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    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from Atreides in MH FEATURED POLL #48: How do you organize your music files?   
    Similar to @Atreidesexcept I also have additional folders for genres and music videos as well.
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to nick in Teinou   
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    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from GLASSCLOUD in GLAM GRAMM@R new mini album " "私"じゃないもう一人の"私"の見つけ方" release   
    This is the kind of batty oshare-kei bullshit I've been needing in my life.
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to doombox in Recommended Tracks: June 2016   
    I'm really enjoying that The Florist album too. It was really hard to pick which song to post this month since both the videos were really nice. I have high hopes for Balalaika, I really liked the 3rd Birthday. ;;
    I'm so glad you enjoyed them. I really liked your pick too, they have a pretty distinct sound. They have this kind of Plastic Tree meets SID thing going on (maybe it's the visuals pushing this connection in my mind lol) and it's really cool! I do hope we'll see more guest appearances by you in the future too. ;D
    @CarmelzorsThose songs sound great! I really have yet to dislike indigo la End but I just can't keep up with Enon's release pace sometimes. 
    @tetsu_sama69YAY MUCC! I really like this single, as usual I think the b-sides are better than the promoted song so I couldn't agree with you more on this one.  I was also happy to see that Luna Sea song too, every time I listened to it I kept thinking it sounded like an anime theme, so I googled and sure enough. XD 
    @Original SakuThose Kankaku Piero and Mowmow picks are definitely joining my library soon. Great picks all around but those two I love!
    @fitear1590 Dat shibilebashir cover gives me life. lol And Pelican Fanclub remain my indie darlings. Wonderful.
    @emmny Great XAA-XAA pick. I like the entire mini but I think "Ooame keihou hatsurei" is my favorite just because they went so batshit in it. lol. DDRM remain faves. And I was digging that VEXENT track too. You are on fire this month!
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to doombox in Recommended Tracks: June 2016   
    Recommended Tracks: June
    Welcome again to our monthly recommendation thread! We return to you with a batch of fresh new jams for summer whether you like fun in the sun or have it made in the shade. We do hope you enjoy.  
    Note: Not all videos may be available for viewing in your country, we apologize.
    @tetsu_sama69's picks
    "Dear:from..." by MIZTAVLA

    Okay, this is just mostly bias because anything Riuki is in, I'm 100% there but really, this was much more than I expected it to be. I was kinda thinking it was going to be more Velbet style but ended up being so much more than just that. The track is full of vibrant melodies without giving into the synth parade of most vk bands these days which is a breath of fresh air. There's a lot of potential here especially since it's a whole different line-up working with Riuki  also new to the scene guitarist Kou working with a group of more experienced musicians from bands such as Serial Number.  Though this is the first track they've release together it's very obvious they've spent time working out their style and I can only hope they continue to bring such solid music forward with their next release.
    "JOKER" by MUCC 

    When I first listened to this single I thought ハイデ (Heide) was pretty damn good and was sure I'd be writing a review for the leading track of this single but instead another song got my attention instead. "JOKER" is a trip of a song that starts out with a happy cheer but once the vocals kick in it takes a much heavier turn. It has heavy vibes of a period of their music that I love them so much for yet still manages to bring something fresh. Once the chorus kicks in you're taken on a emotional musical roller coaster that goes from touching to high energy thanks to the punch of amazing instrumentals and awesome vocals from a well experienced and very talented band.  
    "Limit" by LUNA SEA

    Let's just get right into the meat of this tasty song because LUNA SEA doesn't need a damn introduction and if you haven't gotten to sample their excellence at this point now's a good time to give them a shot. Yes, admittedly this song is of their usual style at first but then the chorus kicks in slapping you across the face with a torrent of powerful vocals and stand-out instrumentals that only LUNA SEA can bring forth. You're swept up in such a strong swell of addicting guitars and rhythm that manages to dig so deep into your mind that you can still hear it after the song is over making you come back for another listen.
    "色の無い空の下 (Iro no Nai Sora no Shita)" by スタア区。(Starku)

    I don't usually get deep into this kind of music because I'm not big on 'oshare' style of visual music especially in recent years BUT one band has managed to catch my attention. Starku was formed from the ashes of Cradle with a few new members thrown into the mix which resulted in an explosion of musical awesomeness that I was in no way prepared for. Their first release 子供ROCK (Kodomo ROCK) was a great listen and had me eagerly waiting their next release. "Iro no Nai Sora no Shita" has instantly won itself a place in my heart from the moment the cacophony of digital notes and rock came from my speakers. This song is a dance rock party that just won't stop from beginning to end that bursts with the energy of Reno's scream in the middle of the track.  If you are looking for a great positive-vibed visual band to get into keep your eyes on Starku!
    @Original Saku's picks
    "雨ノチ、雨アガリ (Amenochi, ame agari)" by 感覚ピエロ (Kankaku Piero)

    This month starts with a bang right out of the gate. Kankaku Piero drops their second mini album Fukanou Kanouka. Brandishing their own form of rowdy indie rock, they lay claim to a very unique sound that is indistinguishable from other acts. In particular I have been dazzled by "Amenochi, ame agari" and its insatiable sounds. This song starts off strong with the vocalist Yokoyama Naohiro showcasing his range and unique style, along with some engrish which I surprisingly don't mind so much here due to me really digging his voice. It continues on into the verses that have a nice head bobbing effect and then the chorus explodes which can only be described as too catchy for its own good. This band is worth keeping an eye on. They have just enough rawness and uniqueness that I can see them evolving into something great in the future.
    "fam fam" by never young beach

    Just when I thought the beginning of the month was lacking in great albums, never young beach releases their second album fam fam. This album brings with it a mountain of good vibes, enough to bring you out of any sour mood you might be in at the time of listening. The title track "fam fam" is the feel good song of the month and creates a very charming atmosphere that just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside and on occasion incites a nostalgic feeling of family and friends. When a song is able to change my mood and uplift me the way this one has then it deserves my full recommendation. If you want to listen to something with great vibes then this is for you.
    "オブジェ (Object)" by ミツメ (Mitsume) 

    Mitsume, no strangers to the relaxing side of music, released their new album A Long Day and with it brought a whole new slew of great tracks to sink our teeth into. If the last recommendation was the feel good song of the month then "Object" is most certainly the chillest song of the month. It opens up to a steady drum beat that soon transforms with the addition of backing vocals and the other instruments joining in. The song overall has this funky element to the sound and gives off the feeling of floating along to the beat. The main draw of this track would be how well it flows along while introducing new facets to the sound the further it progresses all the while still being able to keep that relaxing feeling and not breaking the atmosphere it has created for itself.
    みつめるみつあみ (mitsumeru mitsuami) by フレデリック (Frederic)

    I just recently started listening to Frederic despite them being around for a while. Their music has a strange attraction that really just grabs you and doesn't want to let go. Their new single Only Wonder is no different in that regard. While the whole single is really good stuff, I found myself being strangely attracted to "mitsumeru mitsuami" more than the rest. It is a very catchy number that incorporates a lot of electronic sounds in its make up. Now usually I'm not the biggest fan of electronics in my music but here it is done quite tastefully and they make great use of it to enhance the song. I would also like to bring attention to the amazing use of backing vocals here which enhance the song even further. These guys are going places, check em out.
    "Dr.PANTY" by モーモールルギャバン (MOWMOW LULU GYABAN)

    Okay now we come to a long time favorite of mine MOWMOW LULU GYABAN. The three piece from Kyoto are back again with a new album titled PIRATES of Dr. PANTY. We're pretty much guaranteed one hell of a ride with this one. "Dr.PANTY" is infectious on a whole different level, from the addicting guitar riffs and bass strumming to the sing along anthem like chorus and the great keyboard effects laden throughout the song. It infects you with its fun wacky atmosphere and you just can't help but to love it.
    @fitear1590's picks
    "本能 (honnou)" by シビレバシル (sibilebashir)

    The world has been on a steady downward spiral in 2016, but there have been sprinklings of musical gifts from the gods, now and then. Following in the glory of Golden Bomber's outstanding MALICE MIZER pastiche, an indies visual kei group has delivered an unexpected cover of smash-hit "honnou," by none other than 椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo). I suppose Ringo elitists will see the cover as a cheap copy (the glass panes from the original PV are replaced with plastic wrap), but that's part of the charm. Sibilebashir really have fun with the whole thing, inserting traditional VK crooning with bits of humor. Whether you're a fan of one or both of these artists, I would just love to see more cross-scene covers like this!
    "無限ピクセル (mugen pixel)" by ユナイト (UNiTE.)

    UNiTE. small-scale Beyoncé'd us this week by releasing unannounced digital single "mugen pixel." The song is that special brand of UNiTE. pop: upbeat yet mellow and filled with surprisingly technical guitar bits in the verses. This time, however, everything has an 8-bit sheen. From the title to the album art and the song's chiptune flourishes, the band went all out with the digital theme. One song is hardly enough to tide fans over, but luckily for us, two more consecutive digital singles will follow in July and August.
    "記憶について (kioku ni tsuite)" by PELICAN FANCLUB

    June is apparently 'club' month (Awesome City Club and Helsinki Lambda Club also had releases), but I was most anticipating PELICAN FANCLUB and their OK BALLADE mini album. As the kings of 2015 for me, I tried my best to keep my hype moderated for new music. I'm still processing the release, but I don't think it's quite as good as their earlier stuff (I'll spare you the cheesy pun that it is only 'OK,' because it's much better than that). Nonetheless, there are plenty of great tracks throughout! "Kioku ni tsuite" is a sprightly opener, calling upon the 90s-style fuzz of Yuck and the homegrown scratchy riffs of caroline rocks. Endou continues to deliver strong vocals that stand out in the scene. OK BALLADE may be diverse to a fault, but indie rock fans should find something to enjoy among the generous eight tracks.
    @emmny's picks
    "青いレインコート" (aoi raincoat) by ザアザア (xaa-xaa)

    Yes, Xaa-Xaa wont shut up and yes, it's still good. I'm not too crazy about their new rain inspired concept mini-album considering it sounded just as uninspired as the well worn concept behind it. That said, Xaa-Xaa are still miles above their competition, as "Aoi Raincoat" proves. I like when Xaa-Xaa get metallic, and "Aoi Raincoat" is a doom-and-gloom, sludgy dirge. If you told me this was a Kuroyuri to Kage song, I might have believed you; it's tense, heavy and thick with the atmosphere of rain falling on a dark, empty street. The song unfolds incredibly well, a trademark of Xaa-Xaa's adventurous writing; had the rest of the mini been as sharp as this song, it would have been definite AOTY material.
    "月のうた" (tsuki no uta) by DADAROMA

    DADAROMA have shown off their ability to do jazzy/swing infused deathcore, but something they've been lacking of late is a truly good ballad. "Tsuki no uta" is a turning point for DADAROMA as they forgo cliche saccharine ballad instrumentation for a sharp mid-tempo metalcore number. What makes it so special is Takashi's sharp guitar line: he leads the song with djenty riffage and other cool tricks while Yoshiatsu follows with his emotive vocals. Backed by DADAROMA's brilliant rhythm section, the song packs just enough balls to keep it from being entirely boring and enough emotion to keep it heartfelt without diving into romantic-drama theatrical cheese. Kicking ass while showing vulnerability is pretty awesome; leave it to DADAROMA to nail that sweet juxtaposition.

    Before you guys scream at me over how this trash sounds like Mejibray, DADAROMA, etc--YES I know this is entirely generic, but there's so much cheese to love from VEXENT. All the heavy-kei tropes of recent years come up in full strength: odd symphonic elements, drop-a open string chugging, belting vocals, breakdown, screams that are probably better left off the record, some spastic lead work and incredibly pretty bandguys who you can't help but wanna be mitsu for. Sometimes this combo results in a mess, other times it just...comes together, and that's the case with "THE FATES". The vocalist has pulled a Kamijo-style 180 from the first two singles and went from a nasally bark to a deeper, more resonant vocal--sounding more like Ice (ex-BFN) than a mute 90's indie guy. Still not sure how seriously I take VEXENT, but if they're a guilty pleasure of mine, then so be it; I'm sinning in peace!
    @doombox's picks
    "インフェルノ第1奏(Inferno daiichi sou)" by バラライカ (balalaika)

    After a bout of mystery and intrigue Balalaika have released their first video and it does not disappoint! It's not a huge leap from the members' previous work in The 3rd Birthday, but enough to make "Inferno daiichi sou" stand on its own. In typical visual kei fashion, the song rides the line between speedy growled verses and melodic choruses, but the entire song maintains a ferocity that never allows the energy to dwindle. This is a great first showing from this new band and I can't wait to hear more!
    "shinkirou" by RGN

    The members of Region have regrouped with a new vocalist and a slight name change for their new ep to be released this month. Their previous incarnation had released some interesting melodic hardcore tunes, but "shinkirou" may be the best I've heard from them so far. The new vocalist sounds much stronger; the music is more emotive; it all-together sounds like a much more mature undertaking for them and a good omen for what is to come. And if you like what you hear they have a the song "fireworks" for free download on bandcamp which will also be on the new ep.
    "Marigold" by The Florist

    If you're looking for quality shoegaze music, look no further. The Florist are back this month with their usual lot of stunning sounds. "Marigold" is rather upbeat for the band but that is part of what makes it shine. It starts off as a whirlwind of frenzied guitar strumming and only builds in intensity from there. And if you're wondering why the video is shot that way, it is because the band made it specifically for viewing on your smartphone! So apologies for anyone who might have gotten a neck pain trying to watch it sideways.

    It's taken me some time to accept THE MUSMUS after losing the indomitable powerhouse of the members' previous outfit UPLIFT SPICE. The change in sound was hard to swallow with the seeming loss of their emo and punk influences. But with time and some healing it's plain to see THE MUSMUS actually make really fun alternative rock music. "MARINE SNOW" shows the style has changed but the heart of the music is still just as strong as ever and it's near impossible not to move along with the infectious beat of this track. 
    Guest blurb
    @plastic_rainbow's pick
    "雨、東京。(ame, tokyo.)" by  ツヅキマシテ、 (tsudukimashite,)

    Formed in 2015 ツヅキマシテ、(tsudukimashite) remain a growing VK band that brings a fresh yet old sound to the scene, turning away from the wave of synth-infused bands or dark and heavy bands. Since their formation they have produced songs of mere decent quality, but from their newest single, "雨、東京(ame, tokyo)" exceeds anything they have written so far. What instantly catches your attention upon hearing this track is the strong and kicking bassline. With a complicated bassline like that one can tell that he holds an extensive role in the band. It even makes the mediocre vocals sound likable. Still, everything in the track complements each other making each member stand out. Showing what they’ve been capable of, tsudukimashite are a band worth keeping an eye on.
    That's all for this month!
    Thank you for reading and please share with us your favorite new songs this month in the comments!
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Trombe in INKT new mini album release   
    INKT new mini album (title not yet finalized) will be released in 2016/09, although details have not yet been announced
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Trombe in VAMPS new maxi single "INSIDE OF ME" release   
    VAMPS new maxi single "INSIDE OF ME" will be released at 2016/08/31, although details have not yet been announced
  10. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Jigsaw9 in Phaidia opens OHP + live plans + remastered album   
    Check out this awesome live vid they've just put up:
    Kinda weird hearing Yoshida on such 'pedestrian' drums beats, haha. It's all cool tho.
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to rebelstrik in MUCC new maxi single "ハイデ(heide)" release   
    was posted today on mucc fb

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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Trombe in Metronome will resume activities   
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to inartistic in シビレバシル(sibilebashir) new maxi single "本能(honnou)" release   
    Forgive me if it's posted already, but I didn't see it m(_ _)m
    Seems that sibilebashir (シビレバシル) will release a 2nd press of maxi-single Honnou (本能) on 2016-08-24, exclusively through little HEARTS. and fiveStars.
    This version costs 1,500 yen (tax out) and is limited to 300 copies. Unlike the first press, it includes the cover version of Shiina Ringo (椎名 林檎) song Honnou (本能). [This is the version that they just uploaded on YouTube.] It further includes an unspecified bonus track (maybe the original, non-cover version of the song?)
    Honnou little HEARTS.&fiveStars Gentei (本能 little HEARTS.&fiveStars限定)
    01. Honnou Shiina Ringosama COVER Ver. (本能 椎名林檎様カヴァーVer.)
    02. Ikihaji (生き恥)
    03. SENTENCE・OF・THE・SPRING (センテンス・オブ・ザ・スプリング)
    04. (unspecified bonus track)
    (Mods, please merge if it fits better in the original thread♪)
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to paradoxal in ex-Lycaon Ba.美央(mio) new band has formed   
    @blackdoll I don't understand why you feel the need to comment on news posts that are over 5 years old, and I probably never will. You have the right to your own opinions but you absolutely can't go around insulting other people. It's normal to disagree with someone but we are not 12-year-old teenagers here who insult others when they have nothing better to say. I'm leaving your post visible as a public warning to others thinking about joining the discussion.
    Consider yourself warned.
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    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Alkaloid in DAMY new album "調教 (choukyou)" release   
    DAMY new album "調教 (choukyou)" will be released on 9/7/2016 (2 type).
    Type A will include 10 tracks and 汚物 (obutsu) MV and Type B will include 11 tracks.
    1. 首吊り少女 (kubitsuri shoujo)
    2. 汚物 (obutsu)
    3. 吐瀉と代償 (tosha to daishou) (included in Type B )
    4. 解剖家族の真意 (kaibou kazoku no shin'i)
    5. 溺愛公園三丁目 (dekiai kouen sanchoume)
    6. 撲殺サマンサ (bokusatsu samantha)
    7. 調教 (choukyou)
    8. 故 (yue)
    9. 御別レノ謠 (owakare no uta)
    10. アスペルガー崩壊 (asperger houkai)
    11. 雨音 (amaoto)
  23. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Trombe in LIRAIZO new maxi single "SETSUNAスリップ(SETSUNA slip)" release & Ba.ゼクス(zekusu) will join   
    LIRAIZO new maxi single "SETSUNAスリップ(SETSUNA slip)" will be released at 2016/08/03 (1,944yen), which will include CD+DVD
    [CD track list]
    01.SETSUNAスリップ(SETSUNA slip)
    02.センチフィール(senti feel)
    support Ba.ゼクス(zekusu)(ex-Guilpuppet II-->ホテルシニガミ(hotel shinigami)-->電脳ロメオ(dennou romeo)-->Virgil-->spiv states-->Ladyant Black(support)-->Circus-->SAKURA) will officially join LIRAIZO at their one-man live "強欲(gouyoku)" at TSUTAYA O-West at 2016/07/31
  24. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Chi in R-Shitei's new single "Forest" to be released in August   

    Release date: August 3rd


    S.D.R-297-A / ¥1,800(税抜き)/ CD2曲+MV
    1. forest
    2. 正義のヒーロー
    forest MUSIC CLIP
    forest MUSIC CLIPメイキング

    S.D.R-297-B / ¥1,200(税抜き) / CD2曲
    1. forest
    2. 正義のヒーロー

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