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Sakura Seven

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Status Replies posted by Sakura Seven

  1. I'm so excited about the new Lycaon singles!!! Hopefully they'll be great *u*

  2. When people start a counter-argument with "meh," I immediately dismiss them and their worthless opinion.

  3. was just listening to Lycaon and realized, no other band will ever come close to their greatness, Yuuki-sama has a barrier around the throne room. I'm so glad i am able to truly hear them.

  4. where can i find old jpop i really want globe's self titled ?? help me please

  5. Can not believe how these haters keep talking about グリーヴァ copying Diru over and over , again and again , it is just insane :-/

  6. Can not believe how these haters keep talking about グリーヴァ copying Diru over and over , again and again , it is just insane :-/

  7. Guys guys guys guys guys! It's terrible music Tuesday. TIME TO BLAST SOME KEY PARTY UP IN DIS BITCH!! http://youtu.be/rEOIxp-0crQ

  8. V bye-bye ^^v

  9. OH BOY GUYS! I got a new laptop so now I can be a fulltime jerk on MH again!! :)

  10. Rupaul is gonna appear in Lady Gaga's thanksgiving speciallllll yaassss

  11. Great & nice seller! My single was well packed & the shipping was pretty fast. Thank you so much, I'll come back. ★★★★★

  12. why do men think they can treat u like a mugbwill u nobwat go fuck urbdelfs better off wiv the gals cantbdobwiv headbfucks u no who u are tosser

  13. greeeeen, you got the best music taste of almost any female I know. We gotta get married, like, now. But first, I gotta go back to sleep. I'm not feeling too well. :s

  14. White Jesus created VK for all

  15. kemari from taiheiyou belt decided to read my twitter xD THE LUCKIEST CHILDREN wowowowwow

  16. People who say 'this band revives my faith in VK' every time a new band sounds / looks oldschool deserve to be burned alive

  17. I never thought a Jonas brother would look like he could whoop my ass! o.o http://31.media.tumblr.com/95b77856ecada42914d591696d187534/tumblr_mqrjrdGYEm1sw9sclo1_500.jpg

  18. JUST LETTING EVERYONE KNOW: Sadie's new compilation album "THE BOOTLEG -HISOU-" are re-recordings.

  19. Hey, you were the one who uploaded the two L'yse:Nore live distributed singles, correct (Estrous and An Injury by another name)? Do you happen to know what the name of the third single released at the same time was called? Reading the album booklet showed me that there was indeed a 3rd single from that same live with a white cover and was just curious if you knew more about it or not.

  20. DuelJewel are like the P!NK of visual-kei: no one hates them, they just literally forgot about them.

  21. i need 2 get into merry sum1 please give me decent rips of everything theyve done worth trying

  22. I'm so excited right now! :D :D It's a secret but I don't know if I want to give hints. Either it's too vague or too obvious! UGH!

  23. Does anyone remember Versailles©

  24. Senpai didn't just notice me, senpai sent bulge pics

  25. I like how I'm not "Kyo's Mattress" now, I'm just Kyo. Like, fuck yah bitches.

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