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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. enter the gungeon is kicking my ass in all the right ways

  2. Ever been surrounded by people and still feel alone? That's how this whole year feels.

    1. madygrain


      I gess it sometimes does suck to be an extrovert hugh?  Stay strong!

  3. every time i listen to Don't be Afraid it's RIGHT IN THE GOTDAMN FEELS

  4. Feels amazing to be a little part of a $9100 fund to help a family who has lost their mother. good job doods.

  5. feels pretty good when your feelings get validated by a family member who usually doesn't understand your side of things...

  6. Finally getting settled into my new place time to get back on the horse and kick some ass!

    1. fitear1590


      Glad to hear the move went well, tetsu!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Thanks fitty I'm ready to get into gear

  7. Finally going back to work after being on medical leave since mid-July. I wonder what it will be like when I return.

    1. cheesy_VK_Freak


      just speaking for myself, of course: I come to the conclusion that the world spinned perfectly without me, and I kind of feel like that about other people in worklife aswell:  at the end of the day, we are all replacable😂

      So with that: no need to worry!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah, I've mostly been like that as well but now that I've had a talk with my boss before my return everything is fine.

  8. Finally got myself a 3DS XL today :D

  9. For those interested MonstlloW made their new single available on US Itunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/id1223996516?app=itunes

  10. Fuck you 2016 give me princess Leia back

    1. PsychoΔelica


      It's hard to keep up.

  11. Get fired from job couple weeks ago, put apps out and continue to follow up, then places start getting backed up on apps and call backs as my state slowly starts to close down again. I'm just glad I at least got my unemployment sorted. This could be a long process.

    1. emmny


      sending you good vibes!!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      Appreciate it @emmny , I really do. 

  12. Getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow....

    1. doombox


      You got this! Little bit of pain but it'll be worth it all after. (I feel you, I've had all of mine removed.)

    2. tetsu_sama69


      These will be #5 and #6 I'm losing the time. But they assure me that they will be the last to get pulled.

  13. Giving my life meaning with these quality Cuartet rips

  14. Go aweiiii sadddd. I don't neeed youuuuu~

    1. CAT5


      hang in thereeeeee, tetsu!

    2. tetsu_sama69


      IMMA DO THE THING AND BE HAPPY!! Also... your dancing liberty made me smile!

    3. CAT5
  15. Goddamn, I had my wisdom teeth removed finally but the pain is still so damn bad two days later... I really hope I don't have dry socket...

    1. freesia


      I had two of mine removed last week. It hurt so much but I barely felt anything after taking the pain killers!

  16. Going to VAMPS on may 25th SUPER HYPED

  17. going to VAMPS this month and if money allows... one ok rock next month... THAT SOME LIT REVIEWS SON

  18. Got 3 hours of sleep last night and everyone keeps asking me how I am alive. I don't fucking know either.

  19. Got a whole dollar raise! I am hype!

  20. got caught up only to get behind with a 40+ hour work schedule... happy holidays?

  21. Got my vacation time! Hold onto your asses ass-holders there's gonna be some fun shit going down!

    1. Tetora


      Nice; also cool bg pic.

  22. Got to check out my new place yesterday, I am hyped yet also very stressed...

    1. beni


      Good luck and be safe!!

  23. Got turbo sick over the weekend and all day my co-workers enjoyed me being a mess on dayquil. It was a fun day.

  24. Gotdamn, I really shouldn't have gotten BoTW... NOW I WON'T GET ANYTHING DONE

  25. Gotta keep my cool because I move tomorrow!

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