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Everything posted by patientZERO

  1. patientZERO

    This band just can't keep manage to keep it together. Literally.
  2. patientZERO

    I haven't been on twitter much lately myself, but I started following all the bandmen when they opened theirs and he was occasionally active. He's since obviously gone and deleted all that though.
  3. patientZERO

    Well, hiroto has deleted all his tweets except for three, one that's his profile picture and one a picture of his drumset, with the last being a retweet of the playthrough video he and Seiya did of the Lamb of God cover ...
  4. Wow! I haven't listened to them since penguin e.p. but will definitely check out this new release! I thought they were long gone by now.
  5. patientZERO

    Seiya was indeed their main composer and I feel that maybe with having Ray join there was a bit of head-butting between creative minds. Seiya even tweeted at one point that the members of DEVILOOF don't get along, so he often has to practice alone.
  6. He didn't embezzle money. He found a wallet on the road and instead of returning it, he used the money, which is still a crime and considered stealing.
  7. patientZERO

    The whole video is a parody of oburero sakana, which is a DADAROMA song and the whole song itself is a joke on the VK culture and fandom.
  8. patientZERO

    Keep pumping out the good tunes boys!
  9. It's a pretty generic "sorry for those looking forward to seeing the whole band, he plans on performing his best with just three people, etc."
  10. They're probably going major and/or getting a new drummer. That would be awesome!
  11. patientZERO

    I'm guessing they censored a bunch of stuff to try and make the band seem more risque than they really are. I mean, one of the words they censored was "AV" (meaning adult video). They also censored him jacking off the microphone. So my guess is they're just trying to make themselves way edgier.
  12. All of the censoring in the DADAROMA Live DVD is laughable. Damn are they good live, but why censor every little thing in YOUR OWN RELEASE?

  13. patientZERO

    Making it the same date as JILUKA's album. R.I.P. wallet.
  14. SARIGIA posted on their twitter that guitarist Natsu's Twitter and Instagram accounts were both hijacked and then deleted earlier this morning. It seems that his Twitter account is restored, but they're still working on getting his Instagram account back.
  15. patientZERO

    Please! You're great as always Kathy!
  16. patientZERO

    Oh, stupid me. I didn't bother checking their twitter. I got the LINE message while I was at work, then got home all excited and then saw they were dead and sank deflated into my bed. Haha
  17. patientZERO

    The new links don't seem to work either ...
  18. SARIGIA sent out two links via LINE for their last to songs they posted on YouTube, but the download links don't seem to work for me. Maybe I have to be in Japan?

    1. patientZERO


      Yeah, they posted on their twitter that they'd post working links at a later date.

    2. Shmilly


      I wonder if they'd be kind enough as an apology to share all of the old songs again too...

    3. patientZERO


      That'd be good. I know I got two of the three that they posted before, but missed the first one (I don't remember the title).

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  19. patientZERO

    While this is a disappointment, I think they're in good hands with Kei.
  20. patientZERO

    I'm not saying this to be negative as I really like Fixer, but they honestly can do better, so this is probably for the best. I don't know what involvement he has with the writing process, but the guy could not keep up during live performances.
  21. patientZERO

    I would hope they weren't working late, but then again, people work ridiculous hours in Japan, so that hope is probably lost. The festival was a Christian music fest in New Hampshire called Inside Out. I went in 2011 or 2012 to see a bunch of bands like A Plea for Purging, For Today, and Hundredth, but it really was a drag. Add to that the fact that I'm not religious, so I should have expected this. Haha
  22. So they're still on Bloom records, huh? This whole band change wasn't to dump their label I guess.
  23. patientZERO

    I went to an outside festival thing once that didn't allow moshing, crowdsurfing, or jumping or pretty much any other bodily sign of enjoyment. Mind you this was a metal and rock festival ... it was not a fun time. It was held on a ski resort mountain during the summer and they didn't want to mess up the grounds or something.
  24. patientZERO

    It's a digital distribution! Snag that shit, yo! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/black-pig/1367139329?i=1367139335
  25. Regardless, gimme that raspy ass growl! I'm staying optimistic.
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