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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    If I'm not actively engaged with a song, picking out individual instruments or listening to lyrics, my mind becomes a visualizer + environment generation combo. I find it extremely hard to focus on detailed tasks with music playing b/c my mind goes wild. I've only had success w/ Deadmau5 7 deadly sins and drone music (even ambient/soundscape stuff throws me off b/c of synths.) Vice-versa, if I listen to a memorable album in a certain environment, I'll remember that place more vividly.
  2. colorful人生

    Also, TIL JC got kicked out of SLAVES (I haven't listened to them in a while, this is the new vocalist.) He's been dealing w/ addiction issues for well over a decade now :/. BONUS:
  3. colorful人生

    https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/390811-new-bands-button-for-monochrome-heaven I made a button w/ JavaScript that links to a search query including "formed" sorted by newest. Use TamperMonkey or some other userscript manager extension. Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tampermonkey/ Tampermonkey (and other browser versions): http://www.tampermonkey.net/ var body = document.getElementsByClassName("ipsDataItem_subList ipsList_inline")[0]; Change the index "[0]" to subsequent numbers if it's under the wrong subforum. *😭 Already on version 0.5 b/c of my nitpicky ass. It's finalized for now... ** Actually just read the posts because i'm sloooooow. Seems like you wanted the opposite... Uh, that sounds like it's gonna be a no... It would be nice if the search plugin had "contains none".... You would get a shit-ton of searches tho...Also, it wouldn't be a pleasant experience going through the news that way. *** Oh, forgot my opinion on the matter. It seems like extra work for little benefit. New band threads get updated w/ first or 0th singles most of the time, and if they last like 5 seconds you can just update it w/ "and disbanded". Additionally, to prevent a thread from becoming your standard news one w/ reactions + updates, a mod would have to lock every single thread in that subforum, assuming there was only one initial post. Also, "unnecessary clog" is subjective, lul.
  4. colorful人生

    ditto spinning to an acoustic metallica - one riff?
  5. colorful人生

    Cover is a bit NSFW. One of the members of the duo is from Crystal Bats, which is why the production might sound familiar to something I've posted before.
  6. Yo, this is pretty decent. I know Yui has appreciable harsh vocal skills b/c of songs like "world wide wish" and "love core duck nothing", but this knocks it out of the park for them in the heavy department. 黒ユナイト (from what I've heard) has been a mixed bag for me b/c I never found the dark concepts to suit them, unless it was playfully dark like "ice". Their last releases as ユナイト were really easygoing and kinda boring, so the huge contrast here, intentional or unintentional, has got me interested in them again. I'm glad they went all-in this time, keep it up! *Also, LiN at 1:32 gave me a chuckle.
  7. colorful人生

    double dipping in the thread, but best track of the anime ost imo
  8. colorful人生

    I've gone even simpler and it's improved my battery life by 15%.
  9. colorful人生

    I've been contemplating the idea of doing a visual kei MV upscale, since I have the software and experience w/ ffmpeg. Only problem is that I have to do the upscale in 2500~ frame chunks b/c that's as far as Gigapixel AI will let me. Additionally, on my PC that set of 2500~ images takes a whole day (for 2x) b/c each image is upscaled one at a time, not in batch. I still want to do it, but might consult w/ the rest of the forum for an .iso rip of a popular dvd mv, so it's worth it.
  10. colorful人生

    QUEEEEEEEEEEN - 青田勇/ZUCK - 壊れた世界
  11. colorful人生

    Region locked outside of Japan tmk. It's on YouTube, tho.
  12. colorful人生

  13. colorful人生

    I completely forgot about this guy. Going from YouTube sensation to guy who makes Tik Tok vids for, lets face it, the CCP (by extension) is quite depressing. Also, when Dexter broke out the fucking Mandarin after only hearing his Japanese on Vice for the past few years... He's fluent in Japanese and Mandarin, goddamn. BONUS:
  14. colorful人生

    copped this on cassette yesterday
  15. colorful人生

  16. colorful人生

    Happy Earth, Wind, & Fire Day!
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