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Everything posted by patientZERO

  1. patientZERO

    Nothing about this band is pleasing, except for that sample. They're like the inverse of most VK.
  2. I talked to the recruiter today about my questions about the job she pitched me and I ultimately filled and she pretty much called me ungrateful and said I should be glad I got any position with my resume ...

    1. Mamo


      Fuck her bro.

    2. patientZERO


      @MamoNow I don't know if I'm going to go to work on Monday and get the boot. Ultimately, it wouldn't be a huge loss since I don't see myself working there long-term, but it was nice to have a relatively easy job to provide income will I look for a more permanent position. 

    3. Mamo


      I see well at least if that does happen it's not huge loss as you said. I wish the best for you in the future in that regard.

  3. patientZERO

    I like the second cover!
  4. patientZERO

    That drummer needs to invest in a metronome.
  5. Holy shit dude, 大好き is great! There's a copy on Mercari for 4,500Y. Please tell me you didn't have to pay damn near $50 for it. It honestly might be their best song they've released in ages. The breakdown got me DROPPING!

    1. Mamo


      I only paid $3 lol on auction. And yeah  I think "Daisuki" and "ARBITER" are their best releases. So glad I got this.

    2. patientZERO


      Good! It's a great addition to your collection, especially for that price!

  6. patientZERO

    That's my history with most of the lyrics from the band. Haha
  7. patientZERO

    My mother taught me that if I have nothing nice to say, then I shouldn't say anything at all. So ... I'm out.
  8. patientZERO

    I'm not sure how I feel about this song. They seem to have gotten pretty stale lately and it's short, especially for a TesseracT song.
  9. patientZERO

    There are kiosk machines in convenience stores like Lawson, Family Mart and 7 Eleven that you can buy tickets to. The Loppi machines in Lawson are super convenient because you can search by L-code, which will pull up the event directly and you can buy your ticket through there. You have to input your name and a phone number (I just threw in a random number) and it'll print a slip. Bring that slip to the counter and they'll print your ticket right there. Conversely, you can buy tickets online as most lives use eplus or a similar system, although I have no experience with that. You also might want to shoot @Suuua PM or DM on twitter as V STAR PROMOTION is also helping gaijin acquire tickets to live events. I worked with them to get to Deviloof's free oneman last year, so you at least have one success story here.
  10. patientZERO

    They've been touring like crazy lately, but it's still been too long since they've released anything of substance. I'm so ready for this.
  11. I wasn't legitimately calling you out. Just using your comment as parody, hence the goofy gif. No worries!
  12. Me when it comes to sharing any opinion in a Dir en grey thread:
  13. patientZERO

    Damn that's embarrassing. I was a fucking proofreader. And yeah ... I was really hoping they wouldn't do live-limited releases. I'm already getting their single, so looks like I'm in for the long-haul. My daily Mercari/YahooJP searches will now include SARIGIA.
  14. SARIGIA has announced that at their live on 2018.4.15 celebrating Natsu (gu.) birthday entitled "April Summer Day" they will release a live-limited single. No details regarding the song have been announced yet, but with several songs already posted to their YouTube channel, it's obvious they have a few to chose from already.
  15. patientZERO

    Taki is charismatic as fuck, but I still don't know how to feel about an envy that is sans Tetsuya.
  16. I wonder if this is one of the new songs I heard when I saw them last year. I'm hoping it's the heavier track and not the ballad-y track ... because who likes ballads as singles?
  17. patientZERO

    It's odd that they recorded a different version of the song for a store-exclusive bonus. Now I need to try and track that down ...
  18. patientZERO

    You don't saaaaaaaaay?
  19. Happy Birthday suji-saaaaaaaan!

    1. suji


      thank yoooooooooouuuuu!!! ♥

  20. patientZERO

    Is that JILUKA DVD just an off-shoot of the OMELAS PV?
  21. There's lots of GazettE rips coming out of the woodworks lately, so you'll love stuff from ゴシップ (gossip). Also SARIGIA hasn't released their first single yet, but they're sounding super promising. I would also further recommend anything by DEZERT.
  22. patientZERO

    Exactly. They know their sound and they've done it to a T for their entire life as a band. Maybe Noah just wants a change of pace.
  23. patientZERO

    They could be opting for a drastic change and he's not willing to ditch the shinto-kei that they play.
  24. patientZERO

    They have yet another new look. Individuals:
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