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Everything posted by Elazmus

  1. Elazmus

    Have to admit.. the DSS version of Hage sucked all the life out of it...
  2. Elazmus

    Think so? How do you mean ?
  3. Elazmus

    Could you describe a little more specifically ? I know djent but who is on this current bandwagon ?
  4. I generally like the single, I kind of got the feeling I was the only one, but the one thing that I haven't seen anyone specifically mention which stood out to me... ...Where is Tsuzuku's vibrato.... ? I truly hope he is holding it back on purpose (as some who are known for it do. i.e: Sono) his vocal style is so erratic that it wouldn't be a surprise if he hurt it somehow, I truly hope not because Tsuzuku as a vocalist is among my favorites nowadays.
  5. Elazmus

    01. SE -W+D- -A fairly typical opening SE track, features mostly electronic sounds with harsh vocal chants, this strikes me as a live-friendly intro. On it's own there isn't much to say about it but It seems fitting to picture them setting up on stage while -W+D- plays. Despite having never seen Delacroix live, I doubt this is just me. (6/10) 02. Misery & Apery -One of Delacroix's previously released, popular songs. A strong opener with more or less equal parts heavy and melodic, it has been re-recorded for the album. It comes off sounding fresh even to someone who regularly listened to the original regularly. The production has been updated to match the intensity of the rest of the album. I find myself listening to this as much as the new songs on the album (7.5/10) 03. Gauss+ -The first new song on RE:DO. Heavier than the last with a repetitive, old school riff accompanying it throughout. It's at this point that I realize while Mitsuki's chorus melodies have always been strong, his lines during the verses are really getting some extra attention. The guy just writes his vocals differently to most VK vocalists I've heard, one of the things that attracts me to Delacroix in the first place. To me this is one of the best on RE:DO (9/10) 04. Nidome no Jisei -This is perhaps the song I predict I will be most at-odds with people about. It's heavy, but with a danceable rhythm. The main riffs are appealing, but the chorus is what really stands out. There is something very off-kilter about it, like it is intentionally just barely off-key, this somehow makes it one of the most memorable songs of the year for me. It comes off sounding playful and vaguely sinister. I could easily see it not connecting with people for the same reasons, but if you ask me? (8/10) 05. Hai Shoku no Ame ni Omou -Another of Delacroix previous songs, perhaps there most popular. Something of a claim to "fame". Some added harsh vocals and intensity help to ease this sizable ballad into it's new home on the more aggressive RE:DO. This is a song with nothing to complain about to begin with, I would say it hasn't been improved but also hasn't been painfully meddled with. Big, emotional, and proudly saluting the band's roots. (8/10) 06. Curse Crimson -Delacroix pumps the gas with another heavy track. Unfortunately, this one seems to lose it's footing quit early on. While the first minute features some of the heaviest progression of their career, what follows is one of their weakest, flakiest choruses ever. Conveying no real feeling or inspiration to me, I will still occasionally check this song out for novelty value, but I have probably played the song beginning to end less than 5 times. (6/10) 07. Pathological NeoHysteria -An older heavy song from the Mell-Moth mini album. The title is chanted repeatedly throughout the intro and main riff, shares a strange little old school charm in this way. Verses consist mainly of harsh vocals. Biggest drawback is the almost lack-of a chorus altogether. Some enjoyable clean vocals follow but mostly I peg this as a crowd-uniting live song. Not bad from either perspective, and quite well re-done. (7.5/10) 08. Vermillion -We come to another remake of a b-side from last year (Misery & Apery single), in conjunction with the previous song, the album progression becomes messy and stagnant. A bit of a sinkhole of patchy heaviness and frantic riffs for a combined almost 9 minutes. Personally I was surprised that this made it on the album, I wasn't particularly excited for it as a single song anyway. There are some more strangely sinister vocals farther in, but it's somewhat difficult waiting nearly 2 minutes for something fleeting. (5.5/10) 09. RE:DO -We are finally back into some new material. As well as back to something softer. A delicate and slow track which is a direct contrast to the former. This didn't capture me on a complete play, I think my music brain may have been partially numbed from tracks 6-8. On it's own, it's quite somber and almost gives a feeling of knowing that it serves as the title track for this bands' first and last album. Maybe something of a goodbye. This appeals more to existing fans of Delacroix. (7/10) 10. Vascular -Bias time. This is my favorite song on the album and I have known this since the previews were first posted. The opening riffs are underwhelming. The verse trades off between examples of Mitsuki's best harsh AND clean vocals (similar to that of Gauss+) but then chorus hits and I am the rest of the way in love. Mitsuki's falsetto voice is gorgeous, this I already knew. What I didn't realize is how well he has mastered it and how well he controls it. It's easily one of the most beautiful things I've heard all year, the song is a bit repetitive which means there is no shortage of this. (10/10) 11. Fate of the Primary -Very well-rounded closing track. Heavy riffs like we have heard in most of the songs, but the song itself is much more positive and upbeat. I am sure they wanted a reassuring sound to leave us with before disbanding. This could serve well as an opening or ending. The ending part of the song is extremely emotional before going out on a familiar riff. It's not their best song, and I believe it could have been a bit longer, but it's very satisfying at the end of an awesome album. thank you Delacroix. (8.5/10) Final Rating: 4.1/5 stars (how do I do this
  6. Elazmus

    HEY! Thanks for reviewing !! Especially based on a recommended band you didn't even know ! I have sad news if you weren't aware, this band isn't "going" in ANY direction, their disbandment was announced shortly before this (farewell) album was released, another reason why it is so special to me. I would really like to post my own review here but does anyone know why I cannot paste on MH ?
  7. Elazmus

    Personally, I would like to hear this be a long album with long tracks.. partly because it's been so long since DSS (with material barely trickling out since)
  8. Elazmus

    The tracklist is interesting me.. track names do remind me a bit of Sukekiyo's. Ohh that GHOUL intro.. I want to go back in time to that show
  9. Thanks for bringing up MTH lol I knew It reminded me somehow of something
  10. Not really relevant but whatever seems rational to you lol
  11. ... I didn't make a comparison (?) lol.. Also, as far as I've ever seen, "Arlequin" is the French pronunciation for the English: "Harlequin" is there another meaning for this word that I don't know ? Or otherwise can you explain the difference. PIERROT is just as free NOT to dress like clowns as Arlequin and The Pumpkin Head are free to do so.. The REAL point is that they are a VK band and this is the concept they had in mind when they formed, so let them express it ! This is an attempt to forge an "iconic" look that people will (hopefully) recognize even as it is altered as Arlequin (hopefully) progresses. IMHO it would be a shame for them to drop it already..
  12. LMFAOOH dear god this is actually fun at parts
  13. Elazmus

    SAKIII !!!! I'd love to hear him again sometime..
  14. Elazmus

    Yeah not a surprise, I always expected more (or at least something) from this project, just seemed to have no idea in place to start with
  15. Elazmus

    Better than expected ? I was ready to lose track of them, the PV sample isn't bad, I would check it out
  16. LMFAO you want NO clown outfits... ? They are called ARLEQUIN guys.. if there is a point.. you are missing it..
  17. Elazmus

    thank you very much !
  18. Grieva x Dezert is just such a nice match IMO, I'd love to see them
  19. WAAH It's fucking great !! Nice flushed out riffs and an ideal Mejibray chorus. Oh boy I missed these guys so much in such a short time. On a smaller note, anyone else notice Tzk seeming to hold back his vibrato for most of the song ? It's a healthy thing to do when you have certain things you are known for as a singer. Holding those things back can create greater demand / greater payoff and also give you room to expand your repertoire. (Kind of what Sono did with his before AVALON came out) anyway, it doesn't hurt the song at all but hopefully we still get a nice dose of it for the.... the..... the aaalbumm... *creams* @Shir0 - Tsuzuku: "I want to watch Dumbo now.." lmfao
  20. Elazmus

    So we are probably never going to hear this then ... ? :[
  21. Elazmus

    So does anyone else here just love Wataru's voice in general ? I always have but lately I feel like I'm the only one lol..
  22. Elazmus

    LOL Yes, Shir0 my first thought when I saw Haru(Scapegoat)'s new look.. "Hey, he kinda looks like a manlier Karma"...
  23. Elazmus

    Damnit Shir0... You did too well. How am I supposed to make fun of this?
  24. Elazmus

    Seems close to The Swan in style overall, dark and depressive but (probably) only actually heavy in bits and pieces.
  25. Elazmus

    Well I mean everyone hated on them for heavy-chugging going-nowhere compositions... they have to be able to do something lol
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