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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Sometimes I look at what I have written and wonder what fucking zombie ass mindset was in...


    1. -NOVA-


      omg thank you <3 so much <3  :hum:

  3. 9am to 1am yesterday, 9am to 5pm today, and 5am to 2pm tomorrow... what is my life...

  4. Just pace myself. I don't have to finish things right this moment...

  5. Let's see if I can get in some music time during my days off...

  6. Just trying to figure out why I feel so discouraged lately...

    1. CAT5


      hang in there, tetsu :hug:

  7. Tonight at around 8pm or so AZ time will be do the thing~

  8. I have a lot of fun with people in dub perhaps a regular friday/saturday night from my room might be a thing. Not sure yet.

    1. Atreides


      Well, whatever you decide you'll see me around. I have nothing better going on anyway ^^

  9. rip in pepperonis dub hopefully will be back to it on my birthday

    1. Atreides


      I just rejoined, did the client crap out for you too?

  10. I have so much music to catch up on... 

    1. CAT5


      September was a BEAST!!!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      it really was. maybe it's a good thing i was on a small break!

  11. Things have calmed down a bit... hopefully it will settle down for good.

    1. beni


      Take care of yourself! I hope you're doing well.

  12. Feels amazing to be a little part of a $9100 fund to help a family who has lost their mother. good job doods.

  13. A bit of Phobia just makes everything feel a whole lot better!

  14. Watching that new RE 7 trailer... HYPE

    1. tetsu_sama69


      I hope it is random that would be amazing. I had a nostalgia attack to the first game when they showed that room with the stairs. The hype is real.

    2. nekkichi


      re1/re2 (oh god nightmares forever) fucked my childhood up so badly back in the day, this thing comes very close so far. I'm hyped but also really way too old for survival horror.

    3. tetsu_sama69


      The nightmares were totally worth it.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  15. Thank you everyone! Will be checking out most of the suggestions, especially the ones I haven't heard yet!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Glad you'll be giving Meghan Trainor a shot!

  16. -kicks the door down- HIT ME WITH A REALLY AWESOME NON-VISUAL BAND!!

    1. Tokage


      listen to Backdrop Cinderella, they're good (or used to be at least, lol)

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


      +1 for Backdrop. Basically merry w/o makeup and no adhd medication



    3. IGM_Oficial
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  17. Time to watch some great shooters and all around great gaming streams! https://www.twitch.tv/maximilian_dood

  18. Happy B-day ORZ brethren @togz and @Peace Heavy mk II Stay sexy!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Thank you <3

    2. togz


      Thank you ;;

  19. Starku = guilty pleasure jam time

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