but was recalled by a famous prophecy that Dante explained at the beginning of the Divine Comedy, (circa 100-111 singing of Hell)
    Caina, Antenora, Ptolomea and Judecca are related to Dante's Inferno :
    Dante divides circle 9, the circle of treachery--defined in Inferno 11 as fraudulent acts between individuals who share special bonds of love and trust (61-6)--into four regions. Caina is named after the biblical Cain (first child of Adam and Eve), who slew his brother Abel out of envy after God showed appreciation for Abel's sacrificial offering but not Cain's (Genesis 4:1-17); condemned to a vagabond existence, Cain later built a city (named after his son, Henoch) that for certain Christian theologians--notably Augustine (City of God, book 15)--represented the evils of the earthly city. In the circle of the lustful, Francesca identified her husband (Gianciotto)--who murdered her and Paolo (Gianciotto's brother)--as a future inhabitant of Caina (Inf. 5.107). Dante's attention is here drawn to two brothers, the ghibelline Napoleone and the guelph Alessandro, who murdered one another because of a dispute over their inheritance (Inf. 32.55-60). 
    The second region, Antenora, is named for the Trojan prince Antenor. While the classical sources--notably Homer's Iliad--present Antenor in a positive (or at least neutral) light as one in favor of returning Helen to the Greeks for the good of Troy, medieval versions--histories, commentaries, and romances--view him as a "treacherous Judas" who plots with the Greeks to destroy the city. Dante places in this region those who betrayed their political party or their homeland. 
    In the third zone of circle 9 suffer those who betrayed friends or guests. Ptolomea is named after one or both of the following: Ptolemy, the captain of Jericho, honored his father-in-law, the high priest Simon Maccabee, and two of Simon's sons with a great feast and then murdered them (1 Maccabees 16:11-17); Ptolemy XII, brother of Cleopatra, arranged that the Roman general Pompey--seeking refuge following his defeat at the battle of Pharsalia (48 B.C.E.)--be murdered as soon as he stepped ashore. Dante displays his abhorrence of such crimes by devising a special rule for those who betray their guests: their souls descend immediately to hell and their living bodies are possessed by demons when they commit these acts (Inf. 33.121-6). 
    Judecca, named after the apostle who betrayed Jesus (Judas Iscariot), is the innermost zone of the ninth and final circle of hell. The term also hints at a manifestation of Christian prejudice--which Dante certainly shares--against Judaism and Jews in the Middle Ages: it alludes to the names--Iudeca, Judaica--for the area within certain cities (e.g., Venice) where Jews were forced to live, apart from the Christian population. Together with Judas in this region of hell are others who, by betraying their masters or benefactors, committed crimes with great historical and societal consequences. Completely covered by the ice--like "straw in glass"--the shades are locked in various postures with no mobility or sound whatsoever (Inf. 34.10-15). 
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    Elazmus reacted to doombox in lynch. new album "AVANTGARDE" release   
    Remind me to quote this the next time you complain another band is boring. 
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    Elazmus reacted to Ro plz in lynch. new album "AVANTGARDE" release   
    Whenever I feel like taking a Lulsy piss at you for trying to take a lulsy piss at others who already have come to a consensus that this is just what a typical album from certain bands is (especially when you take into the account what they've consistently been doing since signing to this label)...i suppose showing this is enough as well. We get it and as much as it may grate your nerves, we like it.  Go complain somewhere else.
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    Elazmus reacted to Yukimoto in chariots new mini album "深紅に揺らめく、儚き鶺鴒" release   
    LOL recalling Sadie's dayz of Gansta-ness but I'm excited for something new by them already<3 Bring it on!!!
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    Elazmus reacted to Trombe in Insanity Injection 2 new digital singles & mini album release   
    魔琴(makoto) / 狂華(Kyoka) / ケイオス(chaos) / Yomi(Insanity Injection hair-make) in Shirahama:

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