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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Happy Birthday!!!

    1. Zeus


      thanks ❤️

  2. My brother may also be having his firstborn today as well. Lots of stuff going on!

    1. suji


      a niece or nephew sounds like the best birthday gift!! congrats!!

  3. I have root canal today. feels weird as hell

    1. Zeus


      i just had a gum graft i feel u

  4. Happy Birthday!!

  5. It was nice to return to work after two and half months of medical leave and so many people were glad to have me back. It was really heartwarming. And they're trying to promote me apparently.

    1. -NOVA-


      Aww thats so nice, Happy 4ya ❤️ 

  6. Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Merry Christmas mate!

  7. Always stan your q u e e n s no matter what anyone thinks of them.

  8. Happy Birthday!

    1. CAT5


      Thank you, beloved! :D

  9. Happy birthday! 🤘🎆

    1. Jigsaw9


      Arigatou, Tetsu-sama~

  10. Just spent the last few hours playing Carrion and goddamn that was good. If you like metroidvania's and horror/sci-fi then play it.

    1. Demivee


      Thought about trying it out yesterday. Your shoutout sounds promising! 😁 

  11. Sewing is a lot more calming than I remember it being.

  12. After watching REIGN's first live preview I'm even more excited to hear what their first single is going to be like.

  13. 2014! So much to look forward to in the new year with some great releases!

  14. Listened to REIGN's first single! Sounds fantastic! I hope they continue with this strong sound!

  15. I would say something but doesn

  16. Wow good job alt tabbing self

  17. My dragon magical girls. yes and more yes.

  18. Finally might be getting the position I want at work :D

  19. I've become a hypocrite today haven't I

  20. Trying to think of who i want to change my signature picture to. But I like Lamina so much at the same time...

  21. 50 hours this next week. I will breathe nothing but work all week.

  22. I really need to purchase everything I can of Crimson Shiva...

  23. Messed with my signature but now it has this empty box in it? Whatever is that about? o.o

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