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Posts posted by peffy

  1. I love video games! I first started playing on the original Nintendo when I was 4 years old. Nowadays I am super obsessed with Playstation trophies, so 99% of what I play is on PS3, PS4, and Vita. Japanese RPGs are my first love, but I also play a range of stuff like action, open world, adventure, visual novels, western RPGs, indie stuff, and so on... I do not like competitive multiplayer, anything that's first-person, and anything that's "too hard". I have limited playing time, and dying over and over (or practicing so I can "git gud") is a waste of time!!!


    I have just reached the epilogue of Witcher 2 (playing on PC with a god mode cheat, because "easy" was still too hard, lol). I am also working on God of War & Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate on Vita. The next game I start will probably be Lightning Returns so I can laugh at the dumb story.


    I am currently SUPER HYPE for: Tales of Berseria, Wattam, Dragon Quest XI



    You can stalk me by clicking on this. (please don't actually stalk me >.<)




  2. Voted "neither"

    I've never been into manga.. I really disliked the black & white art, lol.

    I loved Sailor Moon as a pre-teen, and I got really into other anime in my college years (yeah.. i'm getting old). I usually watched a couple of episodes with my roommate during meals. She made me watch a lot of crappy shows. After college, I didn't feel motivated to keep watching anime (and maybe I outgrew it).. Nowadays, my time is completely occupied with VK, video games, and my job(s). 


    Random facts:

    The soundtrack to FLCL (featuring the pillows) is what got me into Japanese music. 

    My favourites are Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Azumanga Daioh, School Rumble, and Suzumiya Haruhi something something.

  3. The nostalgia-kei / homage-kei / Dir en grey references are completely lost on me, because I've heard very little VK released before 2009 or so, and I never liked the few songs I heard from Dir because of Kyo's vocals. It seems like everyone talking about Grieva has to mention how much they copy old songs, which is the one aspect of them that I can't comment on.


    I still really like Grieva for reasons beyond my comprehension. (though I seem to agree with the popular sentiment that Shuuen wasn't that good). Oni to Kage blew my freaking mind after 2 listens. This mini doesn't reach that level but I do like it. I've only listened 3 times, but the thing that made the biggest impression on me so far is the bass work. Props to Hisame. Bass is my favourite rock instrument by far, and I really appreciate when it's used prominently.

  4. I don't usually translate lyrics, but I felt particularly inspired by this song and it didn't seem too difficult to do. I did this fairly quickly (15 minutes) so it may or may not be slightly inaccurate, but I trust you'll get the meaning of this song. Feel free to correct me.

    Kanji & romaji available here




    "Red Bathroom"


    Let's make red rain fall
    Let's swear "forever" right now
    From me to you, as I have feelings of instability
    I want you, I want you, I want you
    Please look only at me
    I'm sorry, I'm sorry
    I killed you because I love you
    I want you, I want you, I want you
    Please accept me
    *squish squish squish*  Dig it out
    With this, you only belong to me, right?
    Disconnecting pieces. Does it hurt?
    La la la la
    I want you to look only at me
    I'll decorate the room with your eyeballs
    I'll put out your leftover pieces on garbage day
    In the bathroom, singing a song, painting it red in a secret ceremony
    As you lie there unmoving and covered in red, I copiously pour something white on you
    In the dead of night
    Why shouldn't I kill people?
    Dad and Mom didn't teach me
    Even I fell in love with somebody
    Though this is the first time I felt this way
    If you won't understand, I don't want you
    Die die die die
    My favourite white shirt got dirty
    Let's bury anyone who interrupts us in the garden
    With this, we are alone
    In the sweet dead of night
    That girl looks good too. I want to kill her.
    The unending rain, I'll fall in love again
    In the red rain, I'm alone again
    In the dead of night

  5. ^OMFG Thank you so much!! Looking forward to you posting the lyrics on your site *_*


    Sorry for the wait! My copy *finally* came, I'll be posting the lyrics within the next few days =)

  6. Pentagon all the way.


    This is probably an unfair judgment. I haven't heard any Chanty other than the video in the first post... but that song sounds very boring to me. And I'm not really feeling their singer, which makes me uninterested in hearing more from them.


    Pentagon might be a derivative band, they don't exactly do anything new, but I love the vocalist. They also released one of my favourite songs this year, Suisai (from either type B or C of Shounen Waltz, can't remember which). Such a heartfelt, sweet song about returning to his hometown and regretting/missing a past love (i think...? i'm no translator). Almost makes me tear up every time I hear it. 


    ... plus, major bonus points for Minpha & the bunny mascot. So cute.

  7. Bump! I also request the lyrics of their latest album :)


    I ordered Dekisokonai no Ringo from CDJapan, but it's currently back-ordered. Hopefully they'll be able to get it for me, then I will post the kanji/romaji at my site.

  8. Before I got all visual kei, I was all J-pop, and would occasionally decide to check out a solo K-pop artist. Mostly R&B types, such as BoA, K, TaeBin, G-Dragon, Lexy, Lee Hyori. I very rarely listen to them now.


    But I really really REEEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYYYYYY can't stand the big groups. It just looks like the ultimate trash to me. (same goes for the equivalent J-pop groups like AKB48). I guess it could be mostly due to my personal dislike of group vocals. Also, I personally don't like the way the Korean language looks and sounds. No offense to any Koreans who may be reading this, sorry.


    ..also I really don't like the makeup some K-pop guys use. The typical short hairstyle with the heavy black eyeliner/eyeshadow.. ehhhh it doesn't do anything for me. They look like a weird half-step between boyish and lesbian. If you're gonna put on makeup you gotta go all the way with different colours, extravagant hairstyles and maybe costumes. Like visual kei. 



    ..so I voted "I do enjoy it from time to time." although those times are all in the past.

  9. Here's to hoping he sounds better than he did in most of Velbet.


    Though after hearing Jin's new band after Nega disbanded, I've lost hope in Visual vocalists actually trying to better their craft.


    That's a silly generalization. There are lots of examples of vocalists who improved/changed their vocals over the years. Several bands I listen to, I think the vocals sounded like crap in their early releases, but eventually improved to "listenable" or even "great". However, I will agree with you that Jin didn't really change at all, and Riuki was pretty bad in VelBet (in my opinion), so I also hope he has trained his voice more.

  10. Here is the only one I knew about before this thread..  kinda surprised it's not here


    Ken けん (ex. And-eccentric agent- bass) & Ibuki 威吹 (D=OUT guitar) are brothers (possibly twins?)


    Actually, I don't know if it was ever confirmed officially. It's just something I saw on some fan blog years ago, googling it brings up a lot of people who seem to believe it. (currently at work, so it's too hard to google in japanese) They definitely look alike, anyway. 




    Here they are wearing each other's costumes:


  11. I voted English only... it's the official language of the area I live in.


    My second-best spoken language is Chinese (Cantonese) but I have a very limited vocabulary. I learned from my mother and a few Cantonese-speaking friends. It's a very common language in my city.


    My second-best written language (well, mostly reading) is Japanese, which I have been teaching myself for the past 10-11 years via music, video games, and anime/dramas. I still don't consider myself good enough to do things like translating. I can't really speak it, because there are very few native Japanese speakers around here that I can practice with.


    The government forced me to learn French in school for many years but I retained very little of it.



    ...based on all that information, it's probably not too hard to guess where I live.. lol

  12. My parents don't really care about music at all, except to complain that my speakers are "too loud" sometimes. My walls are covered with the bonus posters I get from CD Japan, and my mom will sometimes stare and ask "is this a boy or a girl?".. She will also give me disapproving looks every time I get a new parcel from Japan. (Her family lived in China during the Japanese occupation, so she generally dislikes Japan...)


    As for my brothers, cousins and friends... sometimes I post videos on facebook and talk about why the song is amazing, but nobody ever comments, and nobody ever asks me about music in person. They all know I only like Japanese music, they all don't care about it, and they don't want to listen to it or hear about it. =(

  13. I don't usually read reviews or write my opinions on music.. but I'm bored at work and I just did the romaji for this single...

    Despite their shortcomings, Mejibray is possibly the most popular VK band right now (based on the number of page hits their lyrics get at my website, compared to every other band). They would probably benefit from having fewer releases and spending more time fine-tuning each song... they are only 4-ish years old and they already have 74 songs listed on my site. But they (or their label) are probably rolling in dough by flooding the market with stuff while they are popular. 


    I'm not going to give up on them.. they still occasionally put out songs that I really really REALLY like, it's just a matter of sorting though all the piles of average/bad/forgettable songs. And I'm always interested in seeing Koichi & Meto's new looks =p  As for Tsuzuku, I would never call him a "good" singer, but I appreciate what he does with what he's got. I feel like he goes out of his way to sound more terrible than he needs to, and I'm totally ok with that for some reason. (except for the pig-squeal thing, it's just not my style)


    ..that said, I sort of like Eiki, the atmosphere/overall sound of it gives me visions of someone lying on the ground, bleeding to death slowly.. alone in a desert at night... and sure, let's put the titular moon in the sky.. (sorry, my imagination goes to dark places) .. And I do like how Tsuzuku sings it. Sounds like the desperate screams of a dying man. I can dig it. 

  14. That's where I ordered it. I tried ordering it from Brand-X, but they said they were sold out and forgot to update their system. I had to order it from Like An Edison through CDJapan's shopping service. I didn't check out Pure Sound, though. Maybe you can get it there... Or maybe Paradoxal found another place. 


    Thanks! I couldn't figure out if Pure Sound had international shipping, but you gave me the idea to check Closet Child, and they had 1 used copy. It's my first time ordering from there, I hope it goes smoothly =)

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