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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    For crying out loud... they better come back, they're so solid in their tune )=
  2. Thedane

    Darn it, i hope they wont disband, their demo was so promising!
  3. Thedane

    Seriously, if ANYONE knows how to get this (other than of course buy it at their concerts) i'd like to know, since i'm very interested in supporting them ^^
  4. Thedane

    They will forever merge together? i actually hope they'll stay away from eachother, XIBALBA is epic, varbarossa is just... meh xD
  5. Thedane

    That's so sad, they have been so silent for so long, i really hope they wont disband )=
  6. Thedane

    Amazing news! I'll look hope for a new release soon!
  7. Thedane

    AGITATOR and Dizzy you sounds WAY more interesting than blasted animals, shame they'd make a mix like that.
  8. Thedane

    Not saying it's true, was actually just meant as a follow-up on your comment, simply joking Whatever the mans reasons are for leaving, we are not meant to know, he is a human being, just as fragile as any other one of us, as well as just as shy about their privacy.
  9. Thedane

    he considers difficult to continue musical activities due to environment and his mental factors
  10. Thedane

    Aw i'm sad to hear that, i hope Tokami can/will continue onwards without him. Point for honesty!
  11. Thedane

    Da fuq... Nothing to do here, please call once Girugämesh returns to this planet.
  12. Thedane

    The B type is the most tempting one for me as well, if they'll upload some samples for pity me, and it turns out to be just as heavy, i'll be in deep doubts! My plan was to get this demo (thinking they'd be full songs) and then buy the a type and have all songs, but... didn't turn out that way ^^''
  13. Thedane

    In danish, we have a saying i find very fitting! Narrefisse, which roughly can be translated to "False/Fake pussy" They promised us sex but delivered an punch in the face instead!
  14. Thedane

    Complete samples from their demo released a few days ago. lQiD2c0Cx5k
  15. Thedane

    Okay based on what i could find, this might be it. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=TDV-20416D Seems plausible, but i need some sort of proof.
  16. Thedane

    UnsraW played in a movie? Which, i must own it XD
  17. Thedane

    I actually thought they'd do some proper heavy music... guess they did the quite opposite...
  18. Thedane

    Omg.... fail Oo
  19. Thedane

    NEGA sold THAT less copies.... darn... i actually thought they were more popular than that :/
  20. I'm interested in RedruM, Virulent and shouD. What would you say is fair, since 5500 without shipment and so on, is a lot of money for me ^^ Also, do you have blue, go wrong...! or 哀切 by Virulent?
  21. For those who didn't buy, it's a great deal, will without doubt buy this, depending on the amount of cash i have at the time being ^^''' xD
  22. Thedane

    Omg amazing! I'll give that a go at the end of the month ^^
  23. Thedane

    BTW! Where can i find their stuff, other than their 2 first maxi singles and that one-coin thingy, there must be a place!
  24. Thedane

    Aw sad, i really liked some of their songs :/ Isn't he in like 2 other bands? Or is it "just" AMARANYX?
  25. Thedane

    Wish i could get their stuff )= they're awesome!
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