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Everything posted by digi

  1. Malice mizer cards look neat~ But I have no money :x on a non-related note : it's awesome to see more velvet eden fans
  2. digi

    Welcome~! I would love to hear some of your covers, sometime~ Have fun at the forums
  3. digi

    Both of my parents enjoyed the classic rock scene. Guns 'n roses, Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue , deep purple etc.. My dad was more of a grungy guy so he always listened to bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam. My mom liked all the synth pop stuff like Madonna or Strawberry Switchblade. We wont even mention the unhealthy amount of Iggy Pop in this house. Me and my parents listen to same type of music, to put it simply. Of course not Visual Kei, but everything else I mentioned Thanks to my mother, I'm a huge 80's synthpop fan.
  4. digi

    I'm not very fond of his music, but I definitely wouldn't mind watching this.
  5. digi

    oh god I hope this doesn't turn redrum to shit. :x
  6. digi

    Dali is my favorite off your list haha I haven't gave them a listen in quite a while though. 1. Mako - Buried with the light 2. PRESEDIA - 6 3. Deadly Sanctuary - Night Angel 4. Melt-Banana - cracked plaster cast 5. Guniw Tools - Looser Sugar 6. Anjyu' - Sweet Carnival 7. Grieva - Tokage 8. SADS - Porno Star 9. PIASS with Ra'S TESTARS - LEFT WING 10. L7 - shit list Another good list. Chose Guniw Tools because I have a passion for Full's music~
  7. digi

    ^ I'd have to go with Kyokutou Girlfriend from your list I have quite a few songs of theirs. 1. ANTI FEMINISM - Nationalism 2. Chemical Pictures - Praparat 3. Calmando Qual - erotic+grotesque+nonsense 4. Charlotte - Yokohama Love Story 5. Kameleo - Shinjuku 6. Urbangarde - Skirt Kakumei 7. SEX-ANDROID - Tokyo Systematic 8. JInkaku Radio - Dekiai 9. Dazzle Vision - VISION 10. THE PIASS - FOOLS! GET LUCKY!! I'd say my list is pretty varied~ Oh gosh. I had such a hard time picking a favorite from this list. It was either between Chemical Pictures or The Piass heh
  8. digi

    Crying over the mini album yaasss But another DVD?
  9. digi

    welcome~! One Ok Rock is quite awesome
  10. digi

    Music is bleh But the little blondie in the vid is quite the cutie
  11. what is this shit omg I love it.
  12. digi

  13. digi

    This release is simply flawless. But then again, Melt Banana has always been consistent with amazing releases. This one in particular, is my favorite at the moment, with Bambi's Dilemma coming in as a close second. Which is kind of saying a lot, considering Bambi's Dilemma has been my No. 1 for quite some time. One thing that brought me to love Melt Banana was their vocalist and I'm glad she still has that same quirky, high-pitched sound that keeps bringing me back for more. I had quite a hard time picking a favorite from this album, but I'd have to say "Infection Deflection" is my personal pick. The guitar-work is just fantastic. Not to mention the bass, which really brings out the best in this song. It really gives you this old Melt Banana "vibe",for lack of a better word. Overall I believe this album really deserves a;
  14. I decided to listen to that swan thing by 12012 because I haven't cared about them lately and WOW IT WAS ACTUALLY GOOD.

    1. Akc-Hrm


      You could also listen to the previous release "Deicida Of Silence" and the album "12012".

    2. orangetarts


      I dont remember the last time i cared about 12012 tbh

  15. unfff yes It's about time something GOOD gets released this year.
  16. digi

    Hmmm...Yeah...Not much of a shocker. But it's still kinda sad because they were one of my favorites when I was younger
  17. digi

    Glad I could help! You're very welcome
  18. digi

  19. digi

    It's called a bolo tie I'm not sure what the brand is or anything but I hope that helped!
  20. digi

    Oh god. Where do I even begin. I have this one really awesome memory relating to SEX-ANDROID, but that'd take a whole book to write. If I had to share one though...... It was about 2 or 3 years ago. I got to meet one of my best friends, that I still cherish till today. (MollyMouse) And if I hadn't went into that chat room then my life would've been so different. I'm really glad I did. I remember going to her Hatena profile and seeing some of her posts involving Aicle and X Japan etc etc and I was like WAIT AM I DREAMING??? Since barely anyone on that site even knew about Vkei. I pretty much freaked out to her. HOLY SHIT YOU LIKE AICLE TOO????!!?? And that, ladies and gentleman, is my best memory relating to music. Our music tastes literally made us best friends.
  21. Nice to hear that everything is shaping up the way it should~! If I wasn't such a youngin' and uncomfortable with my skills, then I wouldn't mind joining as bassist. Anyways, I hope everything continues to go well, and I'll be looking forward to hearing some songs as you guys move along
  22. digi

    Welcome! Nice bando list
  23. digi

    ugh damn i wish i could go ;;
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