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Everything posted by digi

  1. digi

    Welcome here~ I hope you have fun~
  2. digi

    woah ummmmm that new look is AWESOME
  3. digi

    Agreed. This band is pretty amazing, all around. They haven't disappointed me yet! So i'm gonna keep my eyes on them~ I bet "Sacrifice to the Moon" is just as awesome, either way. I'm quite looking forward to the minialbum, myself
  4. uggghhhhh why did velvet eden have to disband ;; /also happy bday to kalm because he is precious and deserves bday wishes/

    1. Umi_Niwa
    2. Jigsaw9


      lol, again? I remember Dada writing on FB about some band meeting for a new album & new member & new tour or something. Tho they might as well be disbanded since we don't rly get to experience anything new from them musically. xD

    3. digi


      Dada's been so back and forth...I don't even know if they're active or not. :x

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  5. digi

    Sounds pretty nice. I liked their previous singles a little better though. Especially Oasis. The 4th one is still awesome nonetheless.
  6. digi

    Oooh~ I've become very interested in them recently. I'd love to have this.
  7. digi

    1. Jun_


      I'm thinking here...he's japanese...it's like singing in portuguese to me, how the hell this guy do that mistakes? ): Yeah, Digital, DON'T hear the nokubura one...it makes me sad ;-;

    2. Umi_Niwa


      *squeal like a pig* this is probably a Kyo imitation lol

    3. digi


      I think we all can agree on the fact that these people ARE REALLY FUCKING BAD

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  8. Once we resume recording duties, I'll make sure to share some of our demos with you :>
  9. It's nice to see another maryland resident here~ I'm already involved in a musical project at the moment, so I really can't contribute anything haha It's also a shame our musical tastes are completely different, as I listen to more oldschool visual kei ;< Good luck on your band though!
  10. digi

    It's about time. hopefully this leads to the demise of this cesspit of a band Although I wouldn't mind seeing the two guitarists go onto better bands.
  11. Awesome~ It's nice to see a live-limited single showing up here and there. Although, maybe not as nice for the people that went through all the trouble to get it.
  12. brb while I go hyperventilate I NEED
  13. digi

    Welcome darling~! I hope you enjoy yourself here at the forums
  14. I wasn't on MH for about 2 days and it felt like 20 years. Reminds me of how much I love this forum.

    1. Umi_Niwa


      ^I was wondering where you're at :)

    2. Gaz


      @Candy Warhol didn't noticed your absence XD

    3. digi
    4. Show next comments  42 more
  15. There should be horror flicks on by now. WHY ISN'T THERE ANY HORROR FLICKS ON LIKE COME ON YOU STUPID TV CHANNELS.

    1. Jigsaw9


      There should be an all-horror channel~ :3

    2. Tokage


      ^ there is, it's called fox news

    3. Miasma


      lol^ there"s a cable channel here in the US called fearNET that plays horror movies all day

  16. digi

    yes yeS YES This is the best ever.
  17. digi

    Weird I wonder why they're shutting it down Considering Shibuya AX was one of the more popular venues iirc
  18. digi

    woot another useless self-cover album that im still really excited about though *HEAVY BREATHING*
  19. digi

    please tell me this is a sick joke.
  20. woah well hello there ikuma~
  21. digi

    Welcome here~ I like to play bass too Nice bando list btw~
  22. digi

    Hello. Welcome here~ Do you have any favorite artists/musicians?
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