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Sakura Seven

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Status Replies posted by Sakura Seven

  1. ichiro looks so good with avelcain, they should join VOGUE Entertainment, and be a big sex music making family.

  2. just bought moran's latest signles so look forward to a decent rip of those i guess??? okay bye

  3. visual kei metalcore > outside metalcore because they are both weak but japanese sounds better hehe, maybe they win with the breakdowns though.

  4. memento mori vs sadie, blitz vs the raid.

  5. kufufu tonight goy fucking great, still need avelcain though.

  6. so do you like never check your messages lol? Please check your inbox !

  7. im thinking a chainsaw will help me find my inner brutal

  8. GodZilla come back in 2014, can't wait for this reboot !

  9. Today I got many many touhou metal stuffs. time to rip CDs~~~

  10. Maybe some touhou fans are confused about Undead Corporation's Toho Complete Box, I assured that there're 48 tracks different from the previous version (remix or remaster) and 2 brand new songs. other 35 tracks you could just throw them away if you have the discography of UC before...

  11. Cardfight: Come my avatar i break ride Yuuki(Lycaon) over Satsuki(RES), gaining 10000 power +1 critical, call Karma(avelcain) to the reargard. my vaingard attacks with Karma's sup, skill karma adding 10000 power +1 critical, Yuuki limit break with Karma support and satsuki in the soul at the same time +20000 power and 3 critcal, go Royal punishment! *pulls out a nullify* sacrifice the rest of Lycaon binding the nullify. I win :P

  12. Cardfight: Come my avatar i break ride Yuuki(Lycaon) over Satsuki(RES), gaining 10000 power +1 critical, call Karma(avelcain) to the reargard. my vaingard attacks with Karma's sup, skill karma adding 10000 power +1 critical, Yuuki limit break with Karma support and satsuki in the soul at the same time +20000 power and 3 critcal, go Royal punishment! *pulls out a nullify* sacrifice the rest of Lycaon binding the nullify. I win :P

  13. I'm so proud for Wicked Teletubby interviewing Toshiya in Japan https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BewUY_cCAAAVboF.jpg:large

  14. Listening to some of my favorite music that I haven't heard in a few months. All of a sudden, I'm hearing new little details I never noticed before. Best thing ever!

  15. I need new drumheads. found two sellers on Ebay stocking the ones I want, but both of them have a bad feedback. :(

  16. ...why Of Mice & Men started to making these stxpxd songs? nu-metal doesn't fit you Austin...

  17. I'ts 69F/21C outside right now...aye, this weather needs to fuck the fuck off.

  18. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Sure did *Lelouch-sama laugh*

  19. Arlequin vocalist does those inhales (a bunch of vk bands are doing) best. Zou is the proof.

  20. I always thought anime was better then real tv shows, but the tv shows ive been watching have been giving me orgasm that i havnt really got from anime. might have to rethink that thought. hmmm

  21. Get to shoot with pro skiers: +1000 points

  22. The animal brok the chains, Del Rio pay the bill !

  23. is their a japanese ver of waveya?

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